Maxed out Man

Episode 66 - Authentic Chords: Striking Balance in Music and Masculinity - Bradley Clark

Kevin Davis Season 1 Episode 66

In this conversation, Kevin Davis interviews Bradley Clark, an executive producer, content creator, and musician. They discuss Bradley's background in music, his transition to the business world, and his journey of redemption after losing everything. Bradley shares how he found his calling in ministry and music, and the significance of receiving his stepfather's blessing. The conversation also touches on dealing with tragedy and finding the strength to move forward. Bradley Clark shares his journey of rediscovering music, starting a band, and finding success in the music industry. He also discusses his transition to the corporate world and the creation of his show, Work Your Career Wednesday.

Bradley emphasizes the importance of having a strong spiritual foundation and being authentic in sharing one's faith. He highlights the hunger for authenticity in today's society and the need to stay true to oneself. Bradley also discusses the significance of blessings from a father's perspective and passing on faith to the next generation. In this conversation, Bradley Clark and Kevin Davis discuss the importance of blessings and father figures in their lives. They discuss the significance of blessings from fathers and the role of fathers in protecting and fighting for their children. They also touch on the need for reverence and defined roles in relationships, as well as the fallacy of toxic masculinity and toxic femininity. The conversation concludes with a call to action for fathers to bless their children and for individuals to embrace their worth and value.


  • Bradley Clark has a diverse background in music, business, and ministry.
  • He experienced a period of loss and redemption, which led him to pursue his passion for music and ministry.
  • Receiving his stepfather's blessing was a significant moment in Bradley's life.
  • Bradley emphasizes the importance of finding strength and moving forward after experiencing tragedy. Having a strong spiritual foundation is crucial for success in any field.
  • Authenticity is key in sharing one's faith and resonating with others.
  • Balancing performance and authenticity is important in music and worship.
  • Being true to oneself and living righteously are essential for making an impact.
  • Passing on blessings and faith to the next generation is a significant responsibility for fathers. Blessings from fathers have a significant impact on children, providing them with a sense of worth and value.
  • Fathers play a crucial role in protecting and fighting for their children, both physically and emotionally.
  • Reverence and defined roles in relationships are important for creating a strong foundation and understanding of each other's needs.
  • The concept of toxic masculinity and toxic femininity is a fallacy, and it is important to embrace healthy expressions of masculinity and femininity.

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Welcome to maxed out man helping you
become the man you were made to be hey guys this Kevin Davis from the
maxed out man podcast we're already having a good time here today uh I'm going to be here with my good friend
Bradley Clark before we get started I want to remind you to go to MaxOut uh and we have some serious
stuff going on right now we've got all kinds of uh courses challenges uh we're doing some coaching we've got some case
studies going so check us out on MaxOut follow obviously the podcast don't forget to rate and review hey I'm
going to give some background here on Bradley and this is just a snippet of how awesome he is but let me give this
information and then I'll let him fill in the gaps uh Bradley's an executive producer and content creator at white
husky films where captivating and inspiring content is crafted across diverse platforms with over two decades
of experience in recruiting in the recruiting realm Bradley has adeptly guided countless professionals towards
their dream career paths while fostering enduring client relationships so he does
some awesome executive highlevel recruiting he was honored with Christian gospel album of the year in 2014 uh I
think you said and is also a seven time nominating nominee for songwriting and producing uh which is amazing also
passionate about empowering others Bradley channels his insights and wisdom into work your career Wednesday uh which
is a podcast dedicated to unpacking career development personal growth and industy Trends and side note evidently
it helps you when you go to the ER and need to circumvent the security and and
line queuing to be to be a very popular podcaster in your local area and and
otherwise so hey Bradley man I really appreciate you joining me we have become uh Fast close friends uh we have a lot
in common and and just have a real great connection so I'm super excited to come here you know with have you come here
with max out man we do you know we're like educate Inspire entertain and I think all these uh I think we'll hit all
three of these today uh we'll probably have to make sure we don't do a a Rogan three-hour podcast while we're at it um
so uh but hey you know I really appreciate you being here and hey fill in the gaps on what I gave I mean that's
just a snippet of the awesomeness that you are I mean you're a musician
songwriter producer you have great hair I just got my haircut today um my hair
was a little bit higher before the podcast I had to tone it down a little bit why you let it go yours yours yours
yeah yours is looking good I don't quite have that length yet I'm growing mine out but um so well you can't grow it out
if you keep cutting it you got you know well now here's the deal I had a I had a podcast with a a guy that's a
guq worldwide award-winning Barber right and so and so he came on he's like dude
why do you have the same haircut every guy your age has which is short on top
shorter on the sides called me out and so I started growing my hair out like my hair grows fast so like I grew it it
it'll grow an inch in a two months inch and a half and so I've been growing it out so it's substantially longer than it
was so uh but but you know so we'll we'll see I'll let it keep growing a little bit and I don't know that I can I
don't know I can pull off the height that you can honestly yes you can I love it it would good great your face is
great with it and could do the my thing is man I have had like some
version of a pomodoris guy like like this thing the
TCB that was made by Elvis's personal Jeweler nice like L
Hayes you know what I mean I love Elvis uh family connections with uh people in his band and stuff but uh for a while I
was doing the Caesar you know what I mean like the and then the little at in
the front I was doing that for a while like early 2000s stuff like that I had that I had that right and then and then
I just was like you know what that's cool it was nice on a hot day but I'm
doing my thing I I I had never like gotten a fade you know what I mean like I always wanted a fade right I just
never got one and I'm like man I'm grown I'm hey I'm an adult now man I'm gonna
do and so I started doing the FAS and my barber let me tell you right now I just want to shout her out her name's Jasmine medell
uh she's got a shop called uh gold medell see that gold medell uh uh barber
shop in Houston uh talk about an amazing Barber
I'm gonna tell you right now she's worth every penny she's not just a barber she's a therapist I mean really you know
what I mean and uh and I just I just love her to death but she's been she's been taking care of me for years I have
obviously I have to go back to I've been a little busy we've had I don't know busy doing a show and doing this and
doing that um but yeah man fill in the blanks so I uh so we got the show worker
career Wednesday which you have been on and I gotta tell you that was an amazing show uh whenever YouTube throttles you
down for you know something about talk you know what I mean and we didn't even talk we was talking about being a man
