Maxed out Man

Episode 72 - Redefining Success: Beyond Financial Wealth - Clint Riggin

Kevin Davis Season 1 Episode 72

Clint Riggin shares his journey from drug addiction to personal transformation and faith-based ministry. He discusses the importance of consistency, gratitude, and redefining success. Clint emphasizes the need to prioritize physical and mental health, as well as building strong relationships. He also highlights the significance of empowering and communicating with your team. Clint's story serves as an inspiration for overcoming addiction and finding purpose in life.

In this conversation, Kevin Davis and Clint Riggin discuss their faith, ministry, and the importance of rest. They talk about the impact of God in their lives and how they strive to make a difference in the lives of others. They also touch on imposter syndrome and the need to focus on personal growth and improvement. Clint shares his experience in building a ministry and a for-profit coaching business, emphasizing the importance of providing value and building relationships. They discuss upcoming events and opportunities for men to connect and grow together.


  • Consistency is key in personal growth and success.
  • Gratitude for the blessings in life helps shift perspective and promotes a positive mindset.
  • Success should be redefined to include personal fulfillment, strong relationships, and making a positive impact.
  • Leadership involves empowering and communicating with your team to achieve collective goals.
  • Overcoming addiction requires a shift in mindset and finding healthier addictions, such as faith and helping others. God believes in you and can use you to make an impact in people's lives.
  • Building a ministry and a coaching business requires providing value and building relationships.
  • Imposter syndrome can be overcome by focusing on personal growth and improvement.
  • Rest is important for physical and spiritual well-being.
  • Carb cycling and carnivore diets can be effective for body fat reduction.
  • Building a brotherhood and intimate connections is essential for personal and spiritual growth.


00:00 Introduction and Background

02:10 Clint's Journey: From Addiction to Transformation

09:22 Road Trip and Self-Discovery

13:30 Redefining Success and Finding Purpose

21:01 Consistency, Gratitude, and Healthier Addictions

27:06 Leadership and Empowering Your Team

35:13 Faith and Ministry

36:05 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

37:31 Understanding Personal Growth

38:26 Building a Ministry and Coaching Business

44:07 The Importance of Rest

50:52 Finding Your Path and Purpose

54:39 Building a Brotherhood

01:06:09 Limitless Faith Kingdom Builders



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Limitless Faith Podcast:

Living Limitless Podcast:

