Maxed out Man

Episode 63 - Action, Authenticity, and Avocados: Kevin and Markus's Guide to Getting It Right - Markus Kaulius

Season 1 Episode 63

In this conversation, Kevin Davis interviews Markus Kaulius, a serial entrepreneur and founder of multiple eight and nine-figure businesses. They discuss the importance of taking action, overcoming comfort and fear of failure, and the value of making mistakes and learning from them. They also share personal stories about parenting and overcoming challenges, as well as the importance of embracing challenges and building a fulfilling life. The conversation concludes with a discussion on longevity and the importance of taking care of oneself. In this part of the conversation, Kevin and Markus discuss the importance of living a long and fulfilling life. They explore the belief in longevity and the steps one can take to maximize their health and well-being. They also emphasize the need to recognize the consequences of unhealthy habits and take control of one's life. 

The conversation highlights the importance of creating non-negotiables for a healthy lifestyle and preserving emotional energy. Finally, they discuss the power of focusing on what's in your control and making small changes for long-term success. In this conversation, Kevin Davis and Markus Kaulius discuss the impact of food choices on our bodies and overall well-being. They emphasize the importance of viewing food as fuel and data, understanding the messages we send to our bodies through our food choices. They debunk the myth that healthy eating is expensive and share tips on using AI for meal planning. The conversation also touches on imposter syndrome, protecting children from the dangers of the internet, and the importance of being your authentic self. They encourage listeners to connect with others and take action to make positive changes in their lives.


  • Taking action is crucial for personal growth and success.
  • Comfort and fear of failure often hold people back from taking action.
  • Making mistakes and learning from them is an essential part of personal development.
  • Embracing challenges and building a fulfilling life requires mindset shifts and developing confidence.
  • Longevity and quality of life can be achieved through taking care of oneself. View food as fuel and data, understanding the impact of our food choices on our bodies.
  • Healthy eating doesn't have to be expensive; it can be more affordable to eat at home and plan meals.
  • Overcome imposter syndrome by recognizing that you are in the room for a reason and have something unique to offer.
  • Take steps to protect children from the dangers of the internet and limit their screen time.
  • Be your authentic self and show up fully in every situation.
  • Connect with others and take action to make positive changes in your life.


06:47 Overcoming Comfort and Fear of Failure
10:00 The Value of Making Mistakes and Learning
20:58 Embracing Challenges and Building a Fulfilling Life
21:59 Longevity and Quality of Life
23:47 Living a Long and Fulfilling Life
26:11 Believing in Longevity
32:03 Taking Control of Your Life
36:14 Creating Non-Negotiables for a Healthy Lifestyle
46:58 Preserving Emotional Energy
50:12 Focusing on What's in Your Control
51:48 Making Small Changes for Long-Term Success
53:28 The Impact of Food Choices
59:11 Food as Fuel and Data
01:03:12 Dispelling the Myth of Expensive Healthy Eating
01:05:22 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
01:11:36 Protecting Children from the Dangers of the Internet
01:13:50 Being Your Authentic Self
01:16:18 Connecting with Others and Taking Action

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Welcome to maxed out man helping you
become the man you were made to be hey guys this Kevin Davis from the
maxed out man podcast I am going to be here with Markus today is it Kaulius yeah
it is all right got Kaulius going hey before we get started uh Go
and learn more about what we got to offer coaching programs courses memberships this podcast all sorts of
things finds us on all the social Medias as well hey I'm going to read Markus's
bio which um I've said this many times in this podcast but you represent what I
call my how did you get in here guest and and what that means is I have a lot of friends and I've been a lot of a lot
of uh a lot of events where I'm like just waiting for SEC security to tap me on the shoulder and say hey dude how'd
you get in here so you're kind of one of those guests but let's read through this
Markus is a Serial entrepreneur and the founder of multiple eight nine figure businesses his over uh 25 plus year
career he grew a supplement company from startup to 170 million and helped clients worldwide lose over three
million pounds which is super cool plus you know whatever you don't know that you tracked uh he's impacted the lives
of over a 10 million people which dude this is all about impact so that is super cool uh with an online Following
over 300,000 Markus shares daily insights with his community spanning business strategy mindset health and
faith uh through his new adventure play a bigger Markus is bringing
together the world's greatest minds and sharing Lessons Learned From entrepreneurial journey to help other
high Achievers break free from imbalance and feelings of discontent uh sorry discontent so that
they can find fulfillment Beyond Career Success that's a that's a mouthful um
and it's so cool right like you and I talked about before we start recording that we're all you know there's there's kind of this big sandbox in this space
where people like us who have you know had success with marriage and family and
business and health and fitness and all of these things right like we want to share these things because there are so many people that either don't know how
to get that success or or they're unmotivated or they just they just need
some help right and so that's your basic intro tell us more about you thank you so much for coming um like I said I put
on try to put on a nicer shirt today after I saw a couple of pictures of you in your fancy suits um I don't know I
don't know if I accomplished a a l dress up in order to make that happen but uh great brother you look great brother
listen I'm so excited to be here man thank you for having me I know we're gonna have a great conversation and I think you're so right I think there's a
lot of people out there and I'm confident there's a lot of people listening right now who just listen to these conversations and go I hope to get
a nugget or two and I hope to deliver that today I hope people walk away going you know there's just some little things
that I overheard I can start doing that and my encouragement to you if you're listening right now take action on
something take action on something that you hear today we consume so much my big
thing is I'm an action guy I I hear something I learn something and I try it
immediately and our world it's one of the key things I see going wrong is we consume we consume we take it in and
then we go why didn't my life change because you didn't do anything with it and uh I'm going to share with you one
of my favorite equations K which is knowledge minus a which is action equals
zero without action you're going to get no change so please everybody today just
make a commitment take action on something that you hear what what do you think keeps people from taking action
and obviously my my um my audience is primarily for men but we do a lot of marriage and couples and essentially how
to get men to be better husbands and fathers and be more fit and find their purpose and all of those things what
keeps everybody from taking that action because if you're you're an entrepreneur you're like me right like I fully expect
to fail on a lot of the things I try and I'm okay with that like I'll just try
something else right yes oh brother this is such a great question and it's it's connected to everything you and I are
talking about like Fitness the same why don't people get started they know we know what we're supposed to do Comfort
Comfort is so comfortable you know we're we're used to
you know like that Netflix man there's I'm just going to watch a few more episodes everybody's doing it it's not
that big of a deal and you know what hey let's let's not make a healthy dinner tonight let's just order it in it'll come right to our door we barely have to
get up and we'll just keep watching it's comfortable and and the unknown is risky
or it appears risky to us and what if I failed the fear of failure is so huge
even when people aren't willing to admit it we all fear like oh what would that look like and then you know we've got
all these reinforcements like social media well I I don't want to be the first person to ever fail at something
because on social media nobody's failing at anything that highlight reel right right so yeah it's just the people who
just try stuff and I love what you said you just expect to fail at some things absolutely you know I'm I'm one of these
guys I make snap decisions and I think that's a part My Success is I don't dwell on things I mean of course there's
certain big decisions you know I need more research I need a bit but honestly risk mitigation yeah I mean you got to
mitigate risk and all that stuff right but yeah but that is I don't even know if that's 10% of decisions that means
nine out of 10 times when there's a decision to be made boom I made it I accept that I'm not going to get nine
