Maxed out Man

Episode 65 - Profit Paths: Cameron Williams Talks Taxes, Strategy, and Success

Season 1 Episode 65

In this conversation, Kevin Davis interviews Cameron Williams, the founder and CEO of KynLi Consulting, a consulting group that specializes in CFO services and consulting for small and medium-sized businesses. They discuss the importance of taxes and business strategy for businesses, the services provided by KynLi Consulting, and the holistic approach they take to accounting and consulting. They also explore how to find the right financial services provider and the difference between the letter and spirit of tax laws. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of proactive and personalized financial services for businesses. 

In this conversation, Cameron Williams discusses the importance of utilizing tax laws to your advantage and understanding the difference between personal and business vehicles. He emphasizes the need to identify ordinary and necessary expenses for your company and the importance of maintaining clean financials. Cameron also provides insights into tax strategies for different revenue ranges and offers strategies for small and medium business owners to improve their financial management. He highlights the common mistakes made by business owners and provides strategies to fix them. Finally, Cameron discusses the importance of driving sales and offers ways to reach out to KynLi Consulting for assistance.


Taxes and business strategy are crucial for the success of small and medium-sized businesses.
KynLi  Consulting offers comprehensive CFO services and consulting to help businesses make more money, save more money, and minimize taxes.
A holistic approach to accounting and consulting involves considering factors like tax strategy, cash flow, and financial projections.
When looking for a financial services provider, it's important to ask the right questions, consider the provider's expertise, and align their services with the needs and stage of your business. Utilize tax laws to your advantage by understanding the difference between personal and business expenses.
Maintain clean financials to ensure accurate tax reporting and minimize audit risks.
Tailor tax strategies based on your revenue range, seeking professional assistance as your business grows.
Focus on driving sales and implementing multiple marketing methods to grow your business.
Reach out to KynLi  Consulting through their website, Facebook, or YouTube channel for assistance with financial management.


00:00 Introduction and Setting the Topic
00:55 Helping Small and Medium Businesses with Taxes and Business Strategy
04:23 Services Provided by Kenley Consulting
05:21 Holistic Approach to Accounting and Consulting
06:17 Proactive and Personalized Approach to Client Services
07:29 Finding the Right Financial Services Provider
09:56 Differentiating Factors of KynLi Consulting
12:00 Finding the Right Financial Services Provider (Continued)
15:28 Importance of Strategy and Finance for Small and Medium Businesses
20:08 Basic Thinking Strategy for Small Businesses
22:14 Utilizing Tax Laws to Your Advantage
23:00 Differentiating Business Vehicles
23:40 Understanding Ordinary and Necessary Expenses
24:14 The Importance of Clean Financials
26:17 Tax Strategies for Different Revenue Ranges
27:14 Strategies for Small and Medium Business Owners
36:05 Mistakes Small and Medium Business Owners Make
36:18 Strategies to Fix Mistakes
42:56 Driving Sales and Growing Your Business
43:12 How to Reach Out to Kinley Consulting

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Welcome to maxed out man helping you
become the man you were made to be hey guys it's Kevin Davis from the
max out man podcast today I'm here with Cameron Williams and I'm super excited to have him here before we get started
don't forget to go to maxed out find us on all the social medias we do coaching Consulting uh all sorts of
courses memberships and we offer a little bit of stuff on the side that you can buy hey Cameron is the founder of C
o and CEO of uh Kinley Consulting a Consulting Group that specializes in CFO
services and Consulting including Outsource CFO and accounting servic
services allowing businesses to focus on running your business which I said before we got started with Cameron the
reason we need him is because most of us including myself full disclosure suck at this uh so I'm super excited to have him
here on max out man we'll talk business Faith Family Fitness he's a fitness guy too he's a he's a he's a don't skip arms
Helping Small and Medium Businesses with Taxes and Business Strategy
day instead of a don't skip legs day I'm always encouraged to see him doing his doing his deadlifts and squats and all
that kind of stuff that I hate doing and if you could see my legs right now you would realize that why I hate doing them
um because it doesn't matter how much I do them I still have skinny legs so it's just it's just one of those things but
hey Cameron that was a long intro thanks for coming on board I appreciate you being here what's going on thank you so
much for having me let's let's jump into it yeah so um give me a little bit more
of your backstory that's kind of your you know quick LinkedIn one I'm interested in know how you got here give
me some background on your family and some of those aspects of like because I you know we're friends on on face on