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so in your case you actually went from the drug addiction part of it to almost the work addiction right it's like let's
let's trade one thing that's going to kill me for a different thing that can
also welcome to maxed out man helping you become the man you were made to
be hey guys this is Kevin Davis from the max down man podcast I am super excited today because I'm going to be here with
Clint rigan I say G to be because I want to remind you go to max out check out what we've got going on there with courses coaching uh resources all
sorts of things I also want to mention we've been talking a little bit about doing some adventure retreats and one of
the ones that we've been thinking about recently is in Costa Rica so if you have any interest in that we have no plans
whatsoever it's just an idea uh so if you have any interest in that shoot me an email Max outman course let
me know you might be interested and uh and kind of what You' like to learn and we'll go from there so go to maxat so hey I'm here with good friend
of mine who is I haven't known very long but I'm already feeling like he's a good friend of mine uh and so I want to give
his bio Clint rigan a dedicated Navy veteran of eight years is a trailblazer in the Realms of personal development
digital entrepreneurship and faith-based Community Building after honorably serving his country Clint's
entrepreneurial Spirit led him to establish Limitless coaching the Limitless agency and the Limitless Faith
Ministry following a period of intense depression that LE lasted eight 14 months Clint experienced a profound
Spiritual Awakening he surrendered his struggles to God and embarked on a transformative 153 day road trip across
the United States this journey of self-discovery and Faith culminated in California where he was baptized marking
the beginning of a new chapter in his life awesome uh for that hey Clint
thanks man for joining us and thanks for encouraging me to go restream we're going live for the first time with Max
outman podcast so I'm excited about that that's that should be super cool so
helping me helping me gain new ground even as we speak let's go Kevin hey I'm
blessed and honored to be here truly and uh I I just after our conversations how
Clint's Journey: From Addiction to Transformation
this all happened I'm just I'm still blown away yeah so let me tell you that tell that story first and then I want you to go into more of your story but so
uh I just got back about a week ago actually I don't even know how many days ago it's been hadn't been that long
right a little over a week ago I was at an event in Miami called redeemed it's a it's a men Faith event that was
completely transformative for me um and for in the lives of like 35 other guys
at this particular event and so I get back it's like you know I'm just crazy
experien at this event God did some amazing things in my life and and as also in maxed out man so look for those
things uh but I get back and I get this booking you know hey Clint rigan has has booked uh on this date we're going to
get together we're going to do that so I started looking at the bio right I'm like dude dude I'm totally going to get
you know get along with this guy this is this is my people right that's why I shoot you an email right I shoot Clinton
an email like hey dude I I can't wait to get together and I I'd love to tell you about this event that I just went to
like thinking that I've got this like super secret thing that no one knows about and um that I just got back from
and so Clint emails me back he's like dude I am seriously currently wearing my redeemed shorts that I got at last
year's event so like the way that Clint came to the podcast was through Victor
who's one of our coaches and and a guy that I work with with maxed out man no
idea who Clint is no idea the connection of redeemed no idea of any of that stuff it just happened so you know there's no
accidents like God put this situation together I'm super excited about that and I should mention that we're not
talking about an event of like 50,000 men that have been to this there's probably been less than 70 men go
through the whole thing and so like that 70 out of seven billion that's a big
that's a big number right so anyway super super amazing we've had another couple of conversations already and so
I'm I'm excited to sit I'm excited to talk to you and uh get this thing going hey so hey tell me more of your story I
know we have a little we had a little bit of technical issue yesterday so I got a little bit of this um but I want
to hear your whole story and how you got to where you are what you've got going on right now yeah 100% uh so I was born
in Salsbury Maryland and then I shortly after that about two years I went to Pennsylvania lived there until I was 17
years old joined the Navy did eight years in the Navy I was Station in Washington state for two years and then
Hawaii for six years and then during my tour in Hawaii I competed in three different bodybuilding competitions I
won my last one the shray classic in 2017 was on top of the world you know
just did something absolutely incredible in my life and then four months later my life shut down you see during that
competition I took right around 12 CC's a gear for about 16 weeks straight because I had a coach and that's what he
told me to do and uh you know my hormones were at this level and then my hormones dropped to the ground and that
means I dropped and during that the doctors didn't know what was wrong with me the blood work was in the normal
range and then from there I didn't really know what to do because can we put that in context real quick though
yeah I'm on trt yeah so I I have a vial that's 10 CC's like it's it's 10 mills
CC and Mill are the same yeah that lasts me about seven weeks right right so
let's put that into context of how much gear you were taking at the time how
much testosterone you were injecting at a time right so you were doing how you were doing how much 12 CC's a week so I
had two needles that were filled with two CC's each that I would take Monday Wednesday Friday so basically eight to
nine times almost a tenfold the amount what I currently take which puts me like
at a great level like where I where I should be anyway but like I cannot imagine being doing nine nine or ten
times that yeah I was I was I was pretty angry most of the time uh and I it was
it was almost like I could just step on anybody like I just felt like I was God almost at that point and nobody could
mess with me so when I won it was incredible but my coach didn't know what
a PCT was or if he did he just told me to take testosterone I'd be completely fine anybody was that's post-cycle
therapy that's what you're supposed to take when you take steroids or you take any type of trt whatever it might be so that your levels go back to normal and
they don't stay and drop to the bottom well that never happened oh man well
then my roommate at that time you know he was uh in the scene of drugs and he said hey why don't you try this little line this might be able to help you out
and I was like anything take can numb the pain of what I'm going through right now so we did and that led to three
years of cocaine addiction and you know putting a gun to my head four months later at that time thank God I didn't
pull the trigger but that got me kicked out of the military and thankfully with an honorable discharge and uh my abin
officer pushed the pushed me down two ranks and for that there's something called a higher tenure in the military
and you can't have more than eight years of service at a certain rank so 10 days kicked out of the military drug charge
never got pressed got an honorable discharge that's definitely a godwink something that I didn't even realize at
that time so I go to California move over there go to the club scene doing private security for like these small
establishments you know when I say private security I mean I was just working the door to open people and bring people in and then from there I
got a job to do private security for the president so I worked with Trump underneath his secret service detail
called Colorado Security Agency went around for eight months 26 different states traveled around with some Navy
Seals some Green Berets some just hard dudes and uh fueled my drug addiction
and I went back to California met a girl from Oregon did Molly with her for three days thought I met the love of my life
moved to Orlando Florida with her and uh I was trying then to build a fitness coaching business Limitless coaching now
was a LLC and I was like okay I'm gonna do this I wanted to think of a way where I
could help people much more than just meal plans and nutrition plans one thing led to another she wanted to continue to
party do drugs I was like no I'm I'm done with this got kicked out put on a couch buil Limitless coach in a half a million in 12 months and uh it's because
I maintain Focus I got everything out of my life that had to do with anything to do with drugs alcohol nothing and then
from there we did hormone replacement therapy blood workare consultations Nationwide meal prep supplements delivered to all of our clients you know
we had over 250 Transformations it was incredible masterminds private jets you name it was doing all of the things that
every entrepreneur thinks it's the glory then 14 months of depression May
1st 2022 woke up couldn't remember anything couldn't remember my clients didn't even know where I was at half the
time and that right there I believe came from 18-hour days for a whole year
straight and I made it a point to go in with a purpose and I left with a profit
meaning I was so transactional that I wouldn't speak to you unless I was making money from you I literally thought I was just like the best in the
industry and I had such an ego and such a pride at that time when I look back at
Road Trip and Self-Discovery
it then July 6 2023 is when it all changed surrendered to God got on my hands and knees prayed and I said God
Take the Wheel I'm done tired of being tired tired of living my life this way went on a road trip across the US for