out of 10 right right but because I make them like this I'll get a couple wrong
and then I'll fix it quick and I'll learn from from it I think most people who don't make decisions are just like
well I I just want to make every decision perfect and if I don't what if
and and I and I deal with people like that all the time and they're constantly going yeah but I got to think about this
and then I got these other eight decisions on my plate right now and it's like wow that is so hard to juggle why
don't we just get six of them off your plate right this second right I want you to walk me
through that decision-making tree a little bit but but my wife is like that right my so my my wife is kind of a
perfectionist she really hates to say something that's incorrect like that's
her greatest fears to be in a a conversation say something and it just
be incorrect like I'll I talk out of my butt all the time and embarrasses crap out of her like I'll because I'm a
generalist probably like you which means you have a ton of knowledge about a lot of little things and so you can almost
speak intelligently about almost anything right like so but and I'm I'm
I'm okay with someone saying no that's total crap you're wrong or whatever I'm like okay I'm wrong thanks for educating
me about that that's like her greatest fear like she she wants to be correct
when she speaks and acts and all that like and again I'm I'm totally fine with
being wrong I I've been wrong I'm wrong all the time and I'll just pivot apologize learn something and then you
know try to be right next time totally oh brother we have so much in common so I didn't want to say it for whatever
reason but it's it's also my wife that I was talking about my wife like everything she's like well what if I say
this what's it I'm like really are are you debating this I would have said it an hour ago and figured out what I did
wrong and and you and I are the same in this one too like I'm okay with making mistakes because I love learning and it
was so funny just last night I can't remember what word it was but I used a bigger word and I wasn't sure if I was
going to use it correctly but I was like I'm just going to toss it out there and my my 12-year-old daughter goes dad I
don't think you used that word correctly I'm like oh thank you remind me and she she corrected me I'm like boom I learned
I don't care I know there's a lot of people like oh that's so embarrassing your 12-year-old corrected you I'm like
well one my 12 year-old's freaking a genius but number two now I learned and
I won't make that same mistake again and I won't make it out in public so if I'm going to make mistakes I'd rather make
it around my family and I want them to know I'm human I want them know mistakes
are okay and how did I handle it oh no I'm so embarrassed no who
cares I was talking to my my so my daughters are 25 about to be 26 and 24
and I was talking to her the other day and she she was like I still remember this time when I was
14 and you said something and I called you on it we looked it up and you were
wrong was like she's like that has a snapshot in my mind because like I I
have great retention so I can remember a lot of stuff so I I tend to be more right than wrong like you but it was
funny that my daughter was like I remember this vividly that I proved you wrong you had to apologize and and I
made you look dumb and so I was like all right that's that's great I'm glad I'm glad you remember that but I remember
growing up or when they were growing up I apologized to them daily right like I
B I flew off the handle I didn't handle this correctly I didn't say the right words or I didn't lead you in that
direction and so that I think your idea of not being embarrassed about it but saying hey thanks for helping me learn
from this and and thanks for helping me show you that I'm human like I'm a normal person and I'm I'm not here to
get it all right all the time yeah exactly hey two things one I I love your story but two your your kid is 25 were
you like 12 years old when you had your first child what is it's it's all it's all implants and
plastic surgery it's light it's the lighting no I'm 51 I turn I turned 51 in December so for you man I love it try
trying to do trying to do what we can yeah I love the health I love your energy man that is people whatever this
guy's dishing out man take a big old healthy servant of this now how are how old are you 45 45 so you're not that far
behind me no sir I we got married at 21 and 22 my wife was 2 I was 22 we had our
kids at 24 I think is when we started which was awesome because they were homeschool and they left the house at 17
nice um both of them so like I was in my early 40s and my kids were all out of the house and I don't care what anybody
says about empty nesting and missing your kids and all that they can come visit but being empty nesters is
freaking awesome I'll tell you right now oh yeah oh yeah it's so good man I love that for you and I'm psyched myself I
want to see them fly fly the CP man enjoy my my oldest she when she was 18
she was like Dad I want to move to Hawaii and I'm like all right getting money and and and she did she had like
$15,000 saved up at 18 and which lasted her way less time than she thought
because she was on the island of Wahu but this kid like I offered to help her
get through some of those months or whatever she would not take it like this kid is just one of those kids that's
like I'm I wouldn't ask you she literally we found out later lived in her car at the mall for two weeks which
in in Hawaii just I should point out that in Hawaii this is very common and she she's she's like me where she can
befriend people and kind of get and she had actually befriended the security people at the mall nice so that she
could go in there there was a Planet Fitness that she joined so that was kind of her her like shower and workout and
all that stuff but all that to say these these kids and and the way they grow up and kind of that that mentality is just
is just crazy that's awesome bro so good so tell me
about kind of we I we never really got into it but tell me kind of your history yeah and how you got to where you are um
it it's kind of funny over the last couple week over about the last week I've been kind of dealing with like this
impostor syndrome thing with within my own mind right like I'm pretty confident
I'm pretty comfortable with what I'm doing but I I always feel like I'm like this close right like to that to that
great level of success and when I you know when I hang out with guys like you I'm thinking that's awesome that he made
that I'm I'm really want to work and learn and get to that point right to be able to do this and I'm sure it was 100%
smooth sailing for you you never had any problems you know you got that you got that fitness model body which was like
Ultra easy to get it was like you know Morgan Spurlock eating Big Macs all the
time it you guys should go go to Markus's socials and see some of these
pictures first of all with Mr 26inch waist at that point probably um but when you see fitness
models I just this is a total sidebar but when you see those people when men men or women the amount of work and
effort and sacrifice required to get ready for those shoots and keep in mind
they don't maintain that unless you're doing multiple shoots at at you know over over over but it sucks like that
that is something that's that's hard and if you sit and tell me that you it was easy for you we're going to have to end
this interview but Kevin I had to worked so hard okay I took a $20 million loan from my father
and I turned it into 21 million over 25 years okay that's funny there's a meme going
around us like how to get how to be a success in business and it says like work hard get up early have a morning
routine borrow $9 million from your father this this and this like it just kind of inserts it in the middle so yeah
it makes a little bit easier but I don't think that's your story no no let let's start by saying this I truly believe my
story is a story of if this guy can do it anybody can do it and no there were
just tons of hardship tons of challenges which I've learned to absolutely love
I've learned to see challenges in front of me now as an exciting step that I know is going to help me grow to a new
level and looking back at all the baggage all the garbage all the things at the time
that that stressed me out freaked me out I'm so grateful for all of it and that
is one mindset shift that I would love to help people with because I think there's so many of us walking around
with our baggage and like well I'm doing good I'm doing good these days but I got to tell you because of this I'm having
tough times with blah blah blah and I say that from a place of Mercy don't hear this as come on man up get over it
no no no it takes time it took tons of years of work for me but now I can go
I'm so grateful for that stuff I now see all of my baggage all of my garbage as
gifts they were they were gifts so we grew up really poor uh the divorce
happened when I was seven and it was a mess as dude mine too M literally mine too that's crazy so keep going yeah and
uh you know my father wasn't really in the picture but now he was out of the pitchure and my mom to uh raise four
kids she had to go back to school full-time and full-time work so
essentially I lost both of my parents on that day and I was a skinny kid uh I had
a huge Lithuanian gross BT in my early teens I was 6'4