Facebook as well so I can kind of see what how dedicated you are to the things that we teach right the Family Fitness
you know obviously finances is a big one but the things I pick on most or I pick up on most are are family and Fitness
right you're a man of Faith also which is super important to me too so fill us in on some of that stuff okay you said
how did we get here in 2024 okay uh so Cameron Williams uh born
and raised in Atlanta Georgia um so I'm a city kid um went to school here
locally then for college wanted to get as far away as I could I still keep the Hope Scholarship so I went to the very
very very bottom of Georgia like 10 minutes from the Florida Line to this little school called valasa State they
were division 2 national champs in 2007 for football so I was like I'm going um
so we went there um graduated in three and a half years you can see if you're looking at this visually some of the
degrees behind me I've got my bachelor's in accounting Bachelor's in finance I went right back to get my Master's in
accounting um so got all that done in total of 4 and a half years um
immediately when I was was in my master's program started doing tax returns so I know how the whole Liberty
Tax you know those types of businesses work and how they think so there's that
um then of course when I finished my masters right before I I finished I started working for a CPA firm um which
was a big Catalyst to how we ended up here today so they were a family ran business um there was two owners one his
daughter and his sister-in-law worked there and of course he knew the other
partner cuz they used to work at another CPA firm before they started that one um
so shout out to Valente Rackley and Associates in vason Georgia those my peeps right there kindest people ever
but those two years laid such a great foundation for me and what we do because
we took a lot of those concepts of course modernized them a little bit because this was so I graduated in the
fall of 2011 so you can see this has been a while um and a lot of people are like oh
you look so young and I'm like well I am but I'm not I'm 33 so um worked there
for two years me and my wife got married we knew each other from uh we went to the same church in high school so we
just kind of stayed in touch H you know we just cool then one day I don't know what happened I was like man I talked to
her more than I talked to my mom what is going on I figured out that I liked her so there was that um so she came down
Services Provided by Kenley Consulting
about a the state on her own not an Enticer um we went we did some
everything together um then got married January of 2014 moved back to Atlanta
that summer then I moved to private accounting private accounting is essentially like the accountant that
works at cocacola for example so worked at a couple of different companies kept moving up rapidly and I was one of those
job Hoppers that's like man I'm not challenged next job um so moved up to where I was eventually the super visor
for the number one card processing company in the world I was over the Canadian region I had about seven or
eight people that worked under me um and that was a very hectic experience and
actually since we're talking about faith you're you're gonna like this I'mma set I'mma tee you up set that alley for you
um so I was only there for 10 months um because they did layoffs and this was
Holistic Approach to Accounting and Consulting
really rough for me because from a job perspective I've only Excel so when you hear layoff you're like clearly you
didn't Excel um but I found out later that they fired everybody On My Level so
on the same day for the same written reason at the same time it was like
three or four of us that got fired but we didn't know the other people got fired until the day after once everybody
was fired so I was like okay if you lay it off this person this person that person person in all these different
divisions but same position that's not necessarily reflective of us y'all over
hire because they were relocating from um Baltimore Maryland to Atlanta and they did they hired like 80 people in so
anyway a lot of that stuff that I learned there of course we Implement today but the faith Park comes in which
Proactive and Personalized Approach to Client Services
you will enjoy which I kind the Lord has showed me that they were trying to let me go and like month three but you know
back then little naive cam was oh God but you can turn it around God I got
faith you know that you gonna turn this thing around God I'mma overcome this yep nope that's not how it works because I
most definitely got let go um so ironically my so that was in August of I
think like 2017 so my wife at this point is
pregnant with the second child who is due within 30 days of me getting fired which clearly they didn't care not their
job to care so that was a whole thing um a lot of faith there so that went that way and my
wife told me then she was like you should start your own business but because I was in such a funk and you
know pass triggers trauma I'm like who's gonna want to hire me I just got let go
she's like what does that have to do with anything you still know what you're doing I ain't receive it though because
my my confidence wasn't it was my identity was not in Jesus it was in what