you know what I mean and so so that was great um but uh so we started the show
in 2023 we go into how I started it but um
I was uh my mom was a gospel singer my dad was an evangelist and so I was the I was the
preacher's kid right but music was always around our family um you
know just you name it right we in California you know right in a little
town next to Berkeley California across the pond from San Francisco we would
have like jam sessions right and the way way we'd have my grandparents house we have my aunt's house and so the way it
would work is we would be singing Christian Gospel or a really just gospel you know like country gospel and uh my
my my grandfather was an amazing songwriter I mean amazing my dad was an
incredible guitar player I mean incred he played Chad Ain Style on Country
Gentlemen yeah and uh and so we would have these jam sessions we' have these hippies you know walking by in their
birken stocks and they would just stand there and listen they wouldn't come up but they would stand there and listen
and I remember one time I went down there and I was like hey how you guys doing you know being the you know social
butterfly I was and they said oh hi I said you know that is just great Roots
music that is roots I'm like look you obviously don't know where we're from uh
well I mean if if if there's if there's anywhere in the United States that you think gospel it's Berkeley and San
Francisco right like that's that's the that's not exactly the birth place of
it's not the Bread Basket of country gospel music but uh you know what I mean
but but you know all my all my family are from um you know going from
Texas you know South Carolina North Carolina Virginia and West Virginia so
so my grandparents were from West Virginia in a little town called Grafton
and uh if if you kind of like get a get a feel of of the influences from there
talk about Bill Withers yeah West Virginia native and you know his really
if you think about I that was country you know no matter how you slice it it it was country you know just with a
little bit different twist to it but anyway yeah so music was always a part of my life man and uh and the ministry
was to you know my there's my family various a lot of them are in the
ministry but we're you know we're you know diverse too you know you know hair hair stylists and and bankers and uh my
my my my C I call her my cousin niece Kristen cuz man I grew up that's nothing
like Uncle that's not like Uncle dad is it that's a no no no no no you did say you did say West Virginia so oh oh to
the heart to the heart no no well see when I was growing up my my
aunt's kids cousins right but they were so much older than me they were always
Aunt Debbie aunt Pam yeah and I was confused when I was a kid I'm like wait
a minute because you know when you're in school they kind of teach you how to do the you know the uh third cousin one all
that stuff yeah and I'm like wait a minute my Aunt Debbie and aunt Pam those are my cousins that don't make sense so
I said when when one of them has kids they're going to those kids will be as confused as I was and so they were I was
all so I'm Uncle Brad right but she's the uh she's VP sales and marketing for Jersey miks I just had her on the show
she's got 20 stores that she owns uh well her her husband and uh and then she
has a group of owners um and she's doing great I mean there's so much diversity
in what we do but really all of us are are rooted in the ministry and so you
know I did my thing I was uh I was the quintessential preacher's kid so you
know awful angry you know especially when my parents got divorced and you know what I mean like it was a thing so
I rebelled but my mom uh you know always wanted me to to to to go into the she
saw me in my first rock band and we man we were killing it and she couldn't get
behind it because it wasn't you know it wasn't the ministry well anyway you know fast forward you know I I I got married
I got divorced uh did very well in the business world I I was introduced to recruiting I did great there um and uh
but I was still trying to play music you know what I mean I was still trying to do something with it and I'm just the kind of guy that I can't do things for a
hobby like I don't have hobbies I feel like if I'm not doing something that's
going to improve me or help improve someone else or something like that you
know what I mean like I can't do Hobbies I wish I could but I can't I guess well I collect art and kind of an uh like
presidential stuff like the Kennedy stuff back there you know that's an iart from World War I that kind of thing but
at the end of the day it's like I just don't do Hobbies so it was hard for me to to kind of go from the business world
and still stay in music but I did as much as I could had had a lot of success there played with some of the Great
uh greatest musicians uh ever but it was still one of those things where you know
it was fun it was a lot of fun but then when the part when the show ended you
know that's why a lot of these guys keep partying I keep doing destructive things because that you want that thing to stay
you want that adrenaline to stay you want the you know what I mean and so so
I did a lot of things and I ended up had
uh lifechanging money and uh you know earned it in the business world and
different things different Investments I had and I ended up losing it all and uh so by the time I'm
30 um I had I had been to several Mountain Toops and boy I was in a valley
and so at that point um you know my family you know got behind me and I
ended up doing a Christian discipleship program and when I say that that means me you don't have any money and you lost
all your insurance and you can't go to the you can't go to the ones that I went to you know what I mean like I went to
some pretty Posh you know I went to a rehab one time as a
vacation I'm telling you so you you that that makes you official Hollywood right
that's brother that is a fact I really did and and uh and so so anyway uh
around that time um I'd always felt the call in my life I was as far as like the
partying I did well I can't it was actual I never did it with people like really like if there were there was very
I didn't want that image I didn't want anybody to to ever say they saw me do XYZ but then again like there were very
few people that that knew about it but that's why they couldn't understand why
you know it's like why are you making such weird decisions like why are you doing why are you giving money way to to
this why are you know you know what I'm saying like why are you wasting your money and your time and this and that
and um I it's just so weird to talk about it
because it feels it was a lifetime ago and it just feels like I'm telling somebody else's story but you know it
just well I mean at the end of the day it kind of it kind of is right like it's if you've changed you are telling you
are telling uh someone else's story because it's it's a different version of yourself
right such a good dude yeah absolutely
so around 31 um I'm in this program and I'm like
you know what I want to actually learn what I've believed for so long you know what I
mean I would the people that I did you know drink with or whatever we would
always talk about God like I'm sure you know if you're trying to do something bad and you got a guy that is always
talking about Jesus all the time I'm sure that can get annoying you know what I mean like yeah like we're doing this we're not in church I'm like yeah but
you know if you look around God and can you believe that God did this for us and all that and uh and so so I I decided I
really wanted to to hone in and get to know the Lord right and
so I uh I did that program uh successfully and uh I ended
up going to Seminary and while I was in seminary now you gotta be I was in the music business for a long time like
either I was if I wasn't performing I was writing but I was investing in in
different artists in different um like Production Studios and stuff
like that you know and uh I I I it got out it got out that I