120 lbs wow oh yeah that's a body right there and uh and I got bullied to high
heaven and un fortunately immediately that bullying set in and I believed all of it and then guess what the girls
didn't care for that that much cuz my confidence was Zero self-worth self-esteem all garbage but then there
was this turning point when I was 15 and it was really just a mental shift and I
really felt this calling and I felt God speak to me and say hey you don't have to live that life what if you got to be
the person you wanted to be what if you didn't believe what was said about you and I'm telling you in an instant I was
a different human being and now I wasn't pretending to be someone else I just actually heard and felt this idea of
like okay shed the crap that's said about me who am I and my authentic self
was somebody who people did want to be around I I think everybody knows inside of them who they're supposed to be like
if I asked you what would have more confident version of you look like Well we'd go well I'd be a little more like
this and i' and I'd speak with a little more Authority I'd shake your hand a little stronger make a little more eye
contact with you that's right and guess what when I did that immediately the world said this is who this guy is and
we like him it was crazy immediately I'm dating girls immediately I'm hanging out
with cool guys immediately Bullies Are off my back because they don't like guys with this kind of confidence now the
real work had to begin because I was like I want more of this for my whole life and now I had to start developing
habits I needed to start building the man that I really wanted to be and it
was a journey for for 30 years now I've been on this journey and it'll be a never- ending Journey I'm not like well
I'm done now it's awesome I do I have an amazing life but I'm far from done now
that I've had a taste I'm going can you imagine if I stick with this for five more years or 15 more years can you
imagine where I'm going to be when I'm 80 and by the way I will last over 120
years God willing unless he pulls me sooner but I have a long run way of life
and when I say 120 I don't mean the last 40 years of my life I'm going to be with a cane and a walker and that crap no
I'll give you the last 10 years are going to be a little bit crappy that means 110 this guy is going to be acting
like a 65y old and it's gonna be freaking awesome I love that that's awesome you I
tell two stories that I one of my podcast episodes go back and listen to it it's with Fred Fred is my neighbor 92
years old and he already cut it all but normally at this time of year I can hear
him running his chainsaw because he's cutting his firewood from a TR like he orders a log truck full of logs wow he
cuts them all he splits them all he Stacks them all and like that's his that
he was a ptor for 40 years but he's just one of those guys like be we're doing some coaching right now and I was going
this morning through some of the Fitness and Longevity and quality and all that and that was what I said be like Fred
right like that's that's the kind of thing that you want my grandmother lived to be over a hundred awesome um it's a
and her mom lived to be over a hundred also so I have I have pretty good genes to to do that so like I want to take
care of myself but uh funny story with my grandma and this is kind of this this an interesting side note for kind of how
you view your life she called us about six months before she died and she said
Hey I'm bored I'm done my you know her husband died the year we got married so
he'd been gone for 28 years she'd been on her own traveling the world doing her
thing you know living in the same small town in Texas um and so she said I want
you guys to come visit me because you we were kind of the last ones that hadn't been back home in a while to see her and
so we went to visit her great time she was deaf and blind at that point for the most part not completely but enough to
where she was like I can't watch TV I can't learn I can't read books really
you know and all that so she was like I'm just bored I'm just I'm just over it and so like within three weeks and she
was like mobile she was her wits were 100% she was like just turned it off she
was dead within three weeks after we visited her wow that's W so and so like and that like doesn't give you that
sadness right like that gives you this first of all she went out like she died in her sleep it's not like she went out
and got hit by a truck or something on purpose like she literally just died aw but she had lived this amazingly
long life great family great marriage to that man and never got remarried um but
that you know all that to say if we live to 120 which I think you're right it's probably scientifically possible it's
for guys like us and and people like us who take care of their health you know maximize their hormones and diet and
sleep and rest and all these things right like that's that's the ideal but you we want to live quality of life yeah
I'm pretty much determined I'm probably going to fall off a ladder or something really stupid because I make poor decisions when I do physical things so
you know I'm hoping that I get to do that at like 95 or 105 not not next year but there's always a
chance that's so good brother I am very confident again unless God takes you sooner that you will last over 100 just
because of what you already said you have a belief in you like you know hey there's no reason I can't I'm I'm
putting in the effort my genes are great there's the difference between most people and us and and by the way again
this is for anybody to start believing this way I believe my Runway is 120 like I with all my being I believe that and
when you believe that think of the difference it changes for what most people think they go okay well I'm
probably 80 85 years and then at about 65 I should start slowing down Honestly
though it'll be more like 58 59 I'll start really slowing down your brain is
listening and going yeah you bet we will start slowing you down and your brain will constantly you know 58 years old
you're getting a workout and your brain's going hey hey hey hey that's a little bit heavy let's go lighter let's let's let's not work out so many times
this week and you will it will happen it will it will happen just as you said it
would happen so for me it's going to happen the way I say it's going to happen I'm going to be 80 years old
still training like a maniac people are going to be like why is that guy squatting 225 isn't he like 80 years old
and it's like that's right kids what's up now what's up I got 40 more years to
go because of my belief I'm gonna make those things happen and I mean by the
way everybody who who doesn't know about things like stem cell research and all
the crazy stuff that's happening in medical because of AI I mean 12 is going
to be the the tip of the iceberg if people are 20 years old right now I'm very confident you're going to last till
150 plus like that's that's how crazy far things have come these
days I mean that's that's weird to think about and hopefully we can figure out
how not to kill people with the food that they eat how to get them active right how to how to push them forward
and and do that I always I tell myself and my body like I I I joke can say I've
been sore since I was like 14 years old right like if you lift weights regularly
you're just and that it's that soreness and that tightness and if you go like if
you're traveling and have to go like a week without working out there's the there's a there's I keep talking about
memes but there's this meme of like the guy that's looking at himself and he's like after what I what I think I look
like after a week of not working out and what I actually look like and he he's like 250 pounds heavier than he is in
real life but like your brain mindset like you get so used to that feeling yes
how do we educate you you said earlier about people are comfortable right but
it's almost like they're comfortable in their discomfort yes 100 right like I my
wife's a baker and so I have I will now hopefully I need to change this but I
referred to the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year as bulking season um because I went from
like 7% body fat to probably like 12% body fat um but and so now I'm having to
take that body fat back off but it's like that extra 8 pounds of fat right it
makes me feel like crap yeah you know emotionally mentally I can see it I've
physically don't have the same kind of energy and we have a society that's carrying 20 30 40 50 pounds you're 45
I'm 51 and so that 40 plus men you know especially I think kind of get more
comfortable in this they just are like this is how I am um you know and there's a the whole body positivity movement and
all that stuff is all completely whack job right now yeah but I think men are like well I'm married so I don't have to
do anything I don't have to brush my hair or brush my teeth or put on nice clothes or not weigh 280 Pounds or or
whatever how do we teach people that they're not actually comfortable like
you feel like crap do you know you feel like crap I always wonder that because I've never
gone years of just eating like crap not working out all of these you know how do
I don't even really understand what that would look like oh yeah brother this is such great conversation and something so
important for us to talk about so I'm going to take it a little bit dark for a second because you're you're absolutely