you see behind me y'all don't get caught up in that so essentially I worked this temp job guess what happened worked the
Finding the Right Financial Services Provider
temp job they gave great reviews every time the recruiter call oh Cameron's doing great then they got me with a
technicality and guess what happened the day after Christmas let go again so now I'm like Lord two times in the same year God I
don't understand like God what is wrong with me let my wife tell her I was depressed for like a month so now we're
in 2018 and God's grace and mercy was was more
than sufficient I know him to be a provider because I didn't have a job for
eight months and somehow bills kept getting paid I'm not saying it was perfect credit card balance got maxed
out I came and repossessed a car like early in the morning one day so it was not easy but we still ate still had a
place to live barely so I was like I thank you so we get to August or July of
20 18 and long story short came up with the idea after trying to help a friend
started getting clients for back then I thought $150 a month was a lot of
money so we were signing some people but there was that um so fast forward to
today which is so that was 2018 we are now in 2024 company is way different
we're doing well we have a team of three going on four um we've been able to almost double
every year except for last year so that's been very fun to learn on the Fly
um but it's definitely been just a a continual reminder of trusting God
having faith um and most importantly believing in the talents gifts and
abilities that uh God has placed in you oh I forgot that part because that's the main thing so back when remember when I
said for those eight months I didn't have a job you know I was praying like real hard like I'm praying prayer I'm
like God you said in your word a man who don't work is a man who don't eat I'm trying to work so I can eat but you're
not helping me and up until this point whenever I went on an interview it was almost automatic that I'm getting a job
I couldn't get any interviews and I mean this is that point where like you seen people at the EBT
line and like I had to go standing that I'm standing next to a person who I know is doing drugs I'm standing next to the
Differentiating Factors of KynLi Consulting
lady who's finessing the system like I'mma not work as many hours so I can make sure I keep it because my son in
high school and on the other week I'm like I'm standing in this line so I've seen all of that um and I remember one
day we were sweeping the floor in April and this was the line that was the life changing
line my wife was like uh oh so I'm looking at her like what does that mean
she's like the Lord just told me about your job situation so I'm like okay what
what he say I didn't this plate down I'm ready
she what you mean she says the Lord told me he's blocking you from getting a job
I said what I'm like why would he do that he's no that no she says he told me he's
blocking you from getting a job because there are some talents gifts and abilities that you have on the inside of
you that you would otherwise not exploring so he's blocking you from getting a job but in the meantime he's
going to take care of all your needs I just dropped the broom I'm like what kind of advice is this this is
trash I'm like the only gift I knew that I had since high school was the ability
to encourage others but I'm like God what I'm gonna do be a motivational speaker don't nobody pay for that I'm
like no that's not gonna work and then everything I told you started the company I'm encouraging people by
helping them to know that their numbers aren't trash they are okay we just need to get a game plan we just need to fix
it get that firm foundation and we can advise and encourage them on different things to do to help them to make more
money but that's kind of the story of how we got to today now married still
same person um three kids eight six and about to be
two um and I think I answered all your questions so that should be Faith the company and family yeah I mean I think
that that so talk to me about that experience you know CU I think a lot of
Finding the Right Financial Services Provider (Continued)
us have been through that that low time right and then getting through and if
you've been self I've been self-employed for 25 years so there's this you know this this up and up and down Journey
right that happens and you know one of the things I've been thinking a lot about and dealing with myself is kind of
this you know provider situation like okay I've made some bad mistakes and I've done these things and and full
disclosure Cameron and I have talked about and Cameron's gonna actually take over a lot of what we do um financially
in our business which I'm super excited about but I'm still in this place where it's like you know am I too far gone or
have I made too many bad decisions and all that but I want to tie this into masculinity right and and our identity
as men right like our our main thing is we want to be that provider and when we
can't be that provider like it just I feel like it just crushes us and
you went through that process where you've got eight months to where you your identity as a provider is just gone
really I mean but at the same time you're doing everything you possibly can right like you're standing in that line