153 days went back to California after I finished that trip with a backpack a
duffel bag and a belief and I just said you know what we're gonna make it got baptized in California started two other
companies a social media company and then ran wellness events around San Diego none of that was my purpose and
then I just started reading Proverbs in front of a camera just like this every single morning five minutes turn to 15
minutes turn 25 minutes turn to 30 turn to 45 and then I'm preaching and then from there I I I wanted to get
confirmation I had confirmation in the heart of what I wanted to do in my calling in life and then I I spoke to a
couple pastors and they said Clint I believe this is your calling there's no reason you're waking up at 3: am. you're
reading the Bible you're reading scripture and you really so fired up to bring people closer to God so from there
we decided to found Limitless Faith Ministry now Limitless Faith Kingdom Builders building men of God launching
our first event October 2nd through the 3 and uh this is the passion this is this is the the the the purpose of my
life really the calling that I feel and we're in seminary School in Southern California Seminary that is absolutely
the hardest thing I've ever done because I haven't been to school in 13 years
yeah and learning Greek and all of that right you got Hebrew Greek like you you
study study it all and and I'm taking classes I've never even had a writing class before my professor told me
they're like have you had a writing class before I was like no like we can tell that's no surprise it's no
surprise oh my gosh so tell me about so why um was there was there a certain
person so tell me about the road trip first of all I'd like to hear more about the road trip couple of connections that
we have um first of all my daughter lived on aaho for five years she moved herself there when she was 17 um 1718 um
which now she lives in Upstate New York and so I told her there will be way fewer frequent visits to go visit her in
Upstate New York as there were in aahu we visit like three times a year um but
the second thing is I actually pulled my kids out of school in 2008 and we did a 34 state road trip 100 a 100 days we had
an RV and all that kind of stuff but I want to hear more about your road trip and that Journey kind of what you faced
and and you know what your mind set is and kind of what what that all look like because I'm super curious like that's a
long time right like that's that's almost six months to be out there yeah so it was meant for 60 days and then uh
it was mapped out on something called Road Trippers it's an app and I went with my best friend at that time and we
got in the car and we just said hey we're leaving got some things from Amazon and we said let's go I was
currently getting disability from the military at that time so I still had a check coming in thankfully but it was
for me to reinvent myself and to really understand like what am I doing what is my purpose my identity was
locked up in Fitness coaching and that's all I thought I could ever do so that's really I think what put me into the
position I was because I had no idea what I was gonna do I gained 50 pounds I wasn't in shape anymore I was like
nobody's gonna love me trust me look at me as a human because I wrapped up
everything in that one thing that I was actually good at so from there my third
stop was Jonathan connley I know I don't know if you ever heard of him but he runs wi all day he is a a uh amazing
individual who had his faith-based coach pray over me and when he prayed over me he said Clint you're going to do amazing
things and I know you can't see it right now and I know you're in the darkness but uh God wanted me to tell you that
you are going to help a 100 200 300 times the amount of people you did in your first company as long as you keep
believing as long as you keep walking in faith and not sight and I know it's going to be tough believe me so I
continue to work out continue to read the Bible continue to read scripture every day and just continue to to push
forward and there were days where I didn't want to do it there were days where like just even getting sunlight
Redefining Success and Finding Purpose
because when you're in depress like you don't even want to go out in the sun your your vitamin D levels are completely destroyed my vitamin mineral
deficiencies my whole body was just screwed up and during that time all the way back
I would say 150 days in was like when I really realized that my transformation has occurred like I was back in the best
physical shape I possibly could be I had the mindset that I needed to I was back to a disciplined man and it took
time I had to rebuild those habits and I believe that when you lose the habits
you can still rebuild them but you have to compound them slowly so I would start working out I
would go to the gym every day I would follow a meal plan every day and no matter what I remember my best friend
telling me like I don't care if you don't want to go to the gym I don't care what excuse you give me you will go to
the gym we will get some type of movement in for the day just something and it it changed my life and I'm pretty
sure he saved my life wow that's that non-negotiable we talk about those all the time right like this is just I've
used the phrase it's not you get to a point where it's not if I'm going am I gonna work out today it's what time I'm
gonna work out today like it's just it's part of your day and part of your life and it just makes a makes a huge
difference for sure yeah physically it makes a difference but mentally and
spiritually like M well as I started to read and understand like honoring your body honoring the temple that we have
that God has given us and and it's a type of worship and then really being able to take the time and be like okay
God you woke me up today for a reason like God didn't just wake you up today because he wanted to God woke you up
today because someone needs you so from there I'd be like okay well I'm definitely I'm going to the gym 500 amm
every single morning I go to the gym no matter what I pull my back yesterday I was in the gym this morning doing legs
because pain is just temporary we're going to be able to push through no matter what tomorrow I'll be at the gym
at 5: am again or actually 6 AM because lifetime opens at six but I will make sure that I get the movement in for the
day and I think that's one of the biggest things that we we struggle with any type of movement we're behind these
desks we're behind this this podcast whatever it might be we're sitting behind these desks all day long not
moving but then we go and order a caramel macchiato with 96 grams of sugar every morning we wonder why aren't we
losing fat yeah it's pretty bad when you can get a drink that has is you would be
better off eating a Big Mac value meal yeah than Dr than drinking this particular drink it's it's like I don't
drink Starbucks I'm not a Starbucks guy but like to see some of the numbers on some of that stuff and it's like you
don't even really I think people just don't even know no they don't and honestly I think they're so far past the
point where they care yeah you know they're like well I mean like it's it's going to take so much effort to even
like get to where I want to be might as well just enjoy myself and and it's almost that way of thinking that we need
to reprogram our mind and reprogram the way that we see things of you can still do this yeah I was able to lose 50
pounds in six months like it's definitely possible but the number one thing we lack is
consistency 100% yeah if you can be consistent you can crush it in anything
what does that mindset look like in order to be consistent I mean you and I like I know you went through depression so changed it and all that but I mean I
I joke and say I've been I started working out pretty hard when I was like 15 right yeah so I've been sore for 35
years so you know and it's that and and those times when I'll have to take a couple of weeks off for travel or I just
get lazy or whatever like that that I miss that soreness and that tightness
and and and I I don't think people realize what that feels like to have
that and I also don't think they realize like you know like you you're carrying extra 50 pounds I've carried an extra 20
pounds or 25 and you're like or if you travel and you kind of have to eat crap food when you travel or whatever I'm
like is this how people feel all the time right and and how do they how do
they deal with that right like I I don't know if you if you've experienced that with some of your clients and stuff but
oh one 100% and it really comes down to your why like why why do you do it and a
lot of times it's because you're kids and it's a lot of times it's like you got to look at the bigger reason you're not doing this for yourself you're doing
this for something much bigger and then when I really got into the Bible it says you're made in the image of God okay so
if we're in made in the image of God then why do we look like we're 50% diabetic and 53% obese in the world yeah
you know and and a lot of people that I see that say you know I'm saved and I follow Christ and I do and and then
you're weigh 400 pounds you know you're not honoring your temple yeah you're not
taking the time and then people give me the excuse and they say well Clinton says you know love your brother and sister and God
will always love you I completely understand that but you can't use scripture to back up your non-discipline life right y you know and there'll
always be excuses no matter what you know I have this health issue I have this going on this I had a f a death in
the family like you can only say that for so long yeah what do you think it is
about food and nutrition and diet and exercise that are so difficult to have
that kind of that consistency and that different mindset right so like you can look at your checkbook and you know if
so if you tell a belie a Christian like or anybody really and say hey you should
be a good Steward of the money you have you should give to if you're not a Believer give to to give to your favorite charity or AC ASPCA or whatever