right people are comfortable in their discomfort and what we need to do is and
I hope people are listening to this this is an important one think about where your path is going to
lead you if you stay on it right now you need to recognize how bad it's going to
be and you can't pretend that you don't know that the statistics are
flawless where is your obesity going to land you chances are with diabetes and
why don't you find out what diabetes actually look like and all the pain and struggle that comes with it and then
what's going to happen when you're 6065 now that's if you even make it that far now how much time are you going to be
spending in the doctor's office the hospital what kind of Burden are you going to be to your children what kind
of relationship are you going to have with your children but now let's talk about your relationships let's talk
about your marriage don't just assume it's still going to be there in 5 to 10
years that attitude that so many men have and again I got to say this is
coming from a place of mercy and love this is not I'm not pointing a finger and going you're bad you're this you're
that I'm coming from a place of going I don't want you on that path we know
where it lands why would you think you are going to be the anomaly that's like
well my wife is going to stick with me even though I don't care I don't I I I I
don't care about my health I don't care about my body I don't care about making her attractive to me I don't keep it new
and fresh we know the statistics it's 54% and climbing is that divorce rate
why do you think you're holding the winning lottery ticket like that that and and 70% of divorces over 45 are
initiated by women by the way and so and I can only imagine it's going to get worse like I
think we're only seeing the tip of it right now because I agree with you unfortunately men have this attitude
well this is who I am you going to love me or not and it's like do you want do you want her to answer that like right I
I don't want to be rude but this is the truth so why not put some effort into it and first of all so recognize that that
is the path that you're on you're on this path it's likely going to end in
divorce how's that going to land with your children how much of a burden do I want to be to my kids and at 5560 do I
still want to have Mobility do I want to have some exercise and life still in me
look at that there's the your discomfort now you can take simp simple action
today to make sure that that never becomes a reality and by the way what I
just talked about with you this is something I did uh some extensive work with Tony Robbins on for my life and I
went down this path and I made it as dark as possible he showed me as dark as
possible now your your wife has left you you you my wife is remarried my kids are
getting married to guys I don't like and I'm not even invited to the wedding what a horrifying reality for me to Envision
and then he forced me to look at myself in the mirror and go Markus it's not your fault it's the government's fault
it's the economy's fault it's this it's that it's not your fault it's your parents' fault they cursed you you're
not to blame you couldn't have done anything and I'm going I at this point I'm weeping man and I'm like that is not
going to be my reality and when he stapped me out of it and he's like wake up now is your chance what do you want
to do about it I'm like everything's going to change and I put so much intention into how I treat my wife and
my children and my body and my health and my mind because I want to show up every day I want them to be proud of me
I want them to respect me I want them to love me and feel so much abundance of
Love towards them and that's the kind of life not just for me but for them think
about me pouring that kind of energy that kind of abundant love into them don't you think they're going to succeed
more in life don't you think they're going to experience more life don't you want that for your children that excites
me so I hope you guys got something out of that if you got anything out of that write it down now so you don't forget
about it and take action on it take action on it today go for a walk today
get out there go find some Woods to walk around in take in some deep breaths have
some meditation out there just go for a nice walk you won't believe how transformative it can
be yeah and excuse me having that mindset change is is definitely I mean that and this is a
joke but like I I'm convinced that the people that say women prefer dadbods are guys with dadbods that did the research
um yeah because if you've never experienced this like obviously I've been married
for 28 years my wife and I we've been more fit less fit whatever right but we stay we stay
fit but I know that I get more compliments when I'm more fit than when
I'm less fit right like it could be subconscious it could be whatever but it's also because of that confidence
right like I feel better about myself and I've always joked one of the reasons
I was really successful as a personal trainer is because I'm like everybody else like I'm I'm not really somebody
that loves working out um you know like I'm not just I'm not one which is
probably how you are and there's a lot of guys that are like that and they're super successful at that I was never that guy but I was doing 13 clients a
day I and and but like Hey we're all on this together right I want to be vain
I'm a I'm vain so I want to work out for that reason but I want to have health longevity I had clients that you know
couldn't even get up from a laying position on their own without doing that whole rollover up on and and go from
that to doing you know box jumps and burpees and you know full sit-ups and
all of those things back in the day because we need that hip flexor strength at that time and all of that kind of stuff but like just having that mindset
how do we so you're a guy clearly like I can see a picture of you I can see different candids of you and I can say I
know Markus has this amazing energy right like you just have that you exude
that energy not only in person we're not in person but even through this through this thing I tend to be more of a
resting [ __ ] face kind of guy unfortunately but I like if you see me
right but like in having this conversation I obviously don't have that energy but how do you tell people how to
get that energy like what is the m what is the basic mindset towards having that kind of get up off
your ass go take a walk treat your wife better all of like how do you how do you
impart that kind of energy into people oh man first of all I appreciate that so much and second of all it's a process
and I'm going to give you you guys a few tips right now but there's not like one thing it's not like yeah everybody drink
wheat grass and you'll have the energy I have there isn't just one thing uh and
my first encouragement to you is this you you could find 25 different things
that are going to help your energy and what we do naturally when we're on this kick of like I'm going to improve my
energy I'm going to get into we try and change 20 different variables in our life
how did that go for you how did that go for you every other every other time you've ever tried to do it so my
encouragement to you is this choose three choose three things that you're going to say these are the three things
I am going to focus on and I am going to change these things and start with your
identity stop saying whatever negative thing that usually comes out of your mouth that destroys it how many people
have you and I dealt with who are trying to lose weight who are like ah this is so like me I do it for a couple weeks
and then I break my diet I'm I'm a failure when it comes to this I always do this what you're doing is you're
you're identifying yourself as some sort of failure you got to stop that that that that's you're wearing it as a badge
that's not what you need to be doing anymore you're old enough to know better so now say you know what I'm a man who's
smart enough to make the right decisions it doesn't mean you have to be perfect you have to forgive yourself when you
slip up but forgive yourself and then immediately say but not tomorrow no no
no no I am not a guy who does two days in a row so yeah I screwed up yesterday on my diet I screwed up yesterday by
missing my workout but not two days in a row so these three things you're going to write them down you're going to put
them on sticky notes and you're going to put them all over your life you're going to put them in your car you're going to put them on your bathroom window you're
going to put them at your desk you're going to have to stare at these things so many times that it's easier just to
follow your new rules than to fight them so choose three things I'm going to give
you just a few options here to boost your energy number one get some exercise
in the morning if you work out in the morning it sets you up for a way better
day you have energy for the whole day plus you got your workout in if you're
leaving it till the end of the day do you know how many people find a reason not to work out and I have so much Mercy
for that too crap happens during the day ah my business really needs me ah my
wife called me she needs me to pick up the kids ah I've got to go do this I got to go do this I hear you but what always
comes off the list first the workout do the workout in the morning you feel awesome and all day long you go freaking
