Maxed out Man

Episode 67 - Harmony in Hardship: Exploring Vulnerability in Modern Manhood - Dxtr Spits

Kevin Davis Season 1 Episode 67

In this conversation, Kevin Davis interviews Dxtr Spitz about men, masculinity, vulnerability, and mental health. Dxtr shares his background as a material science engineer and a lyricist, and how he integrates both sides of his brain. He discusses his work in men's retreats and creating spaces for men to connect and explore their emotions. Dxtr emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and active meditation in his approach. They also discuss the challenges of expressing vulnerability and the effects of information overload and phone usage on human connection. 

In this conversation, Dxtr Spits and Kevin Davis discuss the importance of creating space for disconnecting from technology and finding quiet time. They explore the power of asking meaningful questions to gain clarity and perspective. They also delve into the illusion of needing more and the importance of redefining success. The conversation highlights the value of prioritizing time and energy and the impact of a connected society on meaningful connections. They emphasize the need for men to seek help and support, and the strength in asking for help.


Creating a safe and welcoming space is crucial for men to explore their emotions and connect with others.
Mindfulness and active meditation can help men become more present and in touch with their emotions.
The traditional approach to masculinity often neglects the importance of emotional expression and connection.
Information overload and excessive phone usage can hinder genuine human connection and contribute to stress and anxiety. Create space for disconnecting from technology to improve well-being and productivity.
Ask meaningful questions to gain clarity and perspective on life and priorities.
Redefine success beyond external achievements and focus on internal worth.
Prioritize time and energy to be present in relationships and meaningful activities.
Seek help and support when needed, and recognize the strength in asking for help.


00:00 Introduction and Technical Difficulties
02:26 Background and Introduction of Dexter Spitz
04:21 Dexter's Background and Dual Mind
06:13 Dexter's Work with Men's Masculinity
07:14 Traditional Approach to Masculinity
08:37 Dexter's Approach to Men's Healing
10:27 Active Meditation and Mindfulness
12:43 Complexity of Men's Emotions
13:09 Challenges of Expressing Vulnerability
14:27 Creating a Welcoming Space for Men
19:03 Importance of Genuine Conversations
20:40 Effects of Information Overload
22:04 Disconnecting from Electronics
23:30 Curated Extremes and Strife
25:37 Lack of Human Connection
26:10 Negative Effects of Phone Usage
26:29 Creating Space for Disconnecting
28:07 Asking Meaningful Questions
28:33 Finding Quiet Time
29:52 Questioning What Really Matters
31:13 Redefining Success
32:06 The Illusion of Needing More
33:01 Valuing Internal Worth
34:28 The Pursuit of Happiness
35:10 Defining Identity Beyond Job Titles
36:26 Prioritizing Time and Energy
37:12 The Loneliness of a Connected Society
38:02 Creating Meaningful Connections
39:43 The Importance of Being Present
40:40 The Lost Art of Real-Life Conversations
42:25 Finding Community and Support
45:24 Seeking Help and Resources
47:04 Strength in Asking for Help

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Welcome to maxed out man helping you
become the man you were made to be hey guys this Kevin Davis from the
max out man podcast today I'm going to be here with Dexter Spitz and I'm super excited to have this conversation before
we get started don't forget to go to MaxOut you can check out our memberships our courses our challenges
that we do and all sorts of different things also hit us up on social media we're on all the platforms is maxed out
man uh or maxed out man course Dexter was raised in Prince George's County
Maryland his curious mind led him to become a jack of all trades as a scientist entrepreneur musician spoken
World art artist and entrepreneur he relocated to Chicago in 2014 after
graduating from Virginia Tech where he got his degree as a material science engineer and met his mentor Dr Nikki
javani he began the pursuit of his performance career as Dexter Spitz a witty impactful and energized lyricist
his motto is live life like an experiment you cannot control what happens to you but you can control the
product you become super cool uh he explores experimental themes and his multi-sensory performances can't wait to
hear more about that uh his AC capella spoking spoken word and Keynotes have brought crowds to tears while teaching
inspirational deep life lessons he most recently launched his movement called how men cry uh which is changing the
narrative around men's relationship to vulnerability and mental health with the intention of making compassion
contagious big long bio super cool uh I'm super excited for you to be here um
you know it's one of those interesting things right like typic and I tend to be a little bit this way which is you know
you either have kind of this science brainy nerd mind or you you have a you
have more of the creative side um I would not call myself a guitarist but I
play guitar um and so I tend to have and write poetry and those kind of things as I was growing up and so I kind of tend
to be that way too but it's super interesting that you're like this materials engineer and this Lyricist on
the same on the same thing but hey if you don't mind would you just go through and kind of give us more of your
background and how you got here and what it is that you do and then I just want to have a conversation about men masculinity vulnerability all that yeah
sure so um it is funny uh part of I think why I kept that dual mind so
Background and Introduction of Dexter Spitz
active is because half of the time even when I was going through school studying nerdy stuff I was still uh writing music
and lyrics Right alongside of a lot of my my notes so I think you know in some
type of way I kept flexing both both of those uh sides of the brain pretty often uh that makes us have multiple
personality disorder yeah it's like always always switching you know switching uh gears
but yeah a lot of what I do you know today um I still do some uh work in stem
although I'm looking to have the work that I'm doing with men's uh masculinity kind of be at the at the Forefront of