did that and I didn't want anything to do with the music in fact I hate the music business if there's one thing
about my life that I can say the music business for me is a kin to like getting
a root canal on every Tobe like I I'm good I can't stand it but um it got out
that you know I played with so and so and blah blah blah and I I was in this I was in this uh this class with a Kenyan
Pastor his name was Pastor Martin mangi he uh he pastors the church in Sacramento called uh House of Glory
and um he comes up to me one day out of the blue and he goes blood blood it was
always blood right BL blood blood you have to come to my church you have to
come and I said well I would love to he said no no no you do not understand you have to come to my church you will speak
and you will play and I'm like I mean are we being prophetic here like like what like what's happening you know
right now and he says no no no we have a watch night for people don't know what a watch night is people come to the church
um and you you pray and you worship and there's sermons and stuff like that all
night you you're you're not locked in the church but it's like an all night thing and then you stop when you stop
and they were doing it for two nights and so I had I I'd spoken before but I'd never done a sermon I mean I was the kid
that would listen to my dad um uh practice his sermons
and I would be the little kid because as an evangelist you have two or three
right when you're you know what I mean and when you're selling a book you know you know what I mean and he is doing all that so uh but that was the extent of it
and as far as gospel music goes it would be kind of like Elvis would do you know like you you'd play with with your
friends and it would I would play yeah man I grew up on this you know I thank God for the lighthouse you know I mean
stuff like that yeah and uh so I said okay I'll take it and I put
together this little band my drummer is a guy by the name of um Pastor Jose Rodriguez and he was associate pastor at
Samuel Rodriguez if if you guys don't know who that is at uh he's pastor of uh
new season Christian worship center he's got a couple shows on TBN but he's also working with an with an old classmate of
mine Devon Franklin and he's produced a few movies um so it's really kind of
interesting how it all kind of happens but he was going to that church and and uh
uh I I was married to Erica and then she was singing backgrounds and I had a guy named Chris Mitchell he was playing bass
and I was playing guitar and the first and so I called my mom and she brings
everybody right and I'm like this is my first sermon you know what I mean like I'm speaking for the first time oh my
gosh and I called a friend of mine and I said I didn't know this but I think I need an armor Bearer like I don't like
like he goes he goes all right man I I'll come I said I I I just need you to give me my
Bible like I don't I I guess that's what you everybody does right like that's you know so she brings my stepdad who's like
a peripheral Catholic you know at best uh her my mom my Aunt
Joanne Uncle Mike and you know a couple of people and I do my first sermon and
I'm like this I'm I'm looking down the whole time I'm looking down right I'm like oh yes and then God said
and when we talk about you know whatever it was I don't even remember what what I spoke on and uh so then when it was over you
know we did our set I spoke and then it was on to the next and then I went back and my my dad died when I was
14 uh Paul Clark and I'm sorry Dr Paul Clark I wouldn't want to get that wrong
sorry um but uh but he died when I was 14 and he
you know when you get to a certain age as a man you know your your Dad gives a your blessing his Blessing I never got
that because he was I mean I always knew he loved me but I never got his Blessing you know like a blessing like you like a
father gives a son you know and in the AG tradition like that's a big deal you know Assemblies of God and so as you
know right and so it's it's a big deal and um so I go back and now my stepdad
Vince oh he was was great and he saw me through a lot of the turmoil that I went through he saw me he saw the whole
shebang and he was a bass player he played with like whole like a whole bunch of jazz bands played with Santana
for a while like but he quit music and he went to be he was a carpenter like
and he was a fantastic Carpenter like the things that that guy could do was amazing and I go back and I talk to him
I said well you know what what did you think and my mom was oh I'm so proud of you and I'm like yeah but I didn't look
up so I knew she was critiquing that but but Vince looked at me and he he grabbed
my hand and I remember I was sitting in the in the Rob in back of him and he he
goes full circle and he grabs my hand he had strong hands he was a little guy but he was strong strong hands you know
grabs my hand and he said Brad I'm so proud of you I am so thankful that that
you're doing what you're doing and I want to tell you now I've never expressed this to
anybody he said Bradley I give you my blessing as my
son I give you my blessing as my son I love what you're doing keep doing
it I will always be there wow you have my blessing he said I'm not sure where
you and Erica are right now but you have my blessing for her as well H more than
happy to talk to her father wow that's pretty
cool so I told you Jose my drummer was associate pastor was Samy Rodriguez
right I went up to Pastor Jose and I said I think my I just got this feeling
I said I think my dad I think he's going to give his heart to the Lord tonight he said really I said yeah he goes well go
lead him and I said man I'm not qualified to do that I'm not I'm not
qualified I said UT you are and Jose he said man I think you
should do it I said I said respectfully please do it I think this is the
time Kevin he gave his heart to the Lord that night nice three months later he was with him oh wow he was in a he was
in a car accident fatal car accident and uh but the you know the
just the timing of everything was incredible mom's a
wreck she can't talk to anybody none of the insurance people you know and there's a whole thing like if you if you
make a like the the trucks uh uh uh the
wheel of the trucks the tire came off I made a divot in the road so you're charged for that divot you know what I
mean so I had to deal with everything I had to deal with all of that and the very first call was to a girl uh at
and I'm talking to her and she just starts sobbing and I'm like I'm like honey
what's what's the matter and I said and she goes well it's just so sad it's so I
said I know and I didn't tell her really I just told her the facts of what happened none of the other stuff none of
you know any because I mean why would I go into it's not like you bring that up to every customer service agent exactly
you know and so she says uh I said well I said let me ask you this I said
forgive me but you know do you go to church that's my kind of thing to ask like you know what I mean you know what
you and uh she goes well I was but I haven't been in a long time and I said well don't worry about where Vince is I
know where he's at and um I said you know what's been
going on with you and she starts telling me different things and I said you know
what are you ready to rededicate your life we're going to do it on this phone call
Vince brought that girl to the Lord and I'm gonna tell you
right now I've told this story to I don't know tens of thousands
of people and even more are going to hear it now he's brought more people to
God than he in Death than he could ever have done in life that's pretty awesome
and what sparked for me and it was funny because you know now I got the bug again
to do music and to play music and you know maybe I could actually do something with this and I remember saying after
that phone call I said you know if you know if Vince's story brings one person
to the Lord I'm okay and I it was almost like a shot of lightning just like bam it hit me upside
my face really hard I actually moved like I felt something physical like hit