started this day so awesome what a champ I'm a freaking champ I got my workout done in the morning okay so there's
number one number two start focusing on your integrity right when you wake up
this is such a big one if you use the snooze button you need to stop immediately if
you snooze you lose the snooze button is your first chance of the day to say I'm
a man of integrity My Yes means yes my no means no I said I would wake up at
this time and this is the time I will wake up just so you know the studies are super clear if you hit that snooze
button you are messing up your sleep way more than you realize you think oh I'm going to give myself 10 more minutes of
sleep it's going to be good for me it is terrible for you it is called the dream killer for a reason but more importantly
than that I just want to focus on your integrity if you hit that snooze button from the very moment you woke up you
have said to your brain my yes doesn't really mean yes my no really doesn't mean no so all the rest of the day when
any decision comes up your brain whether you think about it or not it's your subconscious goes your yes doesn't
really mean yes we're just negotiating here and that's a problem that's a problem that will that will transpire
and and permeate into everything you do everything you do at work everything you do with your diet your health your
conversations so tomorrow you are going to wake up when you said you're going to wake up and you're going to celebrate it
you're GNA go that's right I'm a man of my word I said I would do it and I did it look at me I'm a freaking champ you
don't have to worry about social media going that's not a big deal deal you're not a big deal until you've done this
this and this I'm telling you that's a big deal you want to celebrate with somebody you message me I will be the
first person to go that's what I'm talking about just those little wins they stack up they add up they compound
and then the final thing I'm going to give you is this you're going to remove one bad habit from your life your choice
it could be a bad bad toxic person in your life it could be uh a bad food that
you know you eat that you should be taking out so just as important if
actually it's more important to remove some of the bad stuff from our lives than it is to add the good stuff because
all this good stuff you think about the energy that you C you have every day okay well I got my workout in so that
gave me some energy I had some coffee so that gave me some energy uh I had a great uh sleep last night gave me some
energy but then I had a really bad talk with my coworker G she's such a gossip
and then we blah blah blah blah blah okay how much did that take you down compared to what all these things
brought you up probably equal or more so you see how important it is that we
remove the bad stuff so that the good stuff can actually Elevate us so what you see out of me this energy that I
have I have my non-negotiables I do these things every single day and I don't do any of these things ever and it
takes time it's not like you can do it overnight but I've been working at this thing for 30 years and I can tell you
right now I have phenomenal energy every single day my immune system is spoton I
get sick like not even once a year I have great energy when I wake up I go to
sleep and get a great night's sleep I wake up with energy I love my schedule there are so many positives about this
life and this is not me bragging this is me going hey there is a beautiful end to this if you put in the work every single
day dude there's so much in that first of all I don't think I've ever heard anyone tie Integrity to the to the
snooze buttton which I think is phenomenal I'm gonna probably steal that and give you credit um
but I've been fortunate because I don't wake I haven't woken up to an alarm in like 25 years oh I love that I love that
but I also don't sleep nearly as much as I should right like but my body naturally like if I go to so a couple
nights ago we went to bed early i' had been traveling and so I think we went to bed about 9: which is early for us and
um and then I was awake at like 4:30 yeah because my body was like normally I'm like a six and a half to seven guy
but after seven and a half my body was like hey you're done it's time to get up right and so if you have those good
sleep habits and you have all that then that makes that morning time so much easier I'm a I'm a morning I'm a dual
exerciser because I work out of my house yeah uh except for when I travel so then I do kind of some basic cardio my sauna
try to get the the cold Plunge in in the morning to kind and it's almost more mental Than Physical oh yes like if if I
miss that morning cardio session and I mean we're not talking about like I'm literally walking on the treadmill because I live in you know Winterville
here um in Montana but if I miss that I just feel like crap and then I I will
normally try to do weights at like 4 pm so I you know 3:30 4M because that's tends to be like that Peak before you
know I don't have that my blood sugar is kind of doing its thing and I'm in good shape and I'm ready to ready to do that and
I'm fortunate not everybody can do that right but if you can't do that definitely get all that stuff done in the morning I think that's phenomenal in
order to do that and those non-negotiables right there's that kind of stuff is super important one of the
things that you said is is kind of taking responsibility yeah and I've talked about this on this podcast
multiple times but and I just heard this song there's a song that basically said dear younger me it's not your fault it's
it's a Christian song I hate that song I hate I like the song I hate that line
right because I always say it probably is your fault like whatever's going on
in your life you know barring you could probably trace it back to a decision you made almost almost
completely but let's say that there's a small ones that aren't your fault the good thing is if it's your fault you can
fix it yes you're you're you're in control because anything that's outside of your control how do you fix it you
can't but if it's if it's something that you're you're responsible for then it's easier to fix and I'm kind of going down
this Litany of things that you gave me but in the like the emotional energy side is something that I I really try to
teach people a lot which is I I'm I work in the automotive industry as part of I have one of my
Brands is in the automotive industry in the detailing industry in particular and for whatever reason this this group of
individuals that are in this IND in Industry are super Negative they worry about competition they worry about what
people say about them they worry about getting into the drama and all that like I don't think dentists are doing that I
don't know could be something that dentists do too but I'm constantly telling these people because I kind of
have this place in that industry where people listen to me a little bit I will say why are you wasting the emotional
energy to even get involved in in this situation why are you giving that away you only have a
finite amount of energy if you give that away that's less for yourself less for your family less for your business all
these things and so preserving that to your to your point about those negative
people right like don't waste the ne don't waste your emotional energy on
that crap either distance yourself you can get rid of them if that's possible sometimes they're family members so that
requires a little bit of management right but that whole concept is something I just absolutely love so
those those three things are phenomenal can you give me I'm interested in your personal like you know non-negotiables
in your life oh I i' love to uh there's two things I want to go over one let's
go over my non-negotiables and then two I want to come back to this idea of choice and what's in our control because
I love you and I speak so much the same language even when you were talking about your morning routine I'm like I
knew it I knew this guy and I have almost the same routine so my here's my
non-negotiables in the morning one when I wake up I've already got my clothes
laid out for my cardio workout this is a big deal because people H like when
you're waking up you don't really want to be making decisions and what am I doing right now again no no no keep it
real simple you've got it already laid out boom I've got my clothes on I've got my fluids in front of me and I'm on my
treadmill within six minutes of waking up that's a big deal now no
phone do not look at your phone in the morning this is a non-negotiable why where is the positive
in it it is just fires that you're going to put out there's no positive it's like
we hoped it's no no no this one message is going to be you know you won the lottery or something here nope oh it's
it's always like where was my or I do retail sales on on you know Shopify too it's like what happened to my order y
like dude really I didn't need that right now now I get to think about that for the next half hour while I do my workout and you haven't primed your
brain yet to prepare for a great day so you're just going what kind of day is is going to be ah fires a fir kind of day
so no none of that I'm on my treadmill and now I'm moving I've got blood flowing I'm feeling good and I'm in my
prayer time and if if you're not into prayer time just be in some gratitude time because if you spend some time in