what I do and uh you know basically I do a combination of speaking where I'll mix
in uh spoken word material meditation and mindfulness practices journaling
Reflections um so I kind of do that for companies programs entities whoever you
know kind of brings us brings us in and then on the flip side of that I actually run a lot of uh men's Retreats where you
know I'll do so locally bringing the other guys and really similar ways we tend to um go out into nature if I can
get them out to to go hike or something or or camp and other things and um you
know just kind of I think that a lot of men's healing is going to happen within uh community and and and it may look a
little different than um maybe how we've tried to pitch it out into the the the
world so I just try to bring guys together to just be be together and to
to chill comfortably and um a lot of the conversations of what's going on deeper and you know kind of rise to the the
surface without having to to force it too much uh so I kind of I spend most of my time kind of building out things
amongst uh releasing projects with my my own art whether that be music uh spoken
Dexter's Background and Dual Mind
word and whatnot picking up shows all that all that type of stuff so so you still you just you just do it all right
like that's the kind of and and that's cool to be able to have both of those sides and be able to integrate everything together you made the point
you know what what we normally see in the masculinity space and what men are supposed to do to heal and connect
versus what you do can you just kind of walk through like what is the traditional way that we handle that and
then what kind of things are you doing differently to kind of help men in that new
way yeah think I'm like how much time do you have this we have all the time in
the world man go ahead well I'll I I'll stick to the extremes
there are a lot in but I think maybe some of the original ways that we looked at masculinity is okay you need to be a
man you need to fit in this particular role in this particular box you need to be a provider in this type of way and um
you know we're gonna kind of um Force this learning into you that you always
must be strong always must be this and I'm not even necessarily against the
idea of having men become better providers more responsible other stuff like that I have no no problem with that
um but I think it has been missing a really big piece of okay but how do you
actually talk about what's going on internally to be in close relationship with the people that you love around you
then I think sometimes we can go too far on the other side where it's just kind of like okay let's rip rip away all the
masculinity that we have and decode this and break down this which again I think has has utility at times to really look
at some of the sub pieces of uh I would say how social uh conditioning has you
know really really really pushed the ideas of uh manhood so what I try to
Dexter's Work with Men's Masculinity
do ironically I don't talk that much about masculinity in the actual men's
Retreats and works that I do I think it's relatively it's kind of like a thing of if I say oh go and Define God
that's going to mean something entirely different to some people or mean nothing at all to others right so I think even
just to come in with well masculinity with all my ideas and my inputs kind of
does it a disservice so what I try to do is um provide guys it's going to bother me my hoodie string was was CAU there um
so what I try to do is provide just simply a space for men to feel welcome
enough and I try to provide some slowness like a lot of the times we do
things with silence so for instance when we go out to hike in nature I'll have guys hike and silence for quite a bit of
time and I'll ask pointed questions during that hike uh to allow us to just
Traditional Approach to Masculinity
have that moment of peace and space to connect with what's going on internally before even trying to say let me just
force you to talk about what's what's going on right um and there's a lot a lot of healing that I think comes from
nature and then I also worked to bring in components of mindfulness and
movement um as well some of that being hiking or things like yoga Etc to also
again allow guys to connect more with the self and then we more slowly work
our way into okay well let's buddy up and maybe have some conversations or how did you respond to some of those pointed
questions or uh you know what are some of the ideas that maybe you came in here with of how you thought this was going
to be and what's happening now so just a lot more curiosity opposed to trying to tell people how
they need to be within a space if that makes sense yeah that does and I think that's interesting because it's almost
like active meditation right like versus versus sitting sitting there you know on your you know with your legs crossed and
all that because hiking like for me personally anytime I sit still my brain
my brain just never shuts off I just it's that way but like sometimes if I'm doing something active like you're
describing doing hiking then I can be more uh contemplative I think yeah
totally and part of and that's that's one of the things one of the the things I like to debunk around meditation and
Dexter's Approach to Men's Healing
mindfulness in general is that you're not going to shut the mind off it is doing its job right it's looking we're
talking about hiking and stuff your mind is looking for the Tiger in the woods it's looking for the danger essentially
and it's always going to be pulling itself into this busyness and maybe
somebody is ass super you know super familiar with mindfulness and meditation and they can sink right into let me be
present and see exactly how I feel and pro but the you know the average individual if we're not introduced to
that or even if we are who's to say that somebody's in a space where that
particular day you know they're able to just process so I try to I try to break down um some of
the just it's it's kind of funny I just I kind of just make get a little more chill it's not even that crazy of a of a
concept it's just backing off because we have so much input and so much pressure and what I've come to find is with that
approach when people really feel safe and they have the time to be mindful and
it's not forced upon them the information flows out you know yeah I like that because it's you know the joke
I think around men is like we're not we're we're not that complicated right