when when you have to stand in that line standing in the line I mean and then of course once you get on so then I'm like
oh well just take out what is the thing when you out of job unemployment so then
I'm like well I got that well I found out you don't really have that much it's only what you paid in
so that only lasted like maybe six or seven weeks and then on top of that you have to file a report every week saying
you've applied to at least three jobs you got to put in like the address and who you talk to and the time so I was
having it but I wasn't doing three I was doing like 10 12 20 a week but there's that none of them call me back by the
way with the exceptional one um and I actually still have a letter that one sent me that said I was not what they
were looking for so there was that but to your point um I think God does honor
the fact that we want to provide but I also think that God is much more concerned with developing who we are as
people and sometimes we get so caught up in these things behind me and we don't
get C that same energy or perspective and put that into the Lord because how
can you know he's a provider if he a never had a provide for you before you don't you know it in theory I know it
because I read my word that oh God Can Make A Way but when he does it in a
different way than you thought it's a lot different it's a lot more real so like me and my wife will talk about it
every so often like as as great as Kinley is doing right now I have never
forgotten that time frame I never forgot that we had to eat gits three nights in a row because that's all we had I never
forgot about I have $30 and I got to feed a family of four and this has to last for the week I've
never forgotten about I only have $5 to put in my my gas tank but I need to go
to these three networking meetings I've never forgotten what that feels like and I feel like that's one of those things
that God put there for me to always stay humble because hey I'mma Elevate you in due season you will reap if you don't
faint but never forget and I'm like Lord I trust me I ain't forget because when
that car got repossessed when I tell you I was hurt I was hurt but what do you do
when the car gets repossessed and you like dang I don't understand and he was like it was a burden to you anyway and I
Importance of Strategy and Finance for Small and Medium Businesses
said oh I was like he was like think about it because at that point in time I
didn't have kinle of course so we were paying for it because my wife had went
to grad school she would get an access check and we would just pay for it using that money well she had already
graduated so now you're living above your means but you're mad at me because yes I took it yes it may mess up your
credit but you couldn't afford it anyway so it was really a burden to you but you're mad at me because I took it why
because of that Pride because you're more concerned with having to explain what happened to it then me really and
truly helping you in that season but see we don't like to talk to ourselves about that we I I work with the teenagers at
our church a lot um High School seniors by the way so shout out to the Next Generation but I tell them all the time
we get so caught up and trying to put on this Christian face but God wants us to be real with our you have to be be
self-aware you got to have a real relationship with God you're not getting the progress or the help you need
because you're not being honest and real within yourself God already know He already know you prideful he already
know you have a problem with unforgiveness he already knows you're bitter so for you to fool yourself like
oh no I'm good or no it's not like that okay God like we can play this game if
you want to or you can just get the lesson Master at now so when I take you
where I want to take you three years from now we don't have to keep going back on repeat because you've already understood and passed a lesson yeah I
like I like that a lot for sure and it's cool that you're helping this younger generation because one of the things that we realize is that we don't teach
these kids how to do anything right that's the problem we try to tell
but we don't disciple you have to walk with people you have to buy that relational currency to be able to speak
into their life because otherwise you're just like all the other adults you just telling them stuff they're going to you
I can tell my students something they going to look at me and be like oh okay and they'll go do it but why that's
because every single Sunday I show up every single Sunday I'm there they all have my cell phone number you know we've
gone out and done different things we met at each other's houses so we have me there's the relational currency to speak
into somebody's life we we can't be people as Believers and especially as men that are just always trying to
direct and solve you don't have any relationship Curr relational currency with me for me to even be open enough to
allow you you could be right you could be saying something that's 100% true but we don't have that currency to where I
can take that and receive it genuinely without feeling judged or misunderstood or whatever the case is so we got to get
back to discipling people and walking with people versus just trying to preach
at people and from a practical standpoint you know there's a lot of a lot of men