gratitude here's all the things I'm grateful for in my life it washes over you like Frick I got a good life we
don't spend enough time in that and we don't recognize all the great things we have until gone so spend some time in
that and see how now I'm priming myself now and by the way then I stretch and
now I'll take a peek at my phone as I'm eating my healthy breakfast now I'm prepared there's going to be fires and
I'm like it's okay it there's fires every day my life is so good I'm going
to be able to handle this I'm in control not that MH so that's huge then I do my
now I after a little bit of digestion after a little bit of PR time a little bit of time with my family I often make
my girls breakfast which I love that time with my family then I get my workout in and then I go sauna and cold
tub every day and boy are those Life Changers now I'm ready to face my day
with full energy full expectation that I'm going to crush it again today so
those are a few of my non-negotiables and they really do lead into also what what Kevin was talking about with what's
in your control this is such great advice that he's given so I'm just going to
piggyback on it what is in your control and that's what you should be focusing
on this world is trying to grab your focus and go can you believe what's
happening in this part of the world can you believe the Injustice of what your government's doing you're being C taxes
are going up can you believe so and so politician has done this can you believe blah blah blah all these things out of
your control when you focus on what's out of control you feel out of control
and I get that that is a horrible place for us to be and it's and it is loaded
with fear that's what they want that is their end goal be in fear because if
you're in fear guess who's in control they are they can sell you crap
they can get your eyes to focus on crap all this junk is based on fear but for
me I don't deal with any of that stuff that's out of my control I pull it all back into what's in my control and
there's so much more in your control than you realize and again this is what Kevin said you can peel it back to a
decision got me here so therefore a decision can get me out now will it be
one decision and my life will change tomorrow no but a series of decisions
that you will commit to we're going to talk about habits you commit to certain habits and you just get a little bit
better every single day so this is isn't about okay you know what you've convinced me I'm pulling sugar out of my
diet no more fast food for me while I love that and that's a beautiful thing
I'm kind of confident you've said this before and with all due respect how did it work out because you can't do that
180 your brain and your body is like this is too much change we can't we
can't keep this up so my encouragement to you is just to take some baby steps in the right direction so what do baby
steps look like okay well I have fast food 5 days a week right now okay next
week I mean immediately you're now going to be a thre day a week guy three days a
week you only cut out two days per week you still get that fast food hit it's
not crazy you're going to do this for a few weeks and you're going to go that wasn't that bad it was not a big deal I
had to replace a couple of bad meals with good ones you do that for three weeks and then you're going to drop it
down to two and from 3 to two it's not not that big of a jump you're going to
go that wasn't that bad and then from two to one not that bad and then from
one to zero and you're going to go that's not that big of a deal I was only having one anyway see how these little
baby steps and all of a sudden you're at zero and you feel like a champ and then when you're at zero and you try having
five days a week of fast food again you are going to feel disgusting disgusting how awesome is
that and then you go right back to one or zero and now you're on this beautiful
path now do this in every every part of your life how much alcohol do you drink don't try and go to zero see this is
different kind of talk going to zero I'm sorry you're setting yourself up for failure but if you just drop one or two
days per week that you were having drinks and replace it with something else something more positive not drugs
now but something more positive now I'm moving to cocaine that's that I'll get more done that way
I'll I'll just switch over honey Markus told me he said drugs are he said
he ah see little baby steps your life will change yeah I love that and you know on
that fast food kick I don't eat fast we don't eat out that much but like if I will have for whatever reason I'm
traveling or whatever and like I just most of the time I pack my lunch when I travel I've got one of those those uh
travel coolers yeah that that weightlifters use they're awesome by the way but if I I can't remember it's got
three different meals in there and it's you know it's it's basically one of those it's probably a Chinese knockoff I got on Amazon frankly um but like if I
forget that and I have fast food I'm like is this what people feel like all the time when they eat this crap because
like it's it is so full of chemicals and junk and like it just it just makes and
so when you get to that zero even I think when you get down from five to two you're like like why was I eating this
stuff in the first place I feel so much better at two I wonder what I'll feel like at one and then at zero right and
it's same thing with alcohol or anything else that you're putting into your body that that's poisoning you oh so true Kev
can I can I give somebody uh can I give everybody one more uh Beauty it's a mindset for me for food give them give
them as much as you want man give them as much as we'll we this is gold by the way you should guys should be making
sure you take notes on these things awesome food is data here here's what I love about this
word data it is a small little word but it is so all-encompassing and it really busts out into something big so if food
is data Kev help me out here if I eat a really disgusting and not even good
tasting so let's leave the burgers that are good tasting you know the Five Guys we'll leave that in a separate category
okay Five Guys is is okay for our treat meals but a garbage burger that was made
at a garbage restaurant fast food what data am I telling my body by eating
that just give me anything there's lots i f full okay filling up what
else um I get that I get that sugar and chemical hit right so that I get a
dopamine hit from it if especially if I'm addicted to it right what about I
get that I get that calorie boost for about what 20 minutes but but I do get
that energy boost especially if I'm loading up on sugar and you sugar drink and all that right what are you telling
your body you feel about your body by having that garbage burger well I mean after the fact you're
like why did I do that to myself yep yep so here's a few more hey body I want you
to experience some inflammation oh yeah yeah I don't I want to slow down my digestive system I want
to screw up my digestive system I want to overwork and tax my my liver my
kidneys my digestive system uh my insulin uh muscles I don't want to feed
you properly brain I don't want to feed you properly like look at the data and
man we've just said like eight things I would say you could literally make a list of 800 yeah now let's say I have a
beautiful meal a nice clean cooked piece of salmon with some brown rice and some
broccoli Kev help me out what data did I just tell my body that you value it you
want to put good things in it you got your fiber right you got your vitamins
you got Omega-3s and Omega six right and like and I like we were talking about
earlier I don't think people understand the difference between those two scenarios you know really and what they
what you feel like yes and and I'll say this I'm more of like food is fuel kind
of guy like I'm not a guy that looks forward to Major meals and all it's kind of an annoyance I'm more of a Jetson
give me a pill that tastes like you know a T-bone kind of a guy yeah buddy but like I do know what it what good food
makes me feel like and good fuel right we in the fitness industry we always use that food as fuel thing and versus like
what what it what bad fuel looks like it's like a car I'm a car guy right so if I put if I put diesel in my in my gas
car VI or vice versa it's definitely not going to run y so keep going with your anal keep going with your thing brother
this is so wild by the way so many of these analogies are in my book like you when you read my book You're Gonna Go
did he record our conversation and type it up I you know what I specifically say I used to talk about diesel but it's so
much worse what we do to our bodies it we have this Ferrari and we pull up to the gas station and we go you know what
Coca-Cola is on sale I'm gonna put some Coca-Cola in my gas tank it it seems
ridiculous mhm but that's exactly what we're doing to our bodies we've only got
one we've got one Ferrari and we're like well this was on sale glug glug glug
that's as that's even more ridiculous in my opinion than putting it in your Ferrari's gasket tank because guess what
your Ferrari breaks down you can buy another Ferrari yeah your body breaks down there is no second chance here like
you are be you got to take good care of this stuff so that that idea of food is fuel food is data what are you telling
