Maxed out Man

Episode 62 - Building Castles from the Deep: Real Estate to Real Connection - Brett Snodgrass

May 01, 2024 Kevin Davis Season 1 Episode 62
Episode 62 - Building Castles from the Deep: Real Estate to Real Connection - Brett Snodgrass
Maxed out Man
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Maxed out Man
Episode 62 - Building Castles from the Deep: Real Estate to Real Connection - Brett Snodgrass
May 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 62
Kevin Davis

Brett Snodgrass, a full-time real estate investor and founder of Iron Deep ministry, shares his journey and insights on real estate investing, entrepreneurship, and the challenges faced by business owners. He discusses various real estate strategies such as wholesaling, whole-tailing, and creative financing. Brett also highlights the tax benefits of investing in rental properties. He emphasizes the pressures and stresses of entrepreneurship, including the loneliness and sacrifices involved. 

Finally, he explains how his own struggles and experiences led to the creation of Iron Deep, a ministry for Christian men in business. In this part of the conversation, Brett Snodgrass discusses the importance of building deep relationships and finding a supportive community in entrepreneurship. They also explore the pressure and responsibility of being an entrepreneur and the impact it has on relationships, particularly with spouses. 

The conversation delves into the challenges of balancing risk and security, as well as the identity crisis that men often face. They also discuss the importance of finding common ground and celebrating each other's strengths in relationships. Finally, they touch on the significance of changing perspectives and finding meaning and purpose in life. In this conversation, Brett Snodgrass discusses his transition from being an entrepreneur to leading men in ministry through Iron Deep. He emphasizes the importance of delegating and finding balance in life. Brett shares his heart for creating a deeper brotherhood among men and the impact of the Iron Deep retreats. He also addresses the struggle of finding like-minded men in church and the need for intentional community. Brett encourages men to reflect on their desires and goals and to be honest with themselves. He concludes by offering advice for men who are struggling in various areas of life.


  • Real estate investing offers various strategies such as wholesaling, whole-tailing, and rental properties.
  • Investing in rental properties can provide tax benefits through cost segregation and forced depreciation.
  • Entrepreneurship comes with pressures, stresses, and sacrifices, including the need to constantly lead and fulfill promises to employees, lenders, and family.
  • The journey of entrepreneurship can be lonely, and many successful business owners privately struggle with personal and family issues.
  • Brett Snodgrass founded Iron Deep ministry to support Christian men in business and help them navigate their internal battles. Building deep relationships and finding a supportive community is crucial in entrepreneurship.
  • Entrepreneurs often face pressure and responsibility for the livelihood of their families and employees.
  • Balancing risk and security is a challenge in relationships, particularly when one partner is more risk-averse.
  • Finding common ground and celebrating each other's strengths is essential for a healthy relationship.
  • Changing perspectives and finding meaning and purpose can help navigate identity shifts in entrepreneurship.

To learn more about Maxed Out Man and to maximize your potential, visit or connect with us on Social Media:


Show Notes Transcript

Brett Snodgrass, a full-time real estate investor and founder of Iron Deep ministry, shares his journey and insights on real estate investing, entrepreneurship, and the challenges faced by business owners. He discusses various real estate strategies such as wholesaling, whole-tailing, and creative financing. Brett also highlights the tax benefits of investing in rental properties. He emphasizes the pressures and stresses of entrepreneurship, including the loneliness and sacrifices involved. 

Finally, he explains how his own struggles and experiences led to the creation of Iron Deep, a ministry for Christian men in business. In this part of the conversation, Brett Snodgrass discusses the importance of building deep relationships and finding a supportive community in entrepreneurship. They also explore the pressure and responsibility of being an entrepreneur and the impact it has on relationships, particularly with spouses. 