obviously that have kids in that age group or younger kids like your kids are younger what do we what should we as
fathers and Men be teaching this generation about finances and like all
of the stuff because right we're in a we're in a bad situation you know overall these kids are getting out of
school they have no idea what to do someone made the statement or you keep seeing it you know the fact that we'll
give an 18yearold a $100,000 loan to go to school and we won't give an 18y old a $100,000 business loan kind of says
everything you need to know about what's going on with our you know our society and and and all that so what are we as
dads uh or as men with influence what are we supposed to be teaching these young people boys and girls right I mean
but if if we're talking about men and young men in particular um I think it goes back to
that relational currency I you got to try to make as many moments and memories with your kids as you can because that
will be what buys you the currency of when they go off um they're willing to come back to
you and tell you stuff which is what you I want an open relationship right so like one example we have of course our
last year seniors are now College freshman and of course on breaks they'll come back and we just started our small
group season at our church so his parents are actually he goes to Alabama so to all the people that are Alabama
fans yeah um War Eagle but they were
like well hey you know he's going through a season where of course you're a freshman you're understanding oh the
world is not like how it was when I grew up because it's all these other options but his mom was like hey but he talks to
me he tells me everything sometimes more than I want to know but I shut my mouth and I listen why because they built that
Basic Thinking Strategy for Small Businesses
relationship they made those memories she's a safe place so I think sometimes
we get so caught up in trying to teach teach teach teach teach like go make some memories like the going to the
store or making sure you're going to their games or taking interest in what they do or having that family time maybe
dinner or like in our house we do pancakes every Saturday what are some of these these Mo memories and moments you
can build so you have that same currency um because I mean we can't control what
the government does we can't control these loans and all these other things but I can control my position in your
life by letting you know I'm there I'm available I am going to challenge you I am going to push you I am going to
encourage you but I'm going to be there for you even my 8-year-old daughter knows that like I I just told her the
other day hey this kind of effort is not acceptable we are Williams we we do hard
things we don't give up and run just because something is hard because she was struggling with well my homework is
easy but when I get to the test oh dad they're just so hard and I just can't you can if you you can have a moment I'm
for everybody have a moment but at some point the work is still here we still got to get it done so we can't forever
Run Like These are the kind of conversations that we need to be having consistently and building them up put
them in situations where they can fail but you're there I'm not going to I'm not going to jump in I'm going to let you fall so you can see I what I was
talking about but now they know Mom and Dad is a safe place they're somebody that I can if I fail they still love me
they're not going to judge me they're not going to talk down and beat me with their words or are you sounding like
everyone else in the world are you sounding like social media these are things we have to work on as parents and
also not parenting from a place trauma but that's a whole different subject but like some of those things that you're
trying to put on your kids are really just the issues and the traumas that you haven't allowed God to fully heal and
your kid don't struggle with the same way you do but that's whole different yeah trying to put that on top of them is definitely is definitely something
Utilizing Tax Laws to Your Advantage
that I mean I grew up in a crazy situation so yeah my kids what's funny
is my kids when they were growing up would you know be like oh this is you know I'm having this situation having
this situation and and we could work through it and then be like I don't know you know my life is so hard I can't
believe you know kind of going down that self-pity right and I used to be like hey let me tell you about these things
that happened when I was eight years old and they're like okay fine I'll just go do my homework leave leave me alone so
but I always heard uh you know they talk about being a launching pad someone described parenting as being a launching
pad right and if you you know back in the day before before SpaceX launching pads were a one-time use they didn't
Differentiating Business Vehicles
actually come back but now if you're like all right let's use the SpaceX type launching pad where they come back get
refuel to go out again and that's kind of what that parenting style can be to be able to to allow them and and in your
you know almost I used to call it the entrepreneurial approach to Parenting um
which is like a as entrepreneurs we kind of want to fail right or we don't want to fail but we learn from all those