if you're a Believer tied to the church and those kind of things like that's that's an easy concept for most people
like they don't get all Jud feel all judged by that but when you say look you're not you've also been given other
gifts including your physical body yeah that you are not currently being a good Steward of um you know how why is that
so difficult um Kevin to be honest I don't I don't
think we're grateful for the things that we have you know like just the the fact that we woke up today 151,00 people did
wake up today 14 140 minutes in a day 105 people die every single minute wow
you know so when I wake up in the morning I write in my journal I say the first thing I say is thank you God for
waking me up for another day because we are just blessed to open our
eyes to walk to hear to have eyes to see you know like the small like go into a
hospital and see the people that have been in beds for two or three years and they can't get out and then tell me how
bad your life is right I really started to think about like just okay wow I just
I I have everything that I need I stopped basing my life off my bank account number one I stopped basing my
life off material objects I looked at my life as I'm a Child of God you're a
child of God everybody around me is a child of God so we are to love on each other number one I don't care what you
look like I don't care what you have none of that matters you all have something so great inside of you I believe we all playing it with a seat of
greatness it's really understanding that though because you can love God but can
Consistency, Gratitude, and Healthier Addictions
you feel the love that God has given you like do you feel it every day and that's
by getting in scripture that's by reading the Bible that's really like having your sacred time in the morning
because there's a difference between getting saved and Walking with God and that's consistency too right
yeah yeah yeah and all of these things add up so I would say for anybody who's struggling with consistency you just
start with one thing and then each week you add another and then you can compound that
and and read Atomic habits because that that will completely change your life yeah that's a great that's a great book
A buddy of mine um who's been on the podcast Marcus kalus um who's a coach and
just you've got to meet this guy sometime he's just infectious right like you just want to spend time with him he
knows knows and loves the Lord and you know has a has both a for-profit and a nonprofit side of his business but he
talks about like if you're currently eating McDonald's five days a week don't stop eating McDonald's right just eat it
four days a week yep then next week you know two weeks from now eat it three
days a week and then you know keep doing that it's like because I think so many people want to have these habit changes
and they just want to you know all right I'm gonna I'm gonna turn this off right like you just because to your point we
talked a little bit about this yesterday about about or a couple days ago about this addictive behavior right like we
all have addictions of some sort whether it's work caffeine food drugs alcohol
all of those all those things but you can't just stop these things you have to work through that process it sounds like
you did that in part on on as part of your journey right yeah one of my things
was like so when I was addicted to drugs um I heard this from a pastor the other day and it's like you were the people
with addiction are the people that you got to worry about the most because you worship something for a long long time
so if you could worship that drug or that pill or that bottle or whatever it might be that means you can worship hard
whatever else but that could be business that could be relationships that could
be friendship that could be a bad addiction or a good addiction and what I
really started to do is identify what is the good addictions in my life right addicted to Christ making sure that I
focus and consistent with the word I'm addicted to helping people impact
and I I really started to go for people over profit and Zig Ziggler has a great quote
where he says those who do more than they're paid will soon be paid for more than they do and I started to live by that and
there's an acronym I follow called hope help one person every day okay somebody
just somebody that I could help whatever it might be because a lot of people reach out to me and say like hey I'm starting a coaching business hey here's
my whole Google Drive that made me a half a million dollars take it all like I don't want your money just just go
change some lives go impact somebody that's that's one of my biggest things and I don't know what question you asked
I just went off topic oh you're you're good I I mean we were talking more about that trans that you know addictive
behavior and how you how you change your mindset um and it sounds a little bit
like you because so in your case you actually went from the drug addiction part of it
to almost the work addiction right it's like all right let's let's trade one thing that's going to kill me for a different thing that also kill me yeah
and I always thought to be successful you had to be busy MH I thought that for a long time my whole entrepreneur
Journey for sure and then I realized like you don't have to be busy all the time to be successful you can build a
team you can Empower your team and your team and you can work together to transform lives all around the world but
I was in such a a mindset of I had to do it because if I didn't do it it wouldn't get done right and then I realized well
okay if it doesn't get done 100% it'll get done 80% but it was still get done right and then I learned to empower my
team to teach my team what do they need personally professionally like what are
you looking to do in your life because if you're just working for a paycheck then you'll leave for a
paycheck that's what I really had to learn so I love working with my team and being like okay what are you working on
your life like my my VA had her first birthday party in the Philippines she's
never had a birthday party ever and she's 30 something years old old wow so
her whole family got together they had karaoke at a birthday party and it was beautiful she sent me videos and
pictures and then the next day her her her roof blew off but it's like just
crazy things happened to the Philippines yeah I don't know if you guys I don't know if you have a VA but yeah I do it's funny I was just I was just she
emailing me two days ago to say look my mom is is currently gonna she's moving out of the country I don't she didn't
say where she was going she say is it okay for me to take the time to be with
her you know so that we can spend time I'm like Sarah you don't have to ask me these questions like this is but it's
that mindset right like it's it's giving them permission and like I I could not
do any of what I do without Sarah she's she's amazing and so in that case it's
like dude just Le you know do what you need to do it's more important for me to take care of your family I'm still going to pay you what we you know we have a
flat rate so you're still getting paid take care of your family right so that's that's definitely along those same lines
yeah and the biggest thing is communication I learned and I didn't do that very well in Nexus I um I was doing
everything myself because I just had this mindset that I need to do it I and my team literally got with me I had a
CMO a COO a director of operations and an event director and they got with me they said Clint we can't do our jobs if
you don't let our do let us do our jobs yeah and I was like wow okay what do you need me to do and I was like just let us
take ownership and you focus on building the higher level things so a lot of
different I think a lot of different things and building a couple different companies really help me to identify
Leadership and Empowering Your Team
different areas where I need a better leadership yeah leadership is a tough one I I I still have them my one of my
companies it's just a small company that I have a product for but I put on my card and this is the dumbest I love this
card because it's it reminds me how dumb I can be it literally says Chief do everything
guy and like I wore that a badge of honor and I you know I have a bunch of Brands I have four companies and all
that stuff but what I'm what I'm trying to do over time is I usually do a caveat
now like I used to wear that like I'm doing all this great stuff right like I'm so cool and so successful um now I'm
like I wouldn't I will say I don't recommend that by the way you can do better if you just do fewer things and
lean into those but to your point about success right I've got a sign over the back over my back that says success
redefined mhm and success I'm I'm 51 I've been able to kind of redefine what
success means to me over over the years early on it was you know monetary success or um almost cost me my family
as a matter of fact I was super had a super hard time when my first child was
born because I I had no frame of reference so I didn't know what to do with this little baby this little baby
daughter and so I was traveling at the time and and literally just basically abandoned my family because I was
traveling but I was really freaking awesome at my job yeah and so and people kept telling me how awesome I was at my
job and no one was telling me how awesome it was to be a new dad and so like my it ended up like thankfully
we've been now married oh it'll be 29 years in in about a month wow but it was
because of you know God really made the way for that and my wife you know kind of walk that path and we walk that path
together and my daughter and I get along like she's amazing and we have great relationship and all that but that to me
you know of all the financial success you know when you're an entrepreneur it's up and down right it's not even up
and down a friend of mine made it look like a bunch of spaghetti like your journey actually looks like it's just like scribbles on the page yeah but
that's success like for me to be able to say I have been married for 29 years to