like but you know so you know because usually it's in contrast to women right
I you know there you know I've heard different people say you know women have on average something like 40,000 words
you know that they speak in a given day and men have like 4,000 it's it's like by the end of the day it's not that I
don't want to talk to you I just used up all my words already
but but the joke is that they really isn't that much going on but I think that the reality is there is so much
Active Meditation and Mindfulness
going on all the time that getting into that space is is can be pretty difficult
for us absolutely and and I would say it's it's it hasn't always historically
been welcomed I think either to get into that space so [Music]
maybe where I think there is some hypocrisy for what we ask for from men
sometimes is we want the vulnerability we want these shows of hey can we talk more about our emotions but historically
and within Society it's not even always true that when those things are shown from men that they are received
welcoming sometimes there's punishment on the side of even expressing those things and then it's and who knows you
know it could be biological and can it could be all social it could be whatever it is but we're not opening up as much
in our circles or in our friend groups or other things too so we also don't flex that muscle as as often for
whatever reason I'm like at this point in the game I'm like I don't even care about why people are doing the things
okay we're doing it so let's just figure that part out you know it's like but um
so yeah if we're just um I totally agree that there is so much going on in
internally that I think the approach just has to be really deliberate and kind of like subtle and then welcoming
to say maybe you don't talk about these things regularly in Life or feel like you have you know the space to be able
to do so so how can we kind of gently get there opposed to trying to like force it out of people yeah I like that
idea of doing it gently be and because in a lot of ways it's like oh well if I'm gonna go do this mindful when I hear
the words mindfulness and introspection and all that kind of stuff it it gets into that what I call the woowoo land
you know it's like it fair enough you know it's like next time you know when did the crystals come out and all that
you know all that stuff which is not bad like it because then it then it makes it seem like it's not okay to actually have
some of this have some of that deep introspection you know necessarily yeah and and part of one of
the ways that I teach something as simple as mindfulness we could even try it right here so like raise one of your
Complexity of Men's Emotions
hands like yeah and then bring it down and then raise your hand again and
then bring it down and then bring your attention to your hand
okay and now raise your hand and bring it down what was
different when I said bring your attention to your hand if it has it it was weightier not not heavier but like I it
Challenges of Expressing Vulnerability
actually I and it's really weird to even say that but like I can feel my hand
more than I did initially yeah so when I would so there's a lot of ways to look
at meditation and mindfulness but that's one of the things that I would say is just being more Mindful and present
within the moment right it's just that amount of attention of oh actually I feel where my body is I feel where my
mind is I feel where filling the blank you know is just a little more presently
maybe it's with our breathing maybe it's you know just all of those things where in the busy societies that we're in we
push a lot of that to the side you know so it's and that's part of why I don't
try to put so much information out that then it becomes off-putting because I I
kind of agree with you like so many words have so much weight to them that maybe has nothing to do with how I would
intend it so if I say you know meditation mindfulness to one person it means this to one person it means
something else to another person it's you know this is against my religion this is against my I mean it can be anything so I think it's uh I think
language is important but I also think it's it's important to understand um what the main goal is which is just
Creating a Welcoming Space for Men
trying to get people to open more more uh comfortably so yeah I I've spent most
of my life as a conservative Evangelical Christian right so when you say meditation in some of the circles I'm in
they're like wait I don't meditate that's all you know I'm like you know or they'll say I don't meditate but I pray
and I'm like it's literally it's pretty much the same thing right like and so that language and the
weightiness around these words gets a little you know it gets a little weird honestly yeah yeah and I think and
that's part of even what I try to create as well is environments where
I one of my least favorite things about today in society is that we are very if
somebody disagrees or has a different opinion or Viewpoint therefore negative
therefore bad therefore you know all of these things that we put in place and I'm when I look at Humanity as a whole
it's like that's never going to get us anywhere essentially and we can look at
where it's getting us now especially within within the United States just how much conflict and everybody afraid to
say anything or people tearing each other down and I'm more of the mind of like it's all right for people to
actually disagree if you provide and create a space where the opinions can
still be respected and and looked into so for instance for the groups that we create I I really try not to have um too
much parameter around what boxes you need to check to be able to be a part of
a space you know it's like kind of counter what I'm trying to create so and I think that that makes it more
interesting and it and and it opens up conversations one of one of the things that's super interesting about doing
this podcast is I am now having conversations with men and women from across the world that I would probably
not have an opportunity to have and so like I and I we may I may be
diametrically opposed you know ideologically politically or whatever
yeah in terms of like my belief system not necessarily like I'm opposed to them but then to be able to have a a genuine
conversation about a particular topic whether it's masculinity or Humanity or whatever and have that connection that