The conversation delves into the challenges of balancing risk and security, as well as the identity crisis that men often face. They also discuss the importance of finding common ground and celebrating each other's strengths in relationships. Finally, they touch on the significance of changing perspectives and finding meaning and purpose in life. In this conversation, Brett Snodgrass discusses his transition from being an entrepreneur to leading men in ministry through Iron Deep. He emphasizes the importance of delegating and finding balance in life. Brett shares his heart for creating a deeper brotherhood among men and the impact of the Iron Deep retreats. He also addresses the struggle of finding like-minded men in church and the need for intentional community. Brett encourages men to reflect on their desires and goals and to be honest with themselves. He concludes by offering advice for men who are struggling in various areas of life.


  • Real estate investing offers various strategies such as wholesaling, whole-tailing, and rental properties.
  • Investing in rental properties can provide tax benefits through cost segregation and forced depreciation.
  • Entrepreneurship comes with pressures, stresses, and sacrifices, including the need to constantly lead and fulfill promises to employees, lenders, and family.
  • The journey of entrepreneurship can be lonely, and many successful business owners privately struggle with personal and family issues.
  • Brett Snodgrass founded Iron Deep ministry to support Christian men in business and help them navigate their internal battles. Building deep relationships and finding a supportive community is crucial in entrepreneurship.
  • Entrepreneurs often face pressure and responsibility for the livelihood of their families and employees.
  • Balancing risk and security is a challenge in relationships, particularly when one partner is more risk-averse.
  • Finding common ground and celebrating each other's strengths is essential for a healthy relationship.
  • Changing perspectives and finding meaning and purpose can help navigate identity shifts in entrepreneurship.

To learn more about Maxed Out Man and to maximize your potential, visit or connect with us on Social Media:


[Music] welcome to maxed out man helping you
become the man you were made to be all right hey guys this Kevin Davis
from the max out man podcast and today we're here with Brett Snodgrass which is going to be super interesting before we
get started want to remind you go to maxed out to learn about memberships and challenges and courses
and all the stuff that we offer find us on all those social medias as well so I'm gonna do a quick intro for Brett and
then we'll get started Brett uh he's been a full-time real estate in uh investor for what' you say 17 years he
specializes in wholesaling whole te whole te tailing which is which is a
concept I'm not so I've done a bunch of BR you know Burr stuff on my own but never wholesale creative financing and
scaling a business from a oneman band to an amazing full team running hundreds of deals per year so congrats on that
that's super awesome BR also heads a Ministry for men called iron deep which is a unique men's community madeup of
risk-taking mission min male Business Leaders who vow to go beyond success to fulfill their significant person purpose
in Christ his new book The Secret War within was written to help to driven
entrepreneurs in their own internal battles they fight daily uh that others don't even realize while it hits some
hard and raw issues it also serves to be a guide for Hope and victory also has two podcasts iron deep and simple
wholesaling podcast which you said the wholesaling podcast is currently on sabatical right a little bit uh and you
can find out more about him and I'll go ahe and put this out there Iron deep or and you can find the book at
in there or at any major retailer so hey Brett that's a long intro right like I I
I grabbed that put that stuff together this morning and it's um so thanks for coming I really appreciate you coming on
board uh and I have to say first of all your your team sent me this amazing like
I was like I have to do this at some point has a little has a nice little card it came in with the book it's all
branded it has a little like Papyrus thing looking with some with some uh
some you know paper in there and so I was I was super impressed yeah and I probably even sprayed a little cologne
on it just to I've been I've been sleeping with it under my pillow uh so
hey thanks for coming aboard that's your basic bio but I know the story goes so much deeper here and so Phil free to I
I'd like to know more about your story and I know since you do the podcast this is a little interesting to be on this
side of the mic sometimes because you get to talk about yourself right so which which we don't do that often now
number one Kevin thank you so much for having me on the podcast I love what you're doing and helping out men and uh their purpose and having victory in
their life and uh just kind of saw your transformation over the last several years and and just amazing so thanks
again for having me on and uh yeah man just a little bit of Bio just to kind of take you guys behind the curtains Brett
Snodgrass born and raised in Indiana so I live in Fort Wayne Indiana uh I'm a
son of the king so I'm a I'm a Christian man man of Faith uh married to Karen for 11 years have four children so I'm
leading a kind of a chaotic home right we get a lot of different moving parts from 17-year-old daughter to a
5-year-old daughter and two boys in the middle and and I run a real estate business uh we're called the simple team
simple quarter simple wholesaling we're out of Indianapolis Indiana been doing that 17 years and uh we've done 33500
deals uh it's been a ride uh a lot of ups and downs throughout that but got a beautiful team and a beautiful culture
and so I lead that um last year God kind of laid on my heart to start this ministry called iron deep just to kind
of work with men Christian men business owners and that's just what I am right
so it's really just working with myself uh you know and uh we've had a few events and right now we're I'm leading
12 guys called the iron core uh we're kind of doing life together for a year and uh and I just love love with that
group's all about wrote the book secret word within that relates to that ministry as well and uh again pulling
back the curtains of men's battles men's daily battles the war the the you know
the identity and that's really where the book comes into and that was a passion project too so done a lot of different
things and uh excited to be here man so thanks again thanks for coming I mean this is something that I
really value um you know cuz what's the story right all entrepreneurs are
successful we don't have any problems it's super exciting we make a lot of money none of
those are things are true right I mean it it can be a little exciting but there's a lot of I told my guest yesterday that I recorded with is like
we go through these times and I'm kind of in that phase right now for the last month or two where I'm like impostor
syndrome and some of those kind of things right like I'm you know I'm I'm
very forward facing in in most of my roles and in in different Industries and
then at the same time you like get back to the hotel room and like dude I just am I full of crap right like I just that
was vs yeah I mean I just just lied to that audience which is not true but that's
like the enemy wants to tell us that that's true for sure and you know for those of you that are not Believers that
are listening to this I I would encourage you to you know we have we have tons of different guests on this
show right like we're not we're not a Christian podcast I'm not a Christian business owner as I call myself but I'm
a business owner uh like I don't own a Christian business but I'm a business owner that is a Christian amen and so if
you're if you're not a person of faith I would encourage you to listen along because I think that you're probably facing the exact same things in your own
life that that we face and then then there's there's this certain hope that we have right as Christian men because
we have something to lean on that's not just ourselves right and and whether you you know go down that road or not
obviously we would encourage you to do that because it's it's something that we find Hope in but I hope you'll listen