a woman who is an absolute badass yeah who I love more every day and like I'm
happier every day like it's it keeps getting better every year like anything else that happens and I got a I got a
savior and a a God that that loves me even more than that and directs my path
right so those things like dude that's success right that's success and then
and you know what's crazy my mom asked me what um what true success is in my life because uh she said Clint do you
know what my true successes I said no Mom what is she says I want to impact somebody every single day I want to be
able ble to live out what God's plan is for me I want to live comfortably you know I don't need to have lots of money
and I want your father or my stepdad and us to have a thriving
relationship that's true success yeah and I was like wow you know what three years ago my true success would be
making millions of dollars flying on private jets going to masterminds like speaking on stages where I I I realized
over this last weekend I'm not a speaker I'm a talker because I was able to to position myself to speak in front of 20
30 people but I I was a talker I told my story everybody's got a story but it
didn't have any like it didn't have a lot of I don't
even know what the word is positioning like it didn't it wasn't done correctly
right it was me telling a story about my life changing perspective of people to live their life putting God first pretty
much yeah no back offer no no offer to sell anybody nothing like that and the biggest thing I thought was like Clint
you gotta you gotta get an offer you gotta you gotta you gotta pitch people and I was like yeah but I I'm just not
at that point and um from that point on success for me
now is making an impact every day yeah whatever way that is bringing people
closer to God every day the wealth in the financial side will come with impact I know it will
just had a call with Linda Kane who runs events for last 20 plus years she's going to help me run our October event
20 different men you know that are going to come and build men of God and honestly you should you should be there
because you can talk about family and marriage yeah what I can't you know and
that's another thing I'm GNA face when I get into this I know I am the age barrier yeah of being young right how
old are you how old are you 31 31 okay and so I I do I want to inter
keep going sorry you're GNA face the age barrier I want you to keep going and then I'll comment oh yeah no no I'm definitely I'm definitely going to face
the age barrier just like I did in Fitness coaching um and then also probably the maturity factor of of like
in the word understanding you know in my Christianity and what I've talked to my
spiritual mentors Etc was that maturity can come in different ways with the Holy Spirit you know there could be a
12-year-old that gives you a word because he's anointed and and he is Anointed by God and the the way the Holy
Spirit works is totally different than maturity of age right and I thought that
was so beautiful too because God can work in your life in just incredible ways in six months I was transformed
from a womanizer to somebody who is sleeping with multiple women preaching the word of God and doing all these things to have Revelations to now soon
be married to my girlfriend who's on my left very soon and there she is walking right behind
that's awesome and to your point I mean and everybody whether you're been in Sunday school or not most people know
the David and goath story right so the the but the whole story revolves around the fact that when
he showed up he's this 12 or 13 years old right little scrawny kid probably
and and the first thing they try to do is dress him up like a like a warrior by throwing on all this armor well even in
ancient times I mean we're not talking about medieval armor but we're talking about heavy iron probably different you
know it's the kid probably weighs 80 pounds and they probably put 110 pounds of stuff on him trying to get him to do
it but he didn't need any of that right and so he he he had the skill and I
don't know if you've ever seen a video of someone actually use a slingshot that knows how to use it come out well no
they spin it it's it's basically it's a it's a long leather string attached to
what is literally a small cradle it's a leather cradle about the size of a
mediumsized rock right and so what they do is you put the Rock in there it the
flap goes over it and they spin it and they know and they release one half of
the string and that releases The Rock and like I'm watching these videos of these guys putting these through small
pieces of sheet metal like so what they believe happened with the with Goliath is he hit him
Square in the forehead and it it had it basically had the impact of a of a 50 caliber bullet wow because it it liter
they think it just went it you know there's different obviously we weren't there but it yeah it it impacted his it
probably went right into his brain dropped him so but all that to say this is a little kid with what would be
considered a toy or or a small weapon for killing rabbits and foxes and that
kind of thing that would have been as a Shepherd what he would use those things for um to to defeating somebody that had
been taunting the entire Israeli Army uh Israelite Army at that point and so God
can use lots of different people and honestly even if you're listening to this and you're not a Believer you're not a Christian you you're not a person
of faith God you know I like the phrase you know it doesn't matter if you don't believe in God because he believes in
Faith and Ministry
you yep I don't know if you've ever heard that one but it's like you could be used you know you can be used in that
way and not in a like I want to use you to do my bidding but like in a you know you can make impacts uh into people's
lives as well oh for sure and I think God brings the most broken people into a
relationship with him like the people that really have gone through such depths of their life I I don't know if
you know that the pastor Travis uh Travis white but 23 years of of of
addiction to meth and then he got convicted by the Holy Spirit and now he runs just an incredible Ministry and he
is the real deal the truth will set you free no
fluff and because I'm sure if you look around there's a lot of fluff uh
nowadays right there's a lot of false prophecy there's a lot of conferences there's not there's a there's a lot of
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
just bring a lot of people to a church and let's get some numbers in and you know let's get some baptisms in and
let's just bring up the social media score right for me like I'm coming into
this as maybe a disruptor right because I'm going to go off bibl standards life principles to be
able to teach off the Bible so you can understand what does it mean in your life that's my that's my biggest thing because I couldn't read the Bible when I
first started I was like what is this 177,000 oxes 500 donkeys what are we what why are we reading this right and
then I started to understand it and I was like oh okay this is how this works this is what it's trying to say this is
how this works you know I read Genesis this morning with my spiritual Mentor we meet every Friday we're starting from
the front of the Bible all the way to the back verse by verse to go over each
single point and what I want to say about this is real quick it's formless
and empty in Genesis 1 chapter 2 formless and empty the darkness is like our lives before Christ yeah right so
this is this is when God built the Heaven and the Earth yeah this is us
formless dark and empty before Christ comes into our life and he gave me that
resemblance and I was blown away I was like oh my God that was my life MH you know I was formless I was dark I was
Understanding Personal Growth
empty I was like just I was living for the world but to have that conviction it
takes time yeah it definitely takes time you know you you know that it's it's not
something that happens overnight and a lot of people think I'm crazy a lot of people are like you know this guy just
went fullon Ministry and fullon God and for when the Holy Spirit works the Holy Spirit works
yeah yeah and I mean I'm you know we all have struggles right like it's it's trying to I had this conversation this
morning with someone you know you're talking about speaking on stage and you know I do the podcast and I've done
public speaking and tons of talk to cameras and TV and all that stuff and so
my my my brain starts going oh I'd love to speak to a hundred guys or a thousand
guys or 10,000 guys because I can because I can make an impact right but I have to check myself to say is that
really what like God may have that for me but if I'm doing it because I but but
Building a Ministry and Coaching Business
he's not going to do it because I want it because then if I want it but then I'm like hey bring on the lights you
know give me that laugh track give me that clap track you know behind when I come out on the stage or whatever right
like that's not for me and like I I'm one of the things that came out of this last weekend was God and I said this God
just wrecked me right like yeah yeah yeah physically it's a it's a it's a health and fitness um centered event
also we our first workout was two backtack 20 minute eoms which yeah so
like we did one then we got a three and a half minute pep talk from Justin and then we did another one right after that
and if you've never done an eom which is every minute on the minute yeah if you've never done that it is hard let me
just say that I'm the second oldest guy there um I kept up pretty well I feel like but it was the the the cool thing
about that was it was designed to to just just to beat you to a point where
you wanted to quit but didn't yeah like and that's life right like that sets us
up for who we want to be and you're talking about consistency and consistency comes in these like broader macro senses and it comes in a micro in
these micro moments of not the 20 minute not the 40 minute of that imom but the
the 10 you know 10 seconds left on an assault bike or on a rower or whatever