that is so important and I think that that's so much of what we're missing right now yeah I I couldn't I couldn't
agree more and I think it actually gets in the way of what we would want to see like a lot of what when I'm saying we
I'm just kind of making the global assumption that people just want to get along right um maybe maybe I I believe
that a little too much but it's like I think somewhere down deep down people want to get along with with each other
um but I think yeah there is so much in the way
right now and I don't think it's all necessarily people's fault where
also a lot of information is uh introduced to us uh like one of the
things I talk about is just cell phone use it's like we have more inputs and information put into our mind in a short
amount of time than what's ever been true in human history and we I don't think we give that enough credit like
it's like no this isn't just say oh we consume a little bit more media this is
you are getting thousands and thousands of emotional input and manipulation and even if you agree with the information
or you don't the volume of it is way higher than than what we've ever seen so
I think by the time people get face tof face again there's all this information and you know the actual human connection
part can be can be lacking yeah and used a great term which is manipulation one of the things I've been trying really
hard on lately is not touching my phone for at least the first 30 minutes of the
day because your tendency is to wake up get on your phone and then you're and then you're fed you're literally fed
you're not seeking a lot of this information you're just being fed this information I I firmly believe that to
your point about connection I think most people and if you look at the political Spectrum in the United States I think
most people are moderate I think most people like are not extreme there are
obviously some of those but I think that the extreme sides of both of those is what's being curated for the purpose of
you know and I'm a capitalist but from the purpose of profiteering and all of that off of that Strife right and so we
Importance of Genuine Conversations
have to figure out a way to make those connections yeah and I I I would agree because it's it's uh that that is what's
going to sell the most like emotional um being able to agitate
someone's state of emotion is going to sell a lot more like if I were to give you a headline that just said
a dog crossed the street today you're never going to click on that like you're not ever GNA care but if I say dog
almost gets hit by a car while jumps over this this and that and a building caught on fire you're like what happened
yeah how do I find out what happened and the more you know emotion and and to
that point why I bring a lot of our men's retreats in into nature or try to
have folks connecting with more periods of silence is I have a firm
understanding that for the it's it's there's a pretty high likelihood that
you're going to have a lot of input within your life so I'm trying to create a space where you can remove some of
that input even just for a while uh because I was one of the things that I've um really found from doing a lot of
camping and hiking and other stuff myself was just the difference I mean the the literal difference internally
between spending three days in nature with without a phone or being on a Meditation Retreat you know for a week
long in silence and then you come back into the world and it's just like oh this is actually insane we are bombarded
Effects of Information Overload
with information yeah my wife um has done these off-road rallies and their navigation rallies no electronics and so
for for 10 days they're out in the desert and the mountains and all this doing basically you know 10 12 hours a
day in a vehicle but the the lack of electronics is something that they all
talk about when they get back and they're they turn their phone on for the first time and just that like the
anxiety that it creates just having that notification after notification and text
messages and all you know all of this stuff there was a great commercial probably five or six years ago and I
think it was like a GMC commercial some pickup and you know it it literally shows the guy checking his signal like
this whole time and you're thinking okay well he's trying to make sure he has signal but then it shows you know shows
that no service on the on the screen and he's like okay this is the place where I'm going to park you know to
Camp yeah so like his whole objective was to get out of service right that's
that I think we discount that for sure oh yeah totally and this is and actually
if I can give give an example to of if you were to swap your cell phone okay
for any other potential item say if we put say if we swapped it to an item that
we have more of a stigma around as being a negative thing for some people say if
Disconnecting from Electronics
it was a cigarette right or if it's a bottle or some type of thing if we
interacted with that material you got your crack pipe I got I got my personal
crack pipe right here like if you if you interacted with that that as much as any
other material on the planet we would say this is an this is an issue what's going on we need to do but for whatever
reason with you know cell phones and social media and media it's we give it we give it a pass and I think that's
that's kind of part of I don't say it as much in terms of what I what I lead with
for the spaces that I create but it's definitely a pretty big part of the uh intention behind it is how we create
some like separation because I because to the to the bigger point I think it pulls us away from our Humanity from the
St point of like now I might have a thousand opinions about you before ever
even interacting with you in like any type of way and uh opposed to just hey
actually go to shake your hand and say hello and have some conversation so and look look me in the eye right like
having that having that interaction that you don't get and I the the irony does not Escape me that you and I both do not
have to reach in order to get our phones in our hands right now yeah fair enough
Curated Extremes and Strife
yeah right yeah that's that that is the yeah Arms Reach a lot of the time yeah
and so not have like it just it just consumes and honestly that so they've done these studies one of the reasons
I've been trying not to stay on my I'm not getting on my phone first thing the morning I kind of have the morning routine that I do and yeah um but the