failures and to be able to take that approach with our kids is super important too agreed yeah and that's
what you want right I want to provide like my wife of course which most good
wives and moms are I don't want them to hurt themselves I don't want them to like our backyard because we just
Understanding Ordinary and Necessary Expenses
recently moved here so our backyard actually has like a bunch of rocks back there and not as much grass so she's
like well I don't want them to go out there and play because what if they fall and hurt themselves me they're gonna hurt themselves regardless so like we're
going to deny them the ability to go play and explore because we're much more
afraid of them hurting themselves they're going to fall and scrape a knee they're going to fall and get a cut
that's going to happen regardless let the kids go out there and play right because I I want to provide an environment where you get to explore you
get to not listen but you get your own experience but the safety is still guess what you can run right on back up the
The Importance of Clean Financials
steps come cry we fix it up and then you go back and repeat you want to be that
for your kids you don't want to be the NOP I don't want him to get hurt I don't want him to do what then your kids going
to get out in the real world and they're going to struggle adjusting because Mom and Dad always kept me so insulated I
don't know what it's like to fail I don't know how to bounce back from rejection I don't know how to fight
against people saying negative things against me or about me because you always try to insulate them they're kids
are resilient I'm not saying they're going to grow up perfect and not going to have to go to therapy or whatever the
case but God is bigger than all of us so hey if you doing the right thing they
gonna have their own relationship with God God can heal he can help them to forgive just like he you so there's that
yeah I um I'm kind of the opposite of the helicopter parent I'm like you know because I it's just like get go outside
go out into the world fail you know ask me questions I'll be here and I think it's important to realize you know my my
youngest lives in Atlanta where you do she's a paramedic uh currently in
medical school but she she tends to be resist and you know I actually did an episode
with her which I haven't released yet but it's coming out soon but she tends to be resistant to any advice that I
give but then she comes back and asks for advice I give her the same advice and then she doesn't take it and then
wonders why things haven't changed so like I want to encourage these parents
out there especially me you know dads just because you can foresee what the
consequences are and can foresee a path doesn't mean that you still don't need to have like we've had the same
conversation a 100 times like she's like oh it work though you know one day she'll either make the decision based on
her failures or she'll make the decision taking a little advice putting her own thing and then and then moving on well
that's how it was with my sister like she's about to turn 21 this year um and I used to tell her like don't do this or
Tax Strategies for Different Revenue Ranges
blah blah blah and she'd be like okay yes sir it it never fail you gonna go do
it then she gonna come back shocked like I had no idea this was gonna happen like you don't remember I told you that but
now it's easy to be told you so right and you really can't yeah I'm like but now at 20 going on 21 now she
understands like and I even asked her I'm like have I ever lied to you she was like she said it with confident she was
like no right so she now knows if I'm telling her something cam must see
something or understand something that I don't quite see that doesn't guarantee she's gonna do it but the thought is
there and eventually when she bumped that head enough or when she put that hand on the stove enough she figure it
out and then she of course correct but my job is to be consistent you know to sound the alarm when possible and then
we have to do a great job of learning to release because just like when we were teenagers or kids or freshman in college
Strategies for Small and Medium Business Owners
like we did what we wanted to do I knew what my mom said or my parents or whatever the case but we got to have
that experience for ourselves and eventually they're G be you know what I want hey when you told me blah
blah blah what did you mean what were you thinking or when you were in this situ now you know okay they starting to
get it it's taking a while but they starting to get it but I think that just goes back to just releasing it and
putting it in God's hands versus again trying to control every single like God
I've done the best I could do I planted as many seeds as I could and created as many memories God I'm just trusting that
you're going to protect them keep them safe cover them until they come into the light to the knowledge of and that's all
we can do right so well and then you know actually literally saying and I I said this to my daughter Saturday we had
this conversation and I said hey this is my advice it's the same advice I've been giving you but that's not my decision
you have to make the decision that you believe is is the best approach and then
maybe my advice comes back and you you you know say okay well there's some validity in that maybe maybe they don't