me upside the head and said no that is not what I called you to
do you will do what I'm GNA tell you to do and um and so then I I ended up uh I
I you know I finished school um and I put together an amazing group and I we
we we had a television appearance and we didn't know we didn't have a name you know I
mean it was it was my Aunt Debbie's television show she brought us on and I said I don't know call us Bradley Clark
band and I don't know if my band mates really love that but but that's what
ended up being and so we ended up putting out a couple singles ended up putting an album out um uh made some I
think some pretty good uh deals and ended up winning 2014 Christian gospel
album of the year and then I'm and I've worked other artists including my own stuff I'm a seven time nominee for
producing and songwriting and uh and you know all of those years playing rock and roll you know uh it's
kind of like you know well again with Elvis you know he won three Grammys all for gospel music right you know what I
mean and so so you know in that you know for all of the years of recruiting and
making money doing that and then you know and we moved to Houston and I end up going back into the recruiting industry and you know that's sort of
where work your career Wednesday came about um I was working with an AI company uh they dissolved
recruiting um after very successful sent with them worldwide you know I mean 20
going into 2023 Tech was getting kicked in the teeth and so recruiting is first thing to go they didn't need it they
didn't need to do that I mean they have they they have ai to do it of course you
know what I mean but um but uh but I started a show called transcend your
career Thursday and when I left I was a little salty and so I said you know what I'm going to take my show you you can
have that one but I'm going to start work your career Wednesday and um and so that's where that show spawned out of
but you know at the end of the day uh you know filling in the blanks you ask
for it so so uh there there's a reason behind all of it you know and the thing
is is that when I decided you know because I mean God can call you to do something but you have to decide if you're going to do it and with the music
I feel like I was sat down um became more you know my whole thing was I'll do
music and I especially you know when I when I when I went back into it but it's
it's god- centered obviously but then I found out that it's not you know and the
business is the business and it will always be the business so so that's where a strong spiritual Foundation
going into anything has and I found that out
quick um but and then when I went back into the
corporate World um you know after the music became
more about me and less about him you know it was kind of like the opposite of what John said you know what I mean and
I thought that's what I needed to do that wasn't correct and then um you know
going back into the corporate world um you know it's funny we we've lived in such a day and age where uh you
know your faith is something that you don't share or you don't this and I'm just like look here's the deal this is
me if you don't like it that's cool I'm never going to be disrespectful but this is what changed my life it changed my
heart and if you're interested is to know why I'm telling you that you're awesome every day because I truly
believe that you're awesome because you're you're you're you were formed and you were knit in your mother's womb to
do something extraordinary then I'm going to tell you and here's why but you know I'm never on my soap
box but if I don't keep God in the center of
what I'm doing then it it it it becomes too much about me and that's what work
your career Wednesday has been focused on is we're I'll talk to anybody and
everybody the one thing the one constant in all of them and we're
talking about Tony Busby NFL former NFL Stars you know I've had a lot of sports
people you know professional athletes Prof you know people that are work in the front office all of them have a strong spiritual
foundation so if you're trying to to be successful you need to do what successful people do and the thing is if
you don't have a strong spiritual Foundation I don't care what you do it's GNA end up not going
well well it's like having a compass missing the needle right and and U
th% yeah it's hard it's hard to know what direction you're going if you don't really have that true north and a buddy
of mine runs actually a Ministry for men called True North man and and um it's
it's something that he really talks a lot about but not having that and it is interesting I've learned more and more
people are less afraid to talk about that and I mean it's kind of crazy because the Greg Lori has been talking
about this segment that Joe Rogan did and I can't remember who the guest was but Joe Rogan was talking about God and
Jesus and the need for those things and we need Jesus yeah and and Joe's not a Christian like he's a he's a spiritual
guy clearly but his spirituality leans into the you know a little bit into the
little green men territory in in a in a lot of ways I mean you got to start
somewhere but but I think that he's a great example of being able to talk about things because even if you and
again on this podcast I've had a great opportunity to talk with people that are complete opposite end of the spectrum of
me yeah but still have a great conversation and and like I'm not upset about their position or their belief
system and they're not upset about mine and and I think it's great to be able to talk about it Kevin you know what's
funny though and what I I'm so glad we're talking about this so um I was
watching I was I don't know I was on Tik Tok or Instagram or something like that and I've SE American Idol there's this
kid on there what is his name Tristan something and uh he's up there and his
song that he sang to get I I don't watch the show but that was the thing he
needed to go through to the next round right right and he sings an original song that he wrote with uh somebody that
goes to his church and it's like look you better get wrapped up in Jesus like he was
unabashed and it's like you know we come from generation where uh a lot of that
is you know I mean if it doesn't involve Crystal and Beads and you know some I
really want to get in touch with the universe you know if it doesn't involve that I mean even when I was when I was
playing rock and roll uh I took the ENT the old school
Entertainer position where I don't want to alienate half of my audience so I'll
keep those things to myself if you ask me about it I'll be honest but you know
I I guess I'm still in that we a little bit you know what I mean because again I get I get just like you you get
presented opportunities to share the gospel it's it's not that you're out there you know
prizing it just happens I don't know how it happens but it just does
and but it was there was always that block you know what I'm saying like yeah it was always that thing where oh well
you know you don't want to talk about don't talk about politics or religion and I think we're in a situation now
where and you tell me what you think we're we're looking at people
so tired of lies that they'll swallow a half truth
and say it's tasty you know what I'm saying like we're there so when you're when you feel
and you know these podcasts when you're talking to people and they are they're real they're authentic and you don't
have to be bombastic or say a bunch of cuss words or you know I'm going against the grain and I'm real it's just your
you're who you are oh my gosh that resonates so much
and if who you're are who you are is rooted is
rooted in your faith my goodness it says that you will
know them by their fruits we always look at that as we'll know them by their fruits we'll know them by their bank
account we'll know them by their influence we'll know them by their XYZ
but hold the phone hold the phone that's great and that's a byproduct of hard
work and that's a byproduct of walking out what you do but hold the phone some