phone has always been a part of that and they were they've done these studies about cortisol levels and they they
actually can show that first thing in the morning if you get on your phone it it actually jacks up your cortisol level
which is your stress hormone and that's not good like you so you're already stressed out before you get out of bed
yeah I can I can believe it and I'll I'll tell you what I actually do the first part of my evening routine for the
next day is I literally power my phone off and I take it and I go and I walk it
and put it in my bathroom in a little treasure chest and it doesn't go come
back on until my morning you know routine or process is is set in place but that's taken a long time to get to
the point of realizing the the uh necessity for it and there is a drastic
difference I can tell you there's a drastic difference between days when I stick to that and days when I don't I
can feel it you know for sure so yeah that F that's first couple of weeks you were like a crack addict just you're lay
laying in your bed at 11:00 at night shaking wondering where your f it's it's yeah I mean it's it's pretty
it's pretty it's pretty intense but it's wild to see how how much how much influence it it has had without you know
really because I think it's hard to see that input with yeah or the impact
without without the space from it you know yeah I mean if you take anything away from this episode like I I will I
think I'm actually going to try that tonight like that's um that's and again
I may have a heart attack between now and between tonight and tomorrow morning but
um cuz my whole my whole world my whole business runs on this thing and so but you have to realize that at the end of
Lack of Human Connection
the day first of all are you really do you really need to be on email at that time of night which you're usually not you're freaking Dome you know Doom
scrolling through Tik Tock and all of those things and so yeah that's definitely something that I want to try
for sure when you do these Retreats and you were you mentioned kind of giving these guys uh point questions um and I I
like to be pretty practical on this podcast if if we can you know when the opportunity arises what kind of
questions can guys do you know what kind of questions should they be asking themselves and if if you don't have the
Negative Effects of Phone Usage
opportunity to be out in nature take a walk outside even getting on a treadmill if you live I live in Montana you're in
Chicago right yeah so like winter time you know it's hard to get outside
sometimes you know just having that quiet time but what kind of question should we be looking at asking ourselves
Creating Space for Disconnecting
and kind of contemplating sure I think one really great question to ask that I
I tend to open with is who are you without giving your job title yeah um so
that one for sure is is powerful I'm not going to give away too many because you guys got to come to them so but no uh um
yeah don't give away all your secrets for sure yeah no but other ones um you know a lot of the times I will ask for
one of the last Retreats we did I was looking at the idea of what is it like to
really essentially be okay with our lives where they are no matter no matter
where you are and one of the questions that I'll ask is what is really lacking
from your life in this moment and then a flip side to that question
is what what what is it like when I get everything that I feel like I need need
MH and then a question to tack on the end of that would be who am I when I
feel like I got everything that I need and that that kind of chain of
questioning the the reason why I would go with it is because often time we're we're operating
from a position of lack in some way I just need to get this one thing and then my happiness will start or I need to go
you know figure out whatever it is and then my happy or I get this Bank count balance and my happiness will start you
know and I think if we can kind of look in the future a bit or just in the the
Asking Meaningful Questions
hypothetical space of what do I feel like I really need and say I got it I
mean we see it all all the time I think it was Jim Cary who said something like I hope that he said something like I
hope that you get every single thing that you think that you need just so that once you get it you realize that
it's not it yeah you know and I think um and I think for men in particular to
kind of to bring it into a lot of the narratives that we have a lot of the times our value is tied to what we
Finding Quiet Time
produce within the world and I think that that can create a difficult mentality of I never have enough or I've
never achieved enough to actually be internally valuable and that's what we're trying to trying to flip on its
head yeah I really like that I um I would I talk about if if money is
your main objective like when we you know I do a lot of business counseling and business coaching and all that and I always talk about what's your main goal
well to make a bunch of money I'm like well if that's your goal you will literally never make enough like that's
you know there because there's always G to be and you know I think as as humans as men especially it's like it's that
once I statement it's like sure once I make this sale once I pay off this debt
once I get you know make a million dollars a year what whatever those are
then I'll be happy yeah and and it's just it's just not true like you're just never and I mean I'm just as guilty of
that as anybody else but it's finding that contentment in your situation that
is probably one of the more difficult things to have yeah and I think it's hard I mean
that's why I have I have mixed feelings even like business-wise and otherwise
Questioning What Really Matters
I'm okay and enjoy making money or having like what I need to to support
but then at the end of the day there is the reality that I mean it sounds cliche but you do not leave with it you know
it's like yeah well they say you never SE never seen a hearse with a U-Haul behind it I I mean seriously it's like
you're not it's nothing you're going to do and I think one of another question to to ask actually that's come to mind
and this is one that's come about from uh being within a a a meditation
Community is is this going to matter on my deathbed is this really going to matter
on my deathbed and it's a sobering question but we can get into a space of