but it that you know that's parenting right be and and it's just whatever influence you have in other people's lives you have to give them whatever
advice love them through whatever the decisions they're going to make and love them when they if and when they come
back and say hey tell me that again what did you mean by that like you just said um so that's that's important for sure I
want to be I'm I want to bring it back around a little bit uh in terms of like personal finances and that kind of thing
give me and well personal and business right if I said hey I'm a I'm a younger
I'm trying to run this business whether it's a $10 million business or a $100,000 or $10,000 just getting started
what are like a couple of things that you would advise me to like to think
about and or to do to kind of you know keep me on the path to success or start
me on the path to success or in my case get back on the path to success right
like what are what are a few things there I probably should go by those numbers so because each stage is gonna
have different things so the person I said 10K a month um You probably can do
more than you think and you're probably overvaluing your time because if you're
making 10K a month which of course I've done before like you got more time we oh
I'm so busy until you working 10 11 hour days you're not have so there's that um
surround yourself with the right people invest now in the right relationships that will come back later on and be
fruitful and beneficial for the person who is making like the first six figure year of you well that's pretty much the
10K person so we'll skip that uh the person who's in that 250 to 500k range
this is a very very important time in your business this is when you need to start really being clear on what do I do
really well versus the things that I'm not so good at I try to recommend this book even I don't get any benefits from
it 10x is easier than 2x because it really tries to teach you to put the emphasis on what are you gr at and
everything else allocated to somebody else so uh we work with a lot of marketing agencies so at that point when
you making 300,000 you don't need to be handling your financials you don't need to be trying to do your own tax strategy
go find somebody that you can trust that can handle that for you because why if they take that off of your plate now you
get to do more sales create more off off Etc so that would be my thing to those people once you start hitting the
millions um please get you an accountant because
I have met some especially this year that are in that million to $2 million range they don't have one and at this
point your problems are compound so what could have been maybe a 20K mistake
could easily be a 50 60 80,000 all because we tried to skip some steps and
I'm good at it um and I think I'm okay with like get the right people on your
team partner with the right people to Outsource get in a group or some type of community that can hold you accountable
and open your mind to different possibilities and avenues um and
regardless of what stage you're at please pray because I've learned through different people like the way God may be
trying to take you it may be different than the way everybody else does the way we run our business is not the same as
every other accounting firm because we start our day off with okay Lord what we
doing today you know like last week the Lord told me to do something for a new client and I was looking
like you sure to which of course he didn't say anything so
I but that's just how it goes I love it man I appreciate you taking the time to
kind of educate expire and Inspire us and um yeah how do we find more information about what you guys do and
how do we find you if we want to you know if we're in that you know getting past six figure Mark who do we uh how do
we get in touch with you to look at you like I'm doing right now right like I'm really I'm really pushing towards doing
that and I appreciate your encouragement and uh guidance on that too but how do we find you no problem um so you can go
to Kinley Consulting k y NL I uh that should have just
the basics of like this is who we are what we believe in and this is how we help um I'm super active on Facebook the
most um so just first name last name you'll see me in the picture with my two girls so that's how you'll know it's me
um so just shoot us a DM and of course we'll reach out we try to post a lot of free content on socials just to kind of
give value uh just because so there's that um you can go to our YouTube
channel so there's plenty of videos there um which will be legacy's Journey
28 on YouTube and on social media so we try to put a lot of free resources out there
um we actually have if you're an agency a free ebook for you um just seven big
things and how to address them from the finance side whether it's ads diversification Etc so we can uh
definitely give you guys a link for that but inly Consulting is probably the easiest well Facebook will be the
easiest kle will be number two awesome all right man I
appreciate you I hope you have a great rest of your day all right same to you thank you for having me if you're
looking to really maximize your life and become the man you were made to be head over to maxed out and get your
journey started today

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