of that fruit is are you denying the very presence of what got you there are
you going to deny someone your story are you gonna
deny the the essence of who you are for the sake of not offending people heard
of a church the other day that they don't want to do Resurrection or say the blood of Jesus for the unchurched I've
been in that situation that's a good story if you want me to tell it but I've been in that situation and I'm telling
you it never works being authentic what Marcus talks about well his podcast you
know authenticity is key yeah and we have to we have to get that people are
starving for it like like like they like they found a well in the desert m
and then all of a sudden they feel you know what I can be authentic and I can be real and you know what I can be
authentic enough to say I need God in my life this billionaire is talking about
this and that and the other thing what's the common denominator with
me the Lord yeah and then you know with this podcast in particular like you know
I'm I'm unabashedly I talk about my faith all the time but this is not a Christian podcast like I'm not you know
if if people are here you know men I want people to learn be inspired and educated and all that and I want to show
people the things about my life and have great conversations with people and you
know a central component of my life is is my faith obviously that's right and so I talk about it but I don't like and
and I'm my assumption is that the people that will resonate and listen to this are not offended by that they may not
share that same Faith um which is you know that's the at the end of the day that's that's the choice right like
that's my thing is if they're if they're offended that's got nothing to do with me you need to ask yourself why you're
offended yeah I mean this is my life yeah if you want me to talk about about
my life and the and the struggles that I've overcome and how I've done it fantastic that's the way I did it yeah
and if you're offended by how I did it Miss me you ain't paying my bills that's right know hey I do want to
ask you a couple things I want I'm I'm curious um just this is for my own
curiosity but when so you were performing effectively because you're
you're up you're up singing playing music at this event and then so you're a
performer in that case and I assume you didn't do that with your head down but then when you went to go speak your head
down and you had no confidence I I'm curious about that because I think as men we a lot of and I'm going to try to
wrap this into into this as as well but I think I think as men we a lot of times
have those kind of like we're really good at this thing but we suck at this thing like we we aren't able to bridge
those those two scenarios very well and it and it it kind of spoke to me a little bit in way you were describing
that because one of the things we talk a lot about I've done worship I I used to lead worship I played guitar and worship
in the worship band and have actually LED worship by myself for like five or six months at a small church but there's
this dichotomy where one of the hardest things that I think people that lead worship do that are natural performers
which I'm not actually a natural performer but they struggle to not
perform right like when when you're leading those gospel songs it actually is a bit of a struggle to to lead people
without performing for people but and so that all that to say I'm curious about
just how walk me through some of that mentality and your your fears and and
your self-consciousness and all that so that night again you know I mean
this is my first sermon right yeah yeah and so I I had all sorts of things going
on in my head you know remembering you know even a little kid remembering my dad's speak and the way he did it and
you know he was very he was a teacher um you know he was an author he
was an academic as much as he was a uh know a preacher you know what I mean
yeah so he did it a little differently than I do you know that I you know what I mean but
with with I had all sorts of things going on in my head and I and I felt honored that I was behind that desk you
know I was behind that sacred desk but I was super nervous too yeah I
mean it's like oh my gosh and one of the speakers that was after me was this I
mean he had a robe on he had the thing he had a beautiful gold chain with the c
oh man it was so and I'm like whoa this dude is like hardcore who am I you know
it was like that whole thing again like who am I to do this you know like I know what I can do behind a
guitar but what am I gonna say and the second night was the night I wish
everyone would have come because the second night was awesome but as far as as far as that
went you know I I grew out of that I grew out of sort of the shine and for me you know this is another
thing that that people have a misconception about is that you know it's not a performance for me but as far
as performing goes you know again am I not going to be
who I am because someone's going to think I'm performing or am I going to use the talents that God gave me the way
he gave them to me yeah and be me you know and if people think that that's a
performance cuz I had a struggle with that you know too I didn't want people to think it was a show you know like I
would I would tell my I would tell my mom when I would get booked around the country you know I'd say i' say oh yeah
man I got a I was still using I got a gig music vacular and I'm like yeah I
got I got a gig in St Louis and then you know and then I'm I'm gonna do the TV show and then I'm gonna do and she's
like it's not a gig it's not a show okay it's a service I'm like oh
yeah I know so I had we're not allowed to use that we have to use what experience we like all
these all the modern churches have changed the vacular again right know can't say Church Serv anymore I I tell
you what I will tell you that story uh before this show is over because it is
awesome but yeah so I had to come to come to the realization that like for
example my wife Erica she's an incredible worship leader the way she
put together a worship set when I mean she and she's LED worship all over the world literally South Africa Greece no I
mean you name it um like her and her band would sit around and go and they
say what's God telling you today like what what what did you experience this week you know what what what's God
showing you this week and they would formulate their set based on that and
they were phenomenal musicians right so they were to do that I wouldn't call
myself a phenomenal musician I can get by and there's a few people that like it but you know you only need three chords
when you're talking about Christian music anyway maybe throw maybe throw a you throw in a fourth with B minor and
you're all set right and I know oh oh yes and we're gonna we're gonna do the prayer somebody
get somebody get on the keyboard because we gotta have the pad yeah there you go right yeah
you know put the smoke in there yeah you know and the Lord is speaking to your heart today yeah you know what I'm
saying yeah so when somebody would and and starting to experience all that and
if someone would have the audacity to come up to me and tell me that my that that that my set was a
performance after that missed me yeah you know what I'm saying so I I had to
come to the to the realization that you know I perform in a way that that
God lets me yeah you know it's Lively I
am everywhere you know like if it's somewhere where Bradley Clark band was booked somewhere it wasn't that I was
doing that because I was trying to put on a show I was doing that because man I
could feel it I could feel the anointing I could feel that God was doing something I could feel it in the room could feel it it was like almost there
were sometimes Kevin where it was like a it was like a oil bubble yeah just you know
um so so I don't worry about that I think that
people I think it's a valid concern because you don't you people don't want to be fooled
anymore right you know what I mean like they don't want to be fooled they don't