this is going to be a far away time from now this is going to be some hypothetical moment we don't really know
that you know it can be today of us tomorrow it's not you know there is not
a and it can get really easy in the the fast pace of life to say it it'll be
when this thing happens or you know I'll spend more time with with the kids as soon as I have fill in the blank or as
soon as this is done and that's done and it's like that may not ever be true you know it's like so finding that that
balance around how you want to really spend your your time and energy and I'm not and again I'm not saying this as
Redefining Success
well as if I have mastered a whole lot of this stuff like
I can just as easily you know scroll and Bs and waste time and whatnot um but
it's it's definitely helped in more recent time to be able to ask those questions you know a little uh more
directly to myself to say okay what what am I really doing here you know yeah the
the challenge I think is like then does it does anything really matter right like then how do you
balance like I'm just gonna go sit in the corner for the rest of the day you know but it's it's funny that you bring
that up I made the statement the other day we're you know we're kind of we're we're in a spot with a couple of our couple of my businesses to where I'm
like I'm just almost there right to achieving to to achieving some specific
goals and and I said something to my wife like I I feel like that I I should
The Illusion of Needing More
be there already and I should and I made the statement I said I feel like I should be more successful and she's like
what the hell are you talking about in terms of success we've been married for 28 years I have great kids we have a
great home we you know we have material blessings also and I was like you're
right like that yeah I I need to put that caveat to say okay I'm talking about this one
slice of the success you know thing and I have a sign behind me that says you
know success redefined which is how you define success in a in a holistic Manner
and uh so yeah that's that's a super difficult kind of thing to navigate yeah and that's and that's
where I would say for sure in a lot of the ter uh just the conversations around masculinity in in particular I think
it's what can be challenging because I know for sure for me in a bunch of ways
Valuing Internal Worth
the idea of success was going to be measured whether it's by you know number
and bank account position title other things like that which is why I kind of said uh that initial question of who are
you without your job title because a lot of times if you go and ask men sometimes I'll say oh well who are you and it's
like well work for some and so or I do this or I do that it's it it is the easy way to kind of quantify things but it's
like that really doesn't say anything about who you are a person you know it's like it
really doesn't it doesn't mean anything and and I do agree if you go to the too far extremes right you can just say
nothing matters and I just lay down in the ground so I don't so I don't think you it has to go to to that extreme but
for sure being more deliberate around okay have I got gotten to whatever point
and if there's this really crucial period if it is more time spent if it is more presence within our day if it's
being more present in somebody's time and need to say okay can I put this to the side or delegate or really take some
some thoughtful time to be here in in the way that I need to be can I prioritize that because who I mean one
of the other statements is who is sitting around on their deathbed saying H really wish I sent more of those
emails I just wish I'd spent more time at work right like wish I spent more time at
The Pursuit of Happiness
work it's you know but that's it's a hard reality to see because Society wise we also push our sick and our dying and
our whomever else to the side and we try to you know prioritize
the I don't know stuff that has a lot of glitter that's that's the best way to put it yeah the shiny the shiny objects
yeah and I mean I'm being and to your point being deliberate about those that are in your life and how you see success with that I was thinking and
I've used this example a couple times in different circles but where I'm sitting right now is kind of my quote unquote
little Studio which is basically just a table my lights and my backdrop but to my right is my actual desk where I work
Defining Identity Beyond Job Titles
and my chair faces the corner of my office and I have two chairs behind me that my wife comes in to sit whenever
she wants to talk to me I've been at I've worked for my house for 25 years sure and so I have to be
intentional to turn that chair around to have the conversation with her versus
all right I'm talking to you I'm talking to you but I'm looking at my computer so I have that intentionality really makes
a huge difference for me and for her yeah yeah and that's and that's where uh
I feel like I've just gotten on a whole Soap Box about us being connected into into I mean that's what we're here yeah
yeah because I because I think that's part of what has been lost in human connection sometimes like I've been
reading a lot of books on on uh relationship and even just some of the
science behind we about how we relate and uh connect with people and some of
these things and it's kind of amazing that we have some of the most connected Society that's ever happened and some of
the loneliest people it's you know something isn't isn't in in Balance here
and I feel it's going to be interesting to watch some of the future generations
Prioritizing Time and Energy
and close relationship where we've almost like I'm still at at the age where I remember a
time of not having Internet and then having internet yeah and and that's kind
of you know and that that's kind of gone and I've seen even just with some youth in general where it's like you're
hanging out with 10 of your friends and everybody's just like this and it's just like you're not even you're not even
hanging out with each other so when I think about that apply it to close relationship right um so even in for
anything within uh like relationship now in my you know dating circumstance and
stuff the phone is always away for me like it's a major it's a major thing I'll cap work at a certain point and
The Loneliness of a Connected Society
that's it it's not out you know at dinner it's not out when we're watching TV all that's it's all it's you know