that's where it's like you've got to lean into that I'm not going to quit this absolutely sucks and I want it to
be over more than anything in the world but I'm not gonna quit right and that's that's a metaphor for Life yeah I love
uh you know ad my let the power one more oh man that's what kind of puts in
my mind every time like one more rep one more call yeah one more one more person to impact whatever that might be just
that one more minute because if you can do that you build discipline in your mind and your confidence as well yeah I
made a post this morning about confidence and about affirmations that I do in the mirror every single morning and affirmations only work if you
believe you can't just shout in the mirror a bunch of words and think you know of that but you don't believe that
within yourself right because I tried to do that that didn't work after I left
Jonathan Connelly's house in Tulsa Oklahoma after he prayed over me he has a winning confession that he does every
morning I'm powerful I'm loved I'm blessed I'm a winner I'm a fighter I'm a champion I'm an overcomer I will win I'll win all day I say it every single
morning he said you're not going to believe this when you start but you will
start to believe as you continue to go as you continue to be consistent and he's 100% right but it's like anything
you do in life you're not GNA be good at the first thing you do I'm sure you
weren't good at on camera you definitely didn't look as good as you do I don't know you got filters on or what but man
it's filters and lighting it's all it's all like civil shepher from the 80s on Moonlighting it's just like I'm I'm I'm
all lit up dude yeah no that's exactly and that's all you need right there that's
perfect you got a you got a sure mic you got a great camera you got a great setup and you're good to go you know the
problem is that people wait until they have all the equipment to even start yeah I mean you can start with this like
this is you know get your get your iPhone out there's a lot of podcasts that have started like guys you know
there's one guy that's a friend of mine um that he started doing his podcast in the car just recording it by Audio he
would just record on his way to work it was like a 17-minute drive and so he did 17 minutes every day and so if you know
podcasts are the new thing right like everybody's doing them but you may have a voice that people need to hear you may
have something to share with people that that people want to hear so that's
podcasts don't go past episode 10 I know right ain't that crazy like in order to
be in the top 1% of all podcasts ever done all you have to do is 11
episodes that's wild between I have two podcasts between the two podcasts I'm
I'm I'm pushing about 150 about 150 episodes and I I mean I still suck at this you know I'm just I'm just getting
better I'm trying to get better but I like I designed it specifically so I just have to talk to my friends so
that's that makes it that makes it a little bit easier yeah that's the coolest thing with podcasts that's the
coolest thing we have a we get to know each other more this builds into a relationship where we can do things
later on see I don't think people understand like podcasts are not just like for an interview right that's great
but you're building a relationship over this interview and then from there you're going to build connections off of
that relationship now then you're also going to put your name out in front of more people to build a no like and Trust
Factor your audience and my audience across my Facebook and your LinkedIn and my Facebook and we're all over the place
now yeah yeah so we're omnipresent yeah you know the most by it's the most beautiful
thing yeah and you know and hopefully we'll have an impact through this through this you know it it if of all
the people that hear this or see this or whatever if we can if if someone's going hey maybe I can make a change or maybe I
should think about making a change or think about thinking about making a change right like that's that's all
that's all we really want here so I want to ask you so one of the things that came out of out of redeem for me is is I
had and I don't know that I told you this but I had a so I did a work thing I had to go to Miami I did a work thing
where I shot content all day and then I did a a presentation that night for one
The Importance of Rest
of my Consulting clients um and so it's full business right no no no faith-based
anything and so and then I did the redeemed weekend so I I counted up about 11 conversations that I had you know
these face-to-face intimate conversations yeah nine of those were with guys under the age of let's say 35
most of them were under the age of 30 yeah and at least seven of those were
about marriage and so like I have this impostor syndrome thing that I deal with
and that was kind of part of what I dealt with through through redeemed which is easy because like I just said I got 150 episodes I'm so smart I should
whatever right but then at the same time I'm like you're a [ __ ] how could you possibly give anyone
advice about anything you don't know what you're talking about you have no right to do it yeah and so you know
really over this weekend it it was made clear to me two things first of all I
need to speak into the lives of younger men because our demographic with max out man and if you go back and listen to the
podcasts it's 40 it's 40 plus right like that's been our our and I I still love
those men I still want to feed into their lives I still want to help them deal with where they at yeah but God
really made it clear to me you need to you not only need to speak into the lives of younger men but younger men
want to hear what you have to say and that was the Revelation for me because
he's like he it was super clear that I have a voice and people want to hear what I have to say which is like that's
an epiphany right like you're just like because you don't make that assumption at least I don't and that's what I you
know dealing with impostor syndrome and all that like I would be like what does a 22-year-old want to hear from a 51y
old dude about right sure but I learned that that's not the case and and I want
to ask you like how do you Bri you you made the statement that you already have a little self-consciousness about the
age thing yeah right how do you what is your thought process with all of that
and how do you deal with that you know because like you could feed into my life I'm 20 years I got kids my my daughter
just turned 26 so she's only five years younger than you are right and so which theoretically you
could be you know my son and not even like in a weird crazy way like I could have had you at
18 so yeah or actually 20 right and so like how do you deal with that as you're
trying to educate people and kind of what is your what's your path there for
you know the guys that you're trying to reach and who you're trying to impact in that kind of thing I'm super curious about that yeah I um you know I struggle
with imposter syndrome big time time um because you know when I built my fitness company I did cocaine three years prior
to that and uh I came out and I said hey guys I'm going to build a fitness company anybody want to be coached by
me and nobody raised their hand here's how you do it you do you do a violent day of testosterone and a few lines of
cocaine every hour that that's the secret I was like all you got yes that
was I was looked at as somebody who was who was crazy and they were just like what so then I just started posting
content and then I just started posting my workouts and then I started posting my nutrition and what I learned was as
long as you can provide value in that one person is impacted yeah right so one
person's gonna get something from it and even though I had the impostor Synder I said you know what Clinton you're gonna
consistently show up every day consistently post content consistently just talk about what you know that
because what we don't realize is like we have so much information that other people don't understand and we think we
don't mm-hm you know you have so much information on marriage that men probably have no idea about because
you've done 29 years right you know most people can't hold a relationship for more than a year you know so it's like
you you've done this for 29 years that's a long time you have a lot of wisdom to
be able to give to somebody when I got into Ministry that was another thing that I I worried about because I would
see these pastors on YouTube and like Rich Wilkerson when I went to redeem did you go to did you go to M yeah we go
yeah so rich Wilkerson man is is incredible and I hear him speak and I hear him preach and then Pastor Ean Conor and then Stephen fer and all these
people and I'm judging myself based off of these people first of all my day one
is not is their day 10,000 right that's what I had to realize and I had to realize that every time I did that I
just lost confidence in myself right so what I started to do was I started to really focus on the goods of those
people and I was like oh man so what can I learn from them wow this guy's got a really good teaching and he said
something where he says Hey God wants you to grow but he wants you to grow up I was like that's beautiful I'm gonna take that that's great so I started
taking little things from everybody and then I started to put it into my life but I wouldn't look and compete against
them I compete against myself every day am I providing the value am I getting up and getting the job done am I consistent
in my actions because I think a lot what happens is we look at everybody else and what they're doing in the world and we judge ourselves based on their success
yeah the Highlight Reel right like that's what they say right yeah and then I you know just watching Patrick bed
David not too long ago before I got on this podcast and then you see uh p uh
Pierce oh my God what's his name he's he's getting sued and he's going in bankruptcy and he's got all these things
going on but his life looks perfect on the outside yeah when I really started to understand