along anyway and learn from us actually learn from Brett I'm just here to I'm I'm ornamental in this process but um so
tell me about first of all you know little background on me I actually have done a little bit of Burr investing you
know the which is more of the you know buy renovate you know rent repeat
refinance all of that stuff I like all these terms it right wholesaling and then you mentioned wh tailing you're
like I don't even know what the what the crap that is and then Bur that came out few year I don't you know five six seven
years ago probably from Bigger Pockets start talking about this birth strategy and and yeah and that's that the buy uh
you know rent repeat refinance bu buy renovate refinance rent repeat or
something like that b basically the idea is you buy a house that needs to be renovated you do a you you get some
creative financing you do the renovation you refinance to pull some cash out if you're lucky hopefully cash flow
positive and then you just do that over and over and over again where wholesaling is different right wholetail
is different you can explain I don't know much about wholesaling you know so why don't you you know we'll talk we'll
start on the business side a little bit but then I want to talk about the rest of it uh even more yeah definitely so uh
I guess I'll just take you back a little bit my parents were teachers and I went to college to be a teacher got an
elementary education degree and uh but I've always been interested in in business and creating money like I
always love just kind of buying and selling things whether it was candy at school or cars or stereo systems and it
just happened to be houses um and you were that you were that little kid with like the trench coat at recess you know
you got like Mars Bars I was literally in the sixth grade I would go to Sam's Club buy a bunch of
candy take it in at lunch and sell it for a quarter a piece to all my friends and uh awesome and my B my pants were
like all Heavy with all the change in them coming home but but I was always just interested in creating money uh I
was a pretty good math guy and uh and so anyways I went to college and became a teacher but I realized you know this
just wasn't for me and and nothing against teaching we need some amazing teachers my parents are good teachers
but honestly they just don't make any money at the end at the end of the day and I was I was about you know bringing
uh wanting to to bring wealth to have Financial Freedom and teaching wasn't going to do that for me so I started really studying and just kind of landed
into real estate read some books Rich Dad Poor Dad The Millionaire Next Door just started learning about real estate
and we bought our first house in 2007 so take yourself back 2007's hitting
starting great time to buy a house well I'll tell you Ian but if you're in the
business 2008 2009 was an amazing time to buy property yes so 2007 towards the
end of 2007 we bought our first house and it was about $99,000 so just take yourself back you know Youngstown Ohio
bought this just really crappy house for $9,000 we end up selling it for $ 15,000 we made $6,000 so that was my very first
deal and at that time I was like oh my gosh $6,000 that's like more money I've ever seen in my entire life what did we
just do I can't believe it and then we just rinsed and repeat that the next
year in 2008 when the market was at the bottom we did 150 of those deals um and
the Market's just gone up from there I mean really I mean I blessed lucky I mean I got in 2007 2008 and now 2023
right we what have we seen the market has just gone up we just seen increase and we thought it was going to crash it
was funny we saw news articles in 2015 let's wait for the market to crash it's right around the corner and here we are
like eight years later covid hits yeah it's going down baby interest rates it's going down and here we are um so 17
years in been very blessed with it um so a little about wholesaling yeah I mean it is a it's a marketing business it's a
private you know we're sending out letters we're doing cool calling we're sending out texts we're just talking to
to private homeowners to to buy their home for for cash or in a creative way
um and we do that several times so we're kind of known in Indianapolis as a you
know a really good house buyer I kind of relate our business to like CarMax in the car industry so we buy houses CarMax
buys houses we buy them at a discount uh we sell houses and we also Finance
houses so people come to us because we'll sell them our home and we'll Finance it will be the bank so we're
kind of like the car Maxa the real estate industry and uh that's that's a little bit I also do rentals too um as
well so so different types of buckets wholesaling wholesaling is our active income rentals and then we also do the
seller financing where or the bank so and do you make a choice to do the rentals based on um all right so this
house is probably not as valuable as it could be but if we hold it for a year or two years as a rental then then we you
know can kind of is that what's your decision-making process on that side of things I don't have a great strategy honestly with it most of the time our
rentals are because we inherited a a tenant uh because tenant occupied properties are tough to sell so maybe uh
there's someone and they have a couple of properties and they just happen to be rented and we'll say oh you know we'll
take it with the tenant so then we just inherit the tenant and we keep it as a rental most of them have happened that
way um but some of them are yeah this will be a nice rental uh let's keep it
because I can refinance it and get a get a lot of money out of it uh so so it'll be it'll be that we'll do the burth
strategy on some of them as well or a lot of times I'll do like a portfolio refinance so I'll buy 10 properties and
then we'll refinance all 10 of them with a larger with a large loan we do that as well those of you that don't know and
we're you know this is we're recording this at the end of February so tax season is coming up um this whole tax
the rich thing always cracks me up because rich people don't pay tax taxes
um right they don't yeah the middle class and the middle class pay taxes
right so what was you going so what were you say yeah I mean it's just interesting it's an interesting comment and I think you got to really just shift
your mind around that I was talking to my CPA and they're very heavy in the real estate investing and I probably for
the first several years had this mix misconception of oh you know I make some
money got to pay my taxes my CPA this is probably four or five years ago he said real estate investor don't pay taxes
right yep and that he said that and that just shifted everything for me I was like oh yeah I don't pay tax that Real
Estate Investors we don't pay taxes so if anyone says if anyone if an investor comes say man I had to pay this huge tax
bill I say well Real Estate Investors don't pay taxes and if they do we got to figure something out what are they doing
wrong right I mean he's taking Donald Trump yeah he was getting crucified for his his um for his taxes not paying
taxes real estate he's a investors don't pay taxes right that's all that comment
at that town hall right cuz like that and if you go look it up on on YouTube you can see it and we're not here to
talk about politics but I thought it was a great comment because Hillary Clinton during this town hall was like yeah
Donald Trump doesn't pay his fair share or taxes and he literally said you're right I don't pay taxes and neither do
any of your your friends right right and if and if you don't really and we I could do kind of the quick 101 but
essentially when you do so you want to take advantage of the tax laws as much as possible when you're talking about
real estate and refinancing because you're actually taking out equity on those homes you can actually pull cash
out of that stuff and it's not taxable income and so someone like Donald Trump who owns like eight billion dollars
worth of real estate like he's probably in a his people just constantly refinance everything yeah even at
different real even at different interest rates and all that because that's how he pulls cash out yeah but he
doesn't pay tax on that right so if you're not investing in real estate it's definitely something to to to look into
it's not risk-free obviously there's a lot there but and really that's why I started buying rentals is
because my CPA said that comment he said Real Estate measures don't pay taxes and I said oh why pay taxes how do I not pay
taxes and he said well you got to buy some rentals you got to do some cost segregation you got to do Force depreciation you got to do all these
different things to force depreciate your assets and then you don't pay taxes anyways that's a whole long-winded
another podcast but uh but at the end of the day that's why I have Reynolds yeah
yeah so you know this isn't a real estate podcast but you know it's it's something that I think all of us as as
because we got a lot of guy entrepreneurs listen to this and uh this is a great opportunity but it's not like
when you go on the internet right everything is bur this and bur that get rich and you know there are some very
definitive strategies that you need to have so take some CL you know find someone that can teach you how to do this correctly make sure you get some
cash on the hand there's different you know obviously that other people's money thing is is always fun um but like a a
business like yours is awesome because with me you know we have to go find hard money lender guys we have to kind of go
through that process and then we do refinances and if you've gone through a mortgage process since 2009 you know you
know it's a pain in the ass so it is for sure it is and most of the private and that's just a whole different ball game
but I use uh got into private money lenders several years ago so this is just John the doctor that I call up and
say hey I got a house he says how much you need 150,000 it's there tomorrow that's the
difference between private money and the Hoops of hard money or traditional money
so that's just what I got into so I got several private money uh Partners they just trust us they they they've been
lending for years and it's just a just change the game so all these things again it's just wealth building
strategies that I love I mean I love creating I love uh building it so it's fun so talk to me about that Journey so
you've been doing this for 17 years it's a know all of us love this stuff if we're entrepreneurs we love this journey
we love the excitement but at the same time there's this other side of this coin right like there's the there's the
long nights or stressing about overhead or stressing about that next deal or if the deal falls through or if a renter
trashes the house or uh talk to me about that journey and how you started to
develop kind of this hey I I can learn from this and help other men yeah to deal with this as well talk to me about
that a little bit yeah yeah I mean I think your your podcast really talks about just kind of the Lonely Road of the entrepreneur the
business owner uh and I think that uh men are starting to talk about that a little bit more but but here here's the
way it looks uh we again we have it all together we don't have much problems we make the money we always have our masks
on we always have to lead everything so we're leading our businesses we can't talk to our employees about really anything we can't we're leading our
family we're trying to lead our health uh but you know we're sacrificing a lot
uh so our neck is always on the line uh so you talk about just kind of the pressure some anxiety some stress with
it and you know if your neck is always on the line like an employee they can walk away at any time and maybe they
lose a couple of months of paychecks they get a different job your neck is on the line and I've had to you know walk
through that for 17 years people have come into the business and go our necks on the line I can't get away from that
um again you know I've made promises as an entrepreneur you're making promises I got private lenders I've made promises
to I've got employees I've made promises to I have to not only feed my own family I got to feed 16 other people's families
they're counting on that uh and you got to kind of keep the machine going so some of the things yeah anxiety stress
I've had late nights I've been to