done so I saw a picture this morning again on social media but I I saw this
thing where it show this this restaurant actually has a a little lock box at the tables and if you put your phones in
there and give your key to the the weight waiter or waitress has the key and you get like 10% off your bill if
you if you're willing to put all your phones in that you get 10% off your bill which I think and I almost think
connected is the wrong word when we're talking about today's connectivity you
know there's those movies like standby me and sand lot and all those movies that were you know back in the 50s and
60s like that was my child when I'm 51 I grew up in a time where we literally left at daylight and we didn't come back
Creating Meaningful Connections
till it was dark you know that was the rule you had to be back before it was dark but that that we were just
connected all day long doing stuff like that yeah and now it's like well I have
my gaming people that I'm connected with like you know they got the headset on and they're doing their online gaming
and all that which is fine I mean it's kind of a fantasy world but you put those people in real life they don't
have any idea to have an actual conversation with them yeah yeah yeah it's true and and
part of part of what I try to do is even outside of Retreats I try to just invite guys to go do things so sometimes it's
as simple as hey I'm gonna be going for a walk at this time I invite him uh to
go to the arcade actually I'll tell you a funny story because it's sitting right here I invited a set of guys out to go
to an arcade just to come hang out to talk wasn't a retreat it's guys who have been to
previous Retreats and other stuff so I think I'm doing something positive
because I am doing something positive and I go buy all of these tokens okay
thinking we're gonna have a game night we're gonna play all these arcade games whatever else I still have a
whole so many tokens because what they did was they got there played maybe two
or three games and then everybody just talked about their life and started talking about what's going on and hanging out and I'm
literally the only one that's like does anybody want to play in arcade game
because they're all just talking about their life and catching up and doing this and I'm like I guess great you know
The Importance of Being Present
this this is the point but I think that there is a little bit of Yearning For That community that we've we we've
almost lost and through the the digital age we feel like we can catch up with ourselves but it really is just not not
the same as going to go you know connect Choice f with with people that that you enjoy so
I still got to go use the those I mean the good news is I think you probably got enough now for like 10 more of those
events you know I mean I was like I had a whole it was I
literally had cups I think I and actually I gave some away it was somebody's birthday and I gave away like
handfuls of them because I was like well I mean dude sounds like sounds like you're doing the right thing there for
sure so I asked this question a lot to people around this to men around this
conversation what advice can we give for guys that don't currently have any
resour you know don't know of or aren't taking advantage of these resources to have this type of connection with other
The Lost Art of Real-Life Conversations
men yeah so one really important thing that I would say if you have no other
tools and feel uh even at a standstill maybe for creating Community journaling that's
that's one just one thing that I like to throw out there because it's a good process of getting things out whether
you realize it or not and you'd be surprised if you freewrite for some time
about just whatever is going on you don't have to pick a theme anything just giving yourself a moment to do that and
then reading back some of that info uh I think can be can be really powerful and
if you feel comfortable enough if there is a partner or a significant other or friend to connect with you know working
on maybe sharing some of those inputs or insights it doesn't have to be you reading directly from it but just
getting in the practice of uh connecting more with the self and also being able to to share that info with with others
um another thing I would say there are apps and things that are coming around like uh better help um Nami is another
group uh ntion I'm gonna forget it but na a uh Mi is like a national group that
also has a bunch of um resources for helping to find like therapists or other
groups and then there are men's groups out there maybe few and far between I'm
not always the biggest fan the biggest fan of of them sometimes uh but what I
would say is if the if it's hard to find the spaces in your potential local area
the best advice that I was given around it was just begin to lead and
Finding Community and Support
that leadership can be as simple as if you know one person or one guy or one
whatever you want to go get coffee you want to go for a walk and just let it
let it happen naturally you know it doesn't have to be I'm gonna assemble this whole team because I think that's
part of it it's like oh I don't have this major friend group I don't have this I really really really simple uh
type types of efforts and what I would say I guess maybe to to on the end of that is if there's really a point of
struggle um for a lot of men I think it can be harder for us to sometimes admit that we're really struggling with with
something and if there is a bigger point of struggle where you find yourself I
I'll give some indicators of what I would say can be struggle that that present for men sometimes if you find
yourself numbing a lot through substances or you know devices or
whatever it is if you find a lot of numbing um if maybe you find that point
of like I'm feeling like one more things happens and I just want to explode you
know or just I have no more energy to listen to this I don't want to hear anybody you know kind of getting to
those points um and then another one is I would say con consistent outlooks of
life will never be any better or like I'm stuck all all those types of feelings I think can manifest Within us
more so than what we would um we would maybe like to say and if that is going
on that I would say would be the point to try to go and to find and to seek you
know help and if it's to a point of like self harm or anything where you know