that it's like I'm just going to live my life right like I don't have to show my
success I don't no longer show like the cars I own which I guys I own Alexa size 250 it's about to fall apart it's got
this front bum it's like literally just Boop like and it's like I don't have I don't have a lot of nice things to be
honest it's almost like a restart of my life I feel my credit my credit's getting fixed right now you know I'm
going to Seminary school I get disability for the military I'm very blessed in that area but I truly just
focus on me and get better every single day 1% better every day whatever that might be in the gym in my Fitness in my
mindset in my personal development whatever it might be and I stopped looking at all these other people that
are doing all the because I I would lose my focus I would I would look in and and see these people like hosting these
massive events and having 4,000 people and aspir tours and all this stuff I'd be like man I'm never gonna get there
yeah and then I was just like you know what Clint you are gonna get there on God's timing yeah if he wants you to be
Finding Your Path and Purpose
there because like you you were probably like yeah I want to be on stage of 10,000 50,000 people all this stuff like I I should I should be there well then I
had to take a step back and like well listen God if this isn't for me like I I understand yeah so it was really taking
the ego and the pride and then pushing that down and then okay God what what do you want from me like where do you want
me maybe I'm not supposed to be on these big stages maybe my stage is is is throwing these events for these men and
impacting 20 lives and that that's enough and those those 20 20 lives would impact another 20 lives and then
learning about the discipleship process and how beautiful that is the chosen the
association and like choosing men because you got to be willing teachable and
faithful that's that's hard to find yeah teachable especially right teachable is
is huge like yeah you have to learn to say hey everything you learned listen we got to learn something different dying
to yourself every day and you know this like to following Christ is it is hard
MH it's not easy your life doesn't get easier like I I hope people understand that like your life gets a hundred times
harder yeah yeah I mean you know contrary to what people like Klo dollar
and Jesse detis and Kenneth Copeland say you're not gonna get a $55 million jet
once you get to once you give your life to Christ and and like you like that doesn't work that way it it it it gives
you a solid foundation right right like I you know we we talk a lot about we'll
we'll see a family go through some serious Hard Times death of a child or death of a loved one or financial
struggles and all and we always see look back and say man I cannot imagine going through that without without our faith
yeah because you you're not lean there's nothing to lean on other than other people and we know as you know everybody
knows other people suck at at long-term you know support and like they just they
don't know how to be that because they're not designed to be that right that level of support and so being you
know to your point it's just it's not going to get it doesn't get easier and honestly I think for I was thinking
about this earlier today talking to another entrepreneur and I think entrepreneurs struggle in the same way
that you and I struggle with this and and and other especially to to be a Christian you have to set aside in some
way your very nature of what makes you an entrepreneur yeah that drive that go
that get things done that all because because the the you have to wait a lot
and you have to give up like that that security give up that that control and
to not be like I need to be the chief do nothing guy while I wait for God to do
what he needs to do in my life right so yes yes yeah my word for the next six months is rest yeah that means resting
in the word resting in scripture and understanding the B and and taking that
time like because I'm I'm like you man I'm go go go you put something in front of me I'm let's let's get it done yeah
and if it's not getting done why isn't get done because it's it's just it's in our it's it's in our DNA I feel yeah and
I just want to see things move forward but I really had to take a step back and be like okay what is God showing me that
I need to work on right now and that's my faith yeah and then everything else will come because
my spiritual Mentor told me he said Clint this is not a Sprint this is a marathon what you were getting into is a
marathon like and he's been a passor for 37 years oh wow and he said uh you
Building a Brotherhood
shouldn't want to go Sprint ahead because you're gonna make a lot of mistakes and you don't mess with God's
time yeah and when he said that I was like okay you're right 100% yeah we're going to take we're going to take a step
back we're going to focus on Seminary School we're going to focus on building men of God and uh whatever comes from
that yeah and if it's 10 at a time or 20 at a time or 17,000 whatever it you know
whatever it is 17,000 on 17,000 is your Facebook following by the way I just saw
that yesterday so you're welcome um but like
that's whatever impact you need to have but it's so crazy that you say the word rest because that was part of my
conversation this literally this morning like four hours ago yeah because because I've been going through a I've been
doing this cut right like so I'm and if if you're not in the Fitness World which probably a lot of you are it's you're
cutting body fat like you're trying to get leaner and so what I've been trying to do is prove that a 51y old guy can
get super lean um and I and I the last time I did it I got to about seven or
eight percent and then kind of just that was where I that's where I stopped so but but what I've been doing
is just that like 2200 calories and six days a week of lifting and hit and
cardio and all of this other stuff right and so I get like seven weeks in and you know what happens you plateau y right
like I'm completely plateaued right now and I've been this way for three weeks yeah so I've been kind of re-engineering
some of this stuff but then we're working with Justin from onit you know I'm and and I'm watching my HRV for my
little o Aura ring that I have and a lot of that if you don't know if you haven't looked up go to ownit let
me put a plugin for Justin oh it's incredible um but he's but it's a lot it's a holistic Fitness and a lot of
rest and all that so you know he's been beating on me like dude you can't do this this is why you're not getting the
results that you want to get yeah and so and so that's what I've been trying to
do so like last weekend for example we did I did Flatout yard work for three days at a row my calorie burn was like
5,500 5200 and 6,000 a day oh my God so
like like that's you know like that's legit calorie burn from my from my wearable that so but I'm only eaten
2,000 right so what does my body do by Monday I'm like I feel terrible I'm exhausted right so all that to say the
physically I know I need rest but I started thinking this morning and had this conversation like God has laid it
on my heart that that's the same thing he needs to do with my spirit with with
him right like I'm gonna plateau I just keep pushing and and I need to and they
call it you know if you're not a and I hate to get churchy but like resting in the Lord yep right like if if you're not
resting in his presence and doing what you're talking about which is some of the spiritual disciplines of reading
your Bible and prayer and and and fellowship and all those things but that's really what's been on my heart
it's like I put those two and two together like oh that's just another thing you're trying to teach me right I
need to rest in what you're doing in my life so that you can show me the results
not that I want but that he wants for me right exactly not what you want but what
he wants for you that's perfectly said and you know the the seventh day was Sabbath yeah so like to rest on the
seventh day it literally says it in the Bible that we need to rest but as entrepreneurs and as as we suck at it we
no yeah we're just in like no we're going are you kidding me there's no rest for the wicked here we're going I'll
sleep when I'm dead right used said that all the time they like are you going to
sleep I'll sleep when I'm dead and then I look back at that now I'm like okay I really need to look at my my sleep and
HRV is huge and you're gonna love this I um I just got my blood work back and uh
I thought I was taking testosterone for 10 weeks and this was when I was in
California and I and my roommate gave me something and it wasn't testosterone and
I had a 474 which was 20 above my NGL when I started so now I got to actually
get back on trt because uh I mean my energy levels haven't been that low but
like I thought I was taking I don't know what I was taking H like I wonder if it
was Pep peptide was it like oil based too yeah it was oil based too
interesting unless he was just I mean dude he he's just filling that thing up
with grape seed oil and shoo it into your butt that's just up with olive oil
and you know it's no big deal oh yeah it's just oh that's crazy yeah for for a 31 year old that's pretty low mine was
246 oh my that's what mine was when my that's that's when I my thyroid sto that
was yeah I had a motorcycle accident and so I have some physicality reasons I
won't go into that story that's a great story but um but so that's why I don't produce enough testosterone so I end up
having to Beyond trt um and it changed my life so like we we talk about testosterone I've had a couple of
testosterone guest guests on here but it's it's and a lot of people a lot of people have some like bad you know
mindset towards testosterone and trt this is what I'll say if you can do things with your nutrition to get your
testosterone levels where they need to be then 100% but if you can't then get on trt anybody that you see that you
watch on stage or do these things they're all on trt I play a game I play
a game now if you're at the airport because I travel a lot I'm like TR it's trt not trt like dude if you're over the