yourself and one of the flip sides of this where most people just don't go and they don't recognize because they do eat
poorly is what can I expect out of my body we just think well no no no I just
put this stuff in my face and it just covers me for a few hours this is not what this is about this is about fueling
it like putting something in there and then you can expect my brain is going to be really sharp today I'm going to come
up with some incredible ideas today I'm going to have great energy today my body is going to do amazing things today when
wouldn't that be a nice thing to be able to say every single day can you think about the impact you would make on your
own life and about in the lives of everybody around you if you showed up to life like that every single
day but it's so expensive Markus I can't afford to eat healthily first of all
have you bought fast food lately like the old three9 three $3 dinners it's like $19 and if you go to F Five Guys
for my wife and I to go to Five Guys here it's like 45 bucks isn't it crazy
so so it's definitely and then I saw a story it's actually now getting to where it's it's cheaper to eat at home yes
like before it was almost it was almost a wash or sometimes cheaper to eat out now it's not like that like it's cheaper
to eat at home but that's the excuse right oh it's expensive I can't afford vegetables I can't afford eggs and steak
and salmon and all this stuff right you know so that's so beautiful there's two things you just brought up that I love
check your assumptions we we we we gather data at some point in the past
and we just go that's the way it is no it's too expensive it's it's cheaper to hold on hold on that's an old assumption
that's not true anymore you're absolutely right every time we go out for dinner I'm like what is going on
like we have money and I'm staring at this bill going who can afford this like
yeah is is nobody paying attention because again we just go under the assumption like oh I've always eaten
here I can afford it's two and a half times what it to cost and if you eat at
home you can get healthy stuff you can get vegetables you can get these things at cheaper prices now so double check
that assumption and maybe we're going to start eating healthier at home again yeah and I'll give you a little secret I
was tell I put this on my Facebook the other day chat GPT you were talking about AI with medical stuff right so
Michelle my wife loves the Mediterranean diet um and but but she needs more
protein right and so I use chat TPT and when you do I anybody that's not meal
prep for Mediterranean like it takes a lot of prep like there's because you got a ton of vegetables and you're cutting
and all that kind of stuff I dropped in chat GPT which is free you can you can use the free version the the paid
version is a little bit natural language progression anyway we'll get get super geeky about it but I said hey I need
four meals Let's do let's food prep let's food prep four meals I want meal prep for four meals please limit the
please combine ingredients to limit the amount of prep required nice I need so
she's whatever she's eating I need 30 grams of protein per meal so add extra
protein and I want these particular ingredients and please give me you know
give me give me 12 op give me 12 options I'll pick and then I'll tell you after I pick if you can to give me the recipes
took less than two minutes she had four recipes that she loves it minimized the
amount of cutting because it combined the it combined all the the prep stuff right so she's cutting bok choy and
cabbage and you know the quinoa or whatever whatever is in there wow super
easy so there's one of your excuses if you're saying I don't even know what to eat dude use AI boom it's free and you
can use it for Fitness variety you can use it for all sorts of things you still need guys like us to help you you know
help guide you so you know how much you know all this stuff but it's it's great for being able to kind of get some
variety and stuff so it takes that it and you can even tell it I can't afford
to buy high-end stuff but I still want to be healthy and it will it will
recommend you know you can say I can afford $5 a meal and it will recommend recipes that fall into that for the
servings and all it's not it's freaking scary so I talk really nice to AI so if it does decide to kill
you know all of us as humans maybe I'll be on that short list of of non-kill I don't know but I you welcome our new
overlords that's right bro I what a game-changing piece of advice man people
rewind that back five minutes and listen to it again like this this is where we're at in this world of technology
look at how simple and easy that is to radically change our lives beautiful
brother I love that tip and it's not hard I mean honestly it's just a matter of of doing it and depending you know we
talked a little bit about mindset and I've told I I tell this story a lot on my podcast but my girls they go to Mom
for like the encouragement you know the the building up and like the you know
more mom things right emotional type things they literally call these calls Dad I need these stop being a little
[ __ ] talk because like it may be something
like you know you're you're complaining that you haven't done your you haven't gotten your homework done but how much
Netflix and social media have you done this week right and so I literally ask the question they'll tell me this thing
and I will say have you tried not being a little [ __ ] about it and if that's not your personal selft
talk you know and I'm a Christian like we don't we don't like I'm I don't use harsh language but this is I talk to
myself this way too it's like doing the cold plunge kind of sucks right some of these some of these things you have to
do there are easier less painful paths in the the short run but that's like the
and that's about the soreness or acute injuries or whatever it's like we I've
tried to develop habits that I say it's not if I'm going to do these things it's
what time I'm going to do these things or at what point or at what frequency or all of those right but that whole like
if that selft talk works for you I know Joe Rogan uses that phrase to getting he he he tells himself to stop being a
little [ __ ] about going in the cold cold Plunge but that if that language works for you as a motivator then use it
it may be much friendlier to yourself than that and I don't recommend like total shameful talk to yourself none of
us do but it's just a matter of just do it yeah right just that you know just go
make some changes in your life and I think Markus has given us some really awesome ideas on this one for sure so
good hey I I just love I want to highlight that's that shows how good of a relationship you have with your kids
and that what you've taught them over years I mean you can't just start talking to a 25-year-old girl that way
that started probably when they were about 3 years old so I just want to tell you I love that I love seeing other men
take that stuff serious and I want to encourage all the fathers who are listening to this communicate more with
your kids and don't be afraid to discipline them you we all we all know
what technology is doing to screw them up and we just leave them yeah but I can't get them off the iPad I don't want
to be the bad guy they're they're on their iPhones all the time I don't want to be the bad guy you know where it's
going to lead them so you're either the bad guy in the long run because Dad how could you let me like I'm going nowhere
in life I you know I'm 40 years old and I'm still living in your basement because I can't afford to do anything
else and I've got a a job that pays me $111 an hour that's because of what you allowed when they were younger and I I'm
not going to toot my own horn uh for what I'm about to say but I want to I want to tell you I think this is more
common than not I had a chat with my daughter last week we we've restricted
their iPad for many years from the beginning but we let it slide a little bit let it slide and they were having
some busy time in school and we were like ah we Justified it you know well they need a little bit of extra release
and then it got bad because it does it's an addiction it's like anything you know they oh they needed a drink at the end
of the day and all of a sudden now they're drinking 20 drinks at the end of the it slid and so I had a talk and I
said okay here's what we're going to do we're going to set up new rules you're going to get 1 hour per night four
nights a week you can tell me which hour and that way you can schedule your friends to say hey between 5 and 6 we're
going to jump on a zoom or whatever you want that's your time in the last 7 days
she's been exercising she's been reading more she's gotten ahead of her homework she's full of life like it's a totally
different girl and we had this talk last night and she's like Dad I'm so grateful
you got me off the iPad I'm so grateful like I feel like I can do anything I've got so much energy I'm
doing all these projects I'm thinking again clearly it's so insane cuz all we
had to do is like get her off her addiction and yet I there was no positive there's no reason to leave it
but we do and again come from a place of Mercy I only changed seven days ago so I'm not like if you want to be perfect
like me no I was the goofball letting it go for so long so I just want to give
you guys that like man have some encouragement go have that talk today to say hey we're going to start limiting