want the I mean they they just don't want
their heartbroken again and so when they're looking at the musician
and and even as the musician and you're looking at that look if you're I was sat
down because at one point I just wasn't living right and so I couldn't get up on
that platform not a stage the platform has become a stage in a lot of modern
churches okay but I couldn't get on the platform and do the things that I was
doing on my personal life I always said that I never wanted to be the reason someone uh relapsed or someone backslid
I don't want to be that reason I don't want to be the reason somebody says you know what uh I was really into into uh
you know trying to be a Christian but your example you know who are you to be
telling me and blah blah blah blah blah yeah so I I wasn't sat down by a man I
literally was sat down my God and I had to think about that and beyond all of
the Accolade beyond all of the you know the the album of the Year award was a big deal for me because of all the
struggle I mean I was nominated for uh I was nominated for song of the year and
we group of the year but I wanted album of the year it was enough to be nominated but I wanted album of the year
and we got it but you know beyond all that all those Awards and all that stuff
told told me was that our music was resonating with people right and so I
can't if if I go on the platform and I don't perform the way God's leading me
to perform then I'm being inauthentic just the same way if someone
goes on stage and doesn't or goes on a platform goes on stage whatever they're wherever they are and they have to dial
it back or I'm sorry they have to they have to force it yeah you know I mean okay
everybody clap let's go okay know hey hey sister Judy you ain't clapping okay come on now okay you know and we're so
worried about the sound and my in ears and the lyrics and the this and all the technical stuff but we're not worried
about what am I singing yeah what's the anointing and somebody feels like they have to push it that's just as bad as me
having to dial it back yeah it's inauthentic yeah so that's how I got over that because I did have that fear
but that's how I got over it it's like you know what the lord gave me a gift and I'm going to use it to the best of my ability if I don't then I'm I'm I'm
not being real yeah and then I actually am a phony yeah yeah that's that's a
good point I want to ask you too about this blessing thing like I I didn't I'm not assembl as a God or anything like
that so this was not something and I never you know my dad and I still have a good relationship my parents divorced
when I was six and um he remarried and and all that long huge story in my
background but um it's like w in an episode of cops if anybody you oh my gosh
so that's kind of my background but um but I'm I'm interested like as dads or a
lot of dads that are listening to the show I have to get my my my uh I'm about
to lose I'm about to lose my power he's getting getting his laptop charger I'm
getting my laptop charger I am so sorry but that suck is almost gone you're good oh steady wait a
minute do we take commercial breaks we do not take commercial breaks oh my gosh
well we're going to get closer to the situation this brought to you by a 65 watt Apple charger available
everywhere um boy I tell you what hey hold on Erica if you uh if you feel so
inclined uh I would not mind help at the moment got it okay you're good I think we're
plugged in we're good to go we're good to go yes all right sorry man we were literally about to oh you're good you're
good um what I what I was talking about is is I'm interested in this whole blessing from a from your dad kind of a
thing you know we've got a lot of dads here that that are not you know we we have dads of all of all ages and ranges
and Faith systems and all that kind of stuff but I'm curious to know like what it was about that that was so
important I know there's a a tradition involved there I didn't grow up as sybles of God or in a church that that
um had that as kind of a foundation obviously there's a Biblical Foundation you know in the Old Testament and Beyond
yeah uh for that but explain to me your feelings behind you know kind of missing
that originally what it meant with that uh that man gave it to you and how we as
dads can pass that along to our own Sons and Daughters right like I only had
daughters so like how do we pass that along logistically and you know
faithfully and and in a way that will benefit them uh in all of those
ways so um I remember there being okay just like
a um like a dedication right um like there would be like this you know the
service where you know people you know bring their sons and you know would they
would uh okay and we're going to bless this young man you know usually around
13 but it's a little bit like confirmation I guess in in the Catholic the Catholic
Church like confir yeah exactly and so so but for me you know I never wanted to
have like the the experience but just like you know um who would we
say uh Jesse bless David right or you you know what I mean like there was a
there there's a it's a tradition that I'm not sure a lot of
people observe but for me it was a big deal for one you know my my mom and dad
divorced when I was younger and then you know she was she got remarried to
somebody that you know uh wasn't great and then when she married Vince you know
here I am I'm just a very angry kid you know and I felt almost like like I was a
little forgotten or I was a burden or I was a bother you know what I mean and whether or not that was true is
irrelevant that's just how I felt you know what I mean with a lot of it but I always thought you know I always see
these these guys you know with their dads and you know was just like wow you know you know I mean I have my
grandfather you know what I mean it's not like I was void of male influence you know but it was
one of those things where just as a i there was this H cartoon called
Superbook that I was allowed to watch when I was a little kid and it was a cartoon about Bible stories and stuff
and I will never forget it there was that time where there was a there a story in the Bible where uh there was a
son um that that uh oh it was the Esau and Jacob thing Jacob and Esau yep Jacob
and Esau and it was such a big deal that the blessing it was such a big deal that a
brother went to Great Lengths to
fool his father to get the blessing from Esau it was such a big deal Oh you mean
steal it from his brother Esau steal it from his brother yeah it was such a big deal he put on you know to the the stuff
to make it you know feel like it was Esau you know what I mean disguised his
voice took advantage of the fact that his dad had very poor eyesight and I always thought wow that's
a really big deal and then I found out that in the Clark family you know that's a that's a big deal too like the father
will bless the son and I always I felt cheated I felt
like you know if my mom and dad were getting back together I felt cheated I felt like man you know they were talking
about getting back together I was going to have my family back and my dad dies right you know
um all of these things and I just felt like man and then I'm going to lose out on my blessing and I really never expressed
that to anybody but it really in my heart it always hurt it was it was an
added break you know it was like if the plate is broken in two man get the
baseball bat we're gonna throw it up we're gonna you know what I mean just shatter it yeah and so when Vince did
that I felt that that H that's how I felt like I knew that he was he would
give his heart to the Lord you know in our way and actually observe it I mean I
don't care what you are but if you're going to give your heart to the Lord I knew Vince was the type that he would
really do it and he did when he got started getting into it he didn't quite understand everything but you don't have
to he was on his quest and he was learning he was brighter and then you know truth be told him and my mom 's
relationship was a little rocky but then all of a sudden man they were getting back together and they I mean it was