you're really feeling um uh deeply impacted there's uh the the national
hotline that um that just went live as well as resources like Nami and other things but the main thing is the
struggle point is okay it's okay that you know we get to these points of frustration or depression or sadness and
it doesn't have to be um it doesn't have to be something that you deal with alone
that's that's the best way I could say it I love that yeah because you know we we have we have what is more traditional
strength right but the the the point that we're I think what we're all working for in this space is teaching
men that strength also comes in the asking for help and and really being being self-aware
enough to kind of like all right if I need to reach out to someone being strong to the point where
it literally kills you is not being strong like that's just being dumb in
some way right and and stubborn that's not strength that's stubbornness and so
I like that I like that you went through those that that um that list of things in order to do for
Seeking Help and Resources
sure yeah because and just hopefully it's it's not too much too little just trying to provide Outlets of one just
normalizing that those feelings are not uh that that it's not alone and that also there's so much there is a lot of
social pressure to have to perform in in certain ways I think and that is what I
think gets tricky about us actually wanting to ask for help or for vulnerability even if it's not what the
direct experience is now you might have previous experiences that have said okay
me being vulnerable I can definitely say that from I am also of of the era of
kids being bullied and that being a a normal I'm sure it still happens in life
but I mean you know whatever amount of years ago there weren't campaigns necessarily against bullying it was
right so I definitely have have lived through moments of hey this show of vulnerability you know equates to
physical violence equates to you know whatever it may be so even if that's not
what's happening now it's possible that that wounding still is is like influencing Us in this moment to say why
do I not feel comfortable asking for help or showing vulnerability so yeah and that's where that Continuum between
men's groups events Retreats coaching and counseling right and then like
online counseling and then inperson counseling that that Continuum exists because we all exist on a different part
of that and and I think we all move to different places on that continuum too I
know for me personally and within my marriage it's like well most of the time in our marriage for example we've been
on like hey we just need a little tuneup we'll go to this event we'll have a good time to where it's like we don't know
Strength in Asking for Help
what the hell to do with the rest of our lives after our kids left what do we do we need you know this is like a a minor
crisis that we need to fix so I think that being on that cont and really recognize that is super helpful yeah and
I actually and I like that you pointed that out too because I think one of the other things we can do is to try to
apply a a one shoe fits all and I don't think that that's the most effective for
instance talk therapy may be great for some in some moments or some stages it
also may not be the best thing at one immediate point maybe it's the best thing in you know in the future time or
maybe there's some body awareness that has to has to come about first maybe somebody needs to go find more Hobbies
himself and whatever it it may be it's like you have to find the thing that that does actually work for you and what
I would want to say in that space is we sometimes talk about men and we talk at
men we don't really talk to them and I think you know that is a bit of the
issue is this thought of I don't like the statement of well just go find a therapist it's like that doesn't really
mean anything for folks if they don't have the lived experience and then also if they're not um
[Music] if if that that pathway doesn't even seem like readily available and that's a
lot of what we try to do is act as this bridge between okay I want to go find
some help or some resources and figuring out ways to say well these are some of the pathways that you can have and then
also it can it can look like this it can look like you know being in nature for some time it can look like journaling it
can look like finding ways to meditate it can look like you know being in a community of go that are in similar
spaces doesn't have to look one way so I love that so it's a good segue but how
would if if men want to connect with you guys and actually you know I mean I
people I travel all the time to different events and stuff so if if they want to get more resources from you
learn more about what you're doing how would they find that yeah so you can go to uh how men so H WME NC
we're actually in the process of revamping the site hopefully it'll be done by by the time this this this goes
live but uh yeah we're putting up more um structure for the Retreats and I'm doing they're mostly local to Chicago
now but I'm actually working on doing travel ones um I got my eyes on uh Costa
Rica and a few other places so if you're interested in trying to get out
somewhere uh cool too that's that's that's on the on the runway for us and then my my artist profile is also uh
Dexter spits so that's dxtr _ spits or you just type in Dexter
spits that'll pop up pretty much anywhere and um I keep a list of guys
like even within my phone that I just check up on here and there um so I'm pretty easy to just say hey to I don't
like um it's just say hello and we can
we can figure it out from from there you know that that's awesome we're also at Costa Rica so that's pretty funny that
that you uh that you that you say that and open invite uh for your group for
you know I happen to live at 4,500 feet in the mountains of Montana so you know
so if you ever ever want to stay in the states let me know for sure but hey man thank you so much for coming on board
and sharing your experience and sharing this advice and wisdom with men and I appreciate you we'll be looking and and
keeping in touch yeah thank you so much really appreciate the the question and the convo and uh yeah keep doing what
you're doing too all right thanks brother if you're looking to really maximize your life and become the man
you were made to be head over to maxed out and get your journey started

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