age of 40 I can tell you within like I know 100% if you're on tier t or not oh
yeah or I mean let's say 90% because there's got to be guys out there that have natural longlasting testostrone and
their IND doctrinal system is just freaking rocking and rolling into their 60s but it's rare yeah you got this 65y
old with like veins just popping out of his arms and like no I just eat healthy no I saw I saw a Tik Tok last night and
I'm watching this Tik Tok and he's and it's cool because the guy goes around he's a fitness guy and he goes around asking older guys what they you know
he's like that are jacked yeah what you do for your workouts and so he's explaining all these new all these
things you know I do creatine I do the carnitine and I lift six days a week and
all I'm like I'm like okay I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting and then the video ended I'm like you liing little
butthead you left out a pretty big component of the things that you're
taking to help you get because the dude was like 63 years old and he was yeah
jacked like you know like not like super veiny I'm ready to go on stage Jack but
like this guy was totally on trt and didn't mention it and that really irrit because I talk about it all the time I'm
like people like well you're super I'm like yes but I also lift all the time trt is not a magic it's not magic potion
you actually have to you actually have to do exercise Andy Elliott man he cracks me up because that dude is on
everything you could take under the sun right and every time he posts a workout video his comments are just like what
stack are you on now like because he his his veins are just busting out of his legs his calves his arms his forehead
like you know natur it gets to a certain point where it's just like okay it's a little too much like it's know being
healthy is being healthy but then overdoing things because then now that's the look that men think is the right
look yeah and they're not healthy like if you look at I said this on a podcast the other day I'm like if you have a
beef with someone and they're working out and they're getting ready for a show just wait two weeks before they're ready
to go on stage you can totally kick their butt because they have no energy whatsoever they can barely lift their
arms that's the time to take them out because they have no they have nothing left to give once they're like a week to
10 days out from their from their but no it's it's not they're not healthy 100% no and if you look at bodybuilders in
like 1941 or like 1961 yeah that's like what a healthy man looks like yeah you
got a little bit of body fat you still got a little bit you still got muscle like you don't have to be shredded no
and I think that's a misconception where people are like well I'm going all in I'm getting 6% body file I was like do
you know what it feels like to be 6% body F like crap you're going to feel dead to the world yeah like truly like I
would say seven to 10 is good seven to 10 staying around there and then you can
and for you you hit your Plateau right is that what you said y I'm at a plateau now I'm about nine and a half weeks in
so I'm gonna make some changes and I would still like to be sub seven just to see if I could do it but I know I know
for me that's not healthy and it's also not not sustainable because my in fat kid gets hungry all the time and my
wife's a baker so like you know I know for a fact that but if I but I think I I
can stay at that 8% like I can have you done car cycling before uh that's what I'm getting ready to go back to I
haven't been doing it but yeah we're getting ready to I'm getting ready to go back to carb cycling and you know this we're all over the place with this
podcast but if you don't know about carb cycling carb cycling basically and there's a guy named Tom venudo I'm not
sure I'm not so he's he has a book called burn the fat feed the muscle which I I need I I I need to reach out
to him again I'm trying to get him on the podcast but but his the whole thing is carb cycling so you'll go two or
three days lower carbs lower calories then you'll go to maintenance level with higher carbs and then you'll repeat it
sometimes you do once a week of the of the higher day re call it refeed day once a day or once a week sometimes
you'll do it twice a week whatever but yeah that's that's definitely something I need to do and so I'm getting ready to
go back go back to that um car cycling is my go-to 100% anytime I want to drop body fat or or cardor man if you really
want to drop body fat quick eat me yeah it you will drop like this yeah Thermo
effective food man thermogenic effective food right yeah yeah 100% yeah I'm you
know what does Justice say justice says if your if your diet has a name it's probably not the right one for
you so so you know eat healthily try to get good vegetables have good you know
good get protein with every meal and all that but hey let's uh I want to be respectful of your time and everybody
else that's listening to this but what um kind of give some where are you with
the new with your I want to hear about the ministry side of it and I want to hear about the the I guess we call it
for-profit side or coaching side or however you want to talk about it but tell me kind of what's going on in both
of those things so that we can get people interested in getting involved in one or both of them uh feel free to give
your websites and all that too obviously yeah super excited thank you for the opportunity one of the biggest things
for me is um so building a Ministry is a lot different than anything I've ever done right it's a it's a nonprofit um
never really worked in the nonprofit space but all I know is I preach the word of God every single morning at 8 AM
CST you can see it on Facebook you can see it on LinkedIn uh Instagram we go live as well and uh we are currently
Limitless Faith Kingdom Builders
applying for some grants right now to uh see what we can do in that space because this is all new to me um I I don't
preach the word of God to make money but you know as a Pastor or Pastor in training you know you still have to make
money to live in this world so there's different ways and different places you
can go and and ways you can be able to make it so we can tithe to the church so
we set up tithing as well and that'll be on the description and you can go to app. livlimitless home and
then you'll be able to see our website that we're still getting done all of this started to just take effect
recently then Limitless fa uh Faith King Builders is going to be our for-profit so this is where we're going to have our
events our Mastermind and then our Brotherhood so our event our first event is October 2nd through the 3 in Austin
Texas think about uh we're looking at an agility course right now um Marine type
training right so be able to come do some like uh some some special forces type training I'm trying to get some of
my Navy SEAL friends to to fly in and be able to because man they they know how to ro it they know you know have you
ever heard of operation black site yeah I've heard I've heard the name I don't know too much about it but so Ray
cashare uh is a is a friend of mine and he was a Navy SEAL and he's professional speaker and him coming in and then being
able to really break down these men and then uh build them up afterwards and then say you come and then you speak on
the the family side of things or the fitness side of things I mean there's just so many different ways what I really want to do is I want to bring my friends together have a great time build
men of God and also be able to just build a Brotherhood yeah because when I got into
this I couldn't find a Brotherhood you know I couldn't I couldn't find especially like men of God like true men
of God that aren't going to the club and then going to worship the next day at Sunday like you know like you're really
focused on what God has for you in your life yeah and then our Mastermind is really going to be only 12 people just
as Jesus said 12 disciples we're only going to allow 12 people into our Mastermind this is not I'm not trying to
grow this big I'm not trying to build this to like something massive because what happens is you lose intimacy right
you lose the connection and if you're going to be paying a high ticket to work with me well then I want to be able to
have a sincere connection with you like know who your family is know who your kids are like understand who you are
completely and what I really want to do is be able to integrate with you because then we can bring up your family side of
it your married side of it and then be able to say Hey listen I'm not good at this side but hey I got this guy Kevin
Davis 29 years of marriage he obviously knows what he's doing and then bring you in so yeah I'm super excited it's
something that I really feel called to do as I go into my discipleship and and right now too I have a discipleship
program that completely for free so if any men wants to join it uh we have let's see nine spots remaining but we're
on week three right now so you will have to catch up uh because we're reading the master plan of evangelism okay and the
book is given to everybody and what we do is we go through each chapter about two chapters per per week and it teaches
you the discipleship process so you can uh check me out on Instagram LinkedIn
Facebook Clint rigan live Limitless Faith at uh Tik Tok and Instagram and
yeah that's everything that's awesome that's awesome I'll put those links in the show notes and and I'll throw them on the the event as well on uh on these
channels and then uh dude I can't thank you enough and I'm excited for what God's doing in your life what God's
doing in my life and and what God has in mind for the two of us to work together to impact men families and and anybody
that wants to listen right let's go Kevin thank you so much man honored to be here truly thanks brother if you're
looking to really maximize your life and become the man you were made to be head over to maxed out and get your
journey started today

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