amazing you know and so when he gave me that blessing you know there was so much that
I felt that I missed out on being a son that couldn't see his
father grasping and my uncle Denzel was an amazing F father figure for me like
that man that man is amaz was was incredible had an incredible impact on my life
still not my dad I would have taken a blessing from him you know right but
it's more or less saying um I bless you with saying that no
matter what I'm going to be there for you um I'm proud of
you um essentially the blessing is whatever I have is yours
right you know not just material but whatever I have is yours you are my
son and the same same thing you are my daughter when your daughters are they
married yet uh one of them is married yes one of them one of them is right so did did it's it really says something
when the the the potential groom comes to the father to meet them to meet you
yeah right that's that's a big deal and when you know not that they necessarily in this day and age need your consent
but when you give your consent and you say I'm you know I'm he's my son now
yeah you're saying that you're because he's married your daughter you've
adopted him as a son so what does that mean you're going to be there for him as you know what I'm
saying yeah and for your daughters you know to bless your daughters you know I
I don't know I think that I think men should be able to do that as well with their daughters but to have that sort of
like have that blessing from a mother and then from both of you it's it's
something that if if I would say if fathers that are listening to to to the
show right now if they're not doing I would say start doing it from
someone and and explain really what that blessing means it means and you you
might already know this you may already know it because the other thing about the blessing is it doesn't get it it
isn't um given unless there's pride in
the sun you're not going to give it just because they're a son you know if he was going to do that then he would have done
it when I was acting a fool but he didn't right right right he didn't he
would have given it to me when I was at the you know the peak of my bank account
but he didn't he did it when my life and my heart were changed yeah and he could see
it that's when he gave me his Blessing yeah so it's not only something that the
father gives his his child it's something that the see that's the other
thing I became so aimless because who cares who cares anyway
yeah you know my my parents aren't together and then my my dad's dead and
then all of this other stuff started happening who cares and I learned a little late that it matters a great deal
yeah and so it's also something for the the son or the daughter to get the blessing from their
mom and dad that says I'm proud of you whatever I have is yours well it gives
that anchor right it gives that that's that's part of the that's part of the anchor we talked about the compass
earlier absolutely but you have to have that anchor that you have that Foundation when I when my girls were
14 each of them which is about the time when their heads started spinning around and they wanted to kill everybody
including us and we slept with one eye open and all that um but I I gave I gave
and you're in Montana right like it's like hide the Arsenal where are we going to do it I'm not sure yeah and so why
did I teach her at six years old to use a an AK yeah oh my God yeah but I gave
them each um whenever they turned 14 this ring that basically says it it it
has a scripture on the outside of it but on the inside it lit it said I will fight for you oh and so other thing I
love that that was the like I wanted them to know that no matter what the situation is whether it's someone that
was trying to hurt them someone that had hurt them uh emotionally what they needed to go through whatever but I was
always going to be on their side and I would be the one in their corner to come out fight right I would
for for a for a for a a a young woman a girl getting that reassurance from her
father I would imagine that would be the same as me getting the blessing from my dad yeah you know what I mean it's
because it's different right yeah um I remember you know no matter who I was
with you know I didn't date a whole lot you know I really I
didn't because I was I had that fear and respect of whomever
I was interested in Dad yeah right yeah you know and that I think that was
ingrained I I was just I was just raised differently you know than a lot of like you know what I'm saying like uh like
you know like you you know I mean it was like well there's a re there was a reverence I think that's the I think
that's the word that our society has lost a lot of in a lot of different venues but um you know there there was
this reverence one of the girl you know kind of that main girlfriend I had in high school um her dad was an army
colonel and um yeah see you just don't want a bad day you know I mean that's
but I mean he was like he was an amazing man like I really got along with him well I was always super respectful yes
sir no sir but which is how I grew up it it's like it might not work out with you right go I really like your dad yeah
well actually her mom and I stayed friends longer than I I dated the girl so um but and the dad the the dad and I
the the mom has passed away but the dad and I are friends on Facebook now and it's been 35 years it's been 35 years so
um yeah man and we interact but but yeah it's that reverence and having that understanding and being able to connect
and and having having all that but I think it's equally important you know in that that I will fight with you with
girls so you know and there's a there's a there's a generalist traditional
statement where I'm going to step in front but I'd do the same if I had sons and with sons I think you also want to
communicate that not only will I fight for you but I will fight with you with you and and I actually think that it's
probably the same with daughters too but it's a little bit of a different um mentality when it comes to Sons like I
don't you and I talk about this when it comes to marriage um I always tell couples you always want to fight back to
back because if you fight back to back there's nothing that can can sneak up behind you right like you you've always
got something you're fighting back to back not face to face each other right
you know so I love that you know we talk about I mean man we're getting real scripture
today um we talk about like putting on the full armor of God right it has it says nothing about the
back it has no there's nothing that says you know anything about armor in the
back and you know I think that's such a big deal what you just said if you don't
have someone that is fighting backtack with
you what do you have really yeah well that's the military thing right like it's I've got your six you know watch
watch your six I'm watching your six and you know that's that's you know what's funny man I was like I was saying I was
looking at at Instagram and and in you know you see all sorts of different you know awful awful things that kind of
make you question like you know any day now it would be great if you could come back like you know what that'd be great
and and you see all I think even I think even people that don't believe in Jesus are gonna exactly they're like you know
what I'm good fine fine I'm ready for it either way I'm ready for you it would be
great it would I mean you know I call me Thomas yeah I mean you know but uh but
but I was I was looking at this these posts and it's post after post of um let
me put it this way too I think the idea the toxic masculinity thing is such a fallacy it's
such a farce it's such a lie we need who who described it like this I
maybe it was Jordan Peterson I remember he said something like a man should be a
monster the Beast knows how tool he calls it Monster or beast or yeah but
under control right a controlled beast that's what you want right that's what