your iPad time it's just and she's TW is this the 12-year old 12-y old okay yeah
and keep in mind that advice works very well for adults who are 50 years old and 45 years old and any age just and I from
kid standpoint one of the like as you're saying this I had this Vision have you ever been to Tiana no Tiana's
horrible it just is it's and there are certain parts that are way worse imagine
dropping your 12-year-old daughter into the middle of Tijana and tell her I'll come back and pick you up in two
hours like you talk about going dark on some of this stuff like you would never do that no you have to see the internet
for children as worse than that right like that is something and we you know
again I was not perfect about this we had a family family computer that was actually in our kitchen we have a little
desk in there that we used and that was something that you know your kids should really not be in their room with the
door closed on a device of any kind yeah you know if they're 18 19 you know
that's their choice they're adults they can make those decisions yeah when they're forming you know especially when their frontal lob's not full fully
developed and all that stuff so I would like for men and W you know hus husbands
fathers wives mothers to think that Tiana you know analogy and honestly I've
never used that before so you're hearing it here first um but like it is such a
terrible place and especially right now if you look at all the data we talked
about data early like what we're doing to kids identities and what we're telling them about themselves and who
they are and you're a person of faith and I I wanted to say this earlier but but there's there's something that I
kind of lean into when I'm talking about my kids uh and decision making and they've all they've made decisions that
we don't agree with and and different not not our choice for their lives but I always tell them look there's two things
I know to be true God is who he says he is and you are who he says he is you are
who you he says you are yeah so he is who he says he is and you are who he
says you are yeah right and that's that mindset and if you're not a person of Faith you can believe you know whatever
you happen to believe but but there is a there is something in innate in yourself
and your value to yourself to your family and to the world that really we
can lean into a lot more yes and if you see your kids as that precious
representation of who they are also and then you want to do everything especially as a dad yes like dude we're
supposed to be protectors right like and and that means you know we protect our wives we step in front of the mugger in
the alleyway you know and we protect our kids from things that we can't even see on the
internet right like that's it's just it's a horrible place so I love that you brought that up I think that's amazing
that that you did that I have friends that that don't allow their kids much time at all you know even freaking Mark
Zuckerberg doesn't let his kids go on Facebook oh my goodness what a lesson to
learn actually all silip Valley uh Big Wigs yeah don't allow their kids iPads
CU they know what happens yeah that's got to tell you something o yeah listen
I want to come full circle on something because what you just said was so beautiful and it brings me back to
something you said in the very beginning and I I've been keeping it in the back of my mind you talked about um walking
into certain places and feeling that imposter syndrome and so I want to help
you with that and hopefully people are going to take a good nugget out of this I've learned to fully get rid of
imposter and here's how I fully believe if I'm in
a room I'm supposed to be in that room as in God has placed me in that room I
don't need to know why if you try to do it on your own wisdom on my own wisdom I
will I'll never figure it out and that is absolutely where impostor syndrome is going to come into if I'm in this room
with a bunch of billionaires the Mark Cubans of the world the most intelligent minds of the world I know I'm supposed
to be there I don't think it's because I'm as intelligent as this I'm far from it I don't think it's because I have as
much money because I don't but God has placed me in that room for some reason
and I don't even necessarily need to know why ever so I'm going to have a few conversations and guess what I'm going
to impact somebody's life but if I cerh I don't belong here I don't belong here
I don't belong here I won't have the impact that I'm supposed to be having this is who I'm supposed to show up as
and so I hope you guys hear this as show up as your authentic self every single
day you don't know the impact you are supposed to have in this
world if you don't show up as yourself you won't have it yeah because you never know that
group of billionaires you've got something to offer them that they can't get anywhere else because there's no one else like you right like that's the
there you you're made in a certain way you can have certain conversations that no one else has and I joke on the
podcast about you know this this how did you get in here guests but those conversations like I would have never
made the assumption that you and I were so similar right like if you look if you if
you lined up this is who Markus is this is who Kevin is like we we align far more than we know when than we don't
align absolutely and so like you never know and I think one one crucial skill
that I I've developed over the years and I'm sure you do too is you you figure out that connection point with everybody
that that you meet whether it's a custodian at the high school or your kids's teacher or a billionaire yeah you
know there's always a connection point because you're human we're all we all live in our own humanity and I love what
you're saying which is you know you you are in that space for a reason you and I are having this discussion for a reason
we connected I think on social media or something I think I reached out to you which is a BAL bold mood on my part
right to reach out to you but like that's and and I have stories throughout my life that if I had not taken that
step I would not have had the results for years you know that like I would have never gotten that we have a story
where my wife wanted to my wife was a stay-at-home mom Homemaker turned rally
car driver welder car builder she's had five different semas that she's had
vehicles in that she's worked on but that that whole process started because
one of our best friends now is on a TV show on Discovery Motor Trend TV and all
that and I said hey I know she's having this event why don't we reach out to her and so we can go meet her and my wife
was like no she doesn't have time for that so I did that and that started a chain of events that completely change
the trajectory of this stay-at-home mom's life right like she met all these trades women and she she got into
welding and she's done Bodywork and we built her Jeep and like all that stuff so all that to say don't be afraid to
take those steps and to be your authentic self right brother I love that for sure I love that well this has been
amazing I um I can't thank you enough for doing this I I need to come have actual lunch with you at some point
because I think that would be phenomenal I'd love that brother have have you go take me shoot suit shopping um for sure
but uh no hey how do people find you what's going on with the book when do we look for that um I mean I know you do
coaching programs and all sorts of membership programs and stuff like that so give us the give us the scoop thank you so much hey first of all I just want
to say you're doing an amazing job I loved this conversation with you I loved spending time with you and I would love
to hang out with you again sometime man off the air on the air doesn't matter 100% yeah uh if if you guys felt
something here today if you felt something from me you liked plug it into this energy you want to plug in again
come reach out to me look at what Kevin said he just reached out to me out of nowhere and look at the conversation we had it was freaking awesome so please do
the same reach out to me connect with me uh my book is now for pre-sale so if you
go and pick up the book anywhere Amazon and all the beautiful book stores you can do a pre-sale order and you you come
on to play aigg book and register that book I'm going to give you some freebies and
you'll be entered to win a bunch of different trips I'm I'm sending people on trips especially to come down to my
big conference that I'm going to have in July and Kev I'd love to see you there brother and uh it's going to be an
absolutely life-changing day play bigger that's my Mastermind if you want to spend time with me if you want
to do some big business things and just think bigger be around people who play bigger come check us out play bigger
1:14:13 or on Instagram Markus Kaulius come come say hi let me know that you
heard of me from here and let's just connect plug into this energy you want to get more of it I'd love to give you
more I'd love to be on this journey with you that's awesome Markus I appreciate you taking the time brother this is this
has been great buddy pleasure was mine God bless you man yeah keep doing you you too you too if you're looking to
really maximize your life and become the man you were made to be head over to maxed out and get your journey
started today

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