you like you know I'm a softy man but I I'm really not a fan of Injustice I'm
really not a fan of you know and it's that protective Instinct that has been
TR tried to quell it and I've seen so many times where you have these um these
these women who are on this you know this sort of like I would say
tox toxic femininity like toxic uh it's
the it's like performing right it's the performance yeah I'm supposed to be this
uh I don't want to I don't want to cuss but like a a bad um a bad bad [ __ ] I'm
supposed to be a bad [ __ ] go I'm supposed to be a badass [ __ ] right and I'm supposed to be this and so now I'm
going to project what I think masculinity means I'm GNA project
what I think a man thinks like yeah and
then I'm going to be aggressive like I've been told men
are right or maybe they've experienced it I don't know maybe they've experienced a bad guy you know that I do
feel like this what you put out you're going to get back so if you're putting out a lot of negative stuff you're going
to get that back if you're talking like a you know you're dating and stuff like that and your your idea is is that
you're in it for a good time not a long time you're in it for you know sexual
things or know whatever is going to make you happy for the moment you know if if that's what you're into because you've
been hurt so many times whatever it is you're gonna keep constantly getting that until you start to remember I am a
child of God I am a person that is of worth and so if I look at myself not in
an arrogant way but I am someone that that there was time taken to knit me
even through all of my bad circumstances I am a person of worth I am becoming a
person of value I will get those people in my life but if I don't feel that way
and I'm angry all the time and I'm this and I'm that and I I'm projecting what I think someone thinks or feels or
whatever you're going to get that back and I see a lot of these young girls or
young women that are trying to do that and then I at the same time I'm seeing a
lot of the because we're as men we're walking a tight RPP you know if I say
this then I'm this or if I'm saying that and all it boils down to is
control it boils down to where your ethics let's just say not everybody's
been you know given the opportunity to have someone teach them good ethics good manners good all that well you know what
if you're going to find if you're going to find a uh a video on how to change a carburetor I'm sure there's a video out
there on how to have etiquette and how to be respectful you know what I'm saying yeah and but I don't see that I
see men becoming softer and I see women trying trying to
take on the role of this bombastic what they think a man is like and how
they think and it's it's getting so bad to where the pendulum is so far to the
wrong side I feel like it's gonna start coming back around it is I think it is coming
back around yeah I think it is starting to come back around there's a whole new movement called tradwife I don't know if
it's pronounced tradwife or TR trade wife I think it's Trad um trade wife
well it's TR which which is short for traditional and so there's some now new influencers on social media who are
basically saying I want to be a traditional wife and and they're you know stay-at-home moms and stay-at-home
wives and all this stuff so there there appear to be more of that and honestly it's this cycle that no one knows who
the heck they are supposed to be anyway what their role is supposed to be and I think as we continue to be open and
honest with each other about that to say for for young women to be able to say look I'm I like it when you open the car
door for me and and for a for a guy to say I like that too like I it makes me
feel like I'm doing I'm being a servant uh you know loving servant to you to do
that in a in a great you know way and so for us to have those more defined roles I think is um is is the way to go for
every female watching this right now and for every male watching us right now I
want to make this very clear about the car door thing tell you what that's about it's not the fact that you can't
do it it's the fact that we love you so much that we want to make sure that
you're honored when we walk on the outside of the side on the sidewalk and we walk on
the outside traditionally if a woman walked on the outside of a man that
meant she was for sale when the man walks on the inside
that means she's protected yeah now if you if you're with if you're
with a woman that you don't want to protect and you don't care if she sold it then that's between you and her right
but that's what that's about for everyone watching this that's what it's about and makes and just just know that
a man wants to take care of of his woman a man beyond the money aspect we want to
be able to take care of her we want to be able to protect her and you know what she's got our six we want to make we
want to be with a woman that's going to protect us and honor us 100% period yeah I love that I think
that's a great place to land the plane I like to steal that from micro we could talk on for a long time we we'll have to
do this again um how how do we find out more about what you got going on obviously work
um say it again work your career I'm have to come up with with a
better name your career Wednesdays that's the that's the podcast my brain I had a little brain I had a little brain
fart there for a second but how do we find out where to find you what you got going on the podcast everything else go
to uh you go to YouTube work your career Wednesday we're on every podcast platform go on
Spotify give us a rating there go on to Apple podcast I would love it if you could give us a rating and if you if you
feel that we've earned it um give us a review um good b or and different you
know they don't all have to be fives if there's something you feel that we could improve on I want to hear about it and I
want to know about it um let's see where else man uh you know what I could say
you know what Kevin just Google me okay just just Google but but yeah yeah yeah
we're we're on all those uh I think on X I'm using my old bands Twitter okay so I
mean so that's at at B Clark B I think that's what it is at I don't know anyway
um um you look up Bradley Clark band I'm sure there's some things there but uh but yeah please connect with us go to
Instagram uh Instagram i' say at worker Creer Wednesday i' love to connect with you there and yeah that's awesome well
and I'll remind you to uh go ahead and do the same thing for us right rate US and review us here absolutely wherever
you listen to this and go to max out we've got some new challenges coming out we've got a new community that we're working through um to be able
to connect with other men and do some of those things some uh you know marriage man Mission purpose can I can can I say
can I say something real quick go ahead do it your your courses and the the the case set you guys are doing now oh my
gosh every man watching this do not walk run to maxed out man course it is
incredible thanks and you know I've been you know I'm on the I'm on the the Facebook group Y and I've been seeing
the different comments and the videos and stuff of these men I see the growth I mean these guys are killing it
I mean it's been really fun to see you know like it's fun to be the Observer and you know the nice thing about doing
coaching is you know we kind of push it a little bit push these guys and hold them accountable and you know even for
me like I'm a big Fitness guy right but I need a coach because I you know to so I have accountability I have that
guidance I have some help with programming and so that's kind of where we're at but I appreciate that for sure but hey dude I appreciate you coming on
board and uh we hope to see you again soon here oh I I I any time any day any place I
appreciate you so much Kevin really all right take care thank you for having me yeah if you're looking to really
maximize your life and become the man you were made to be head over to maxed out and get your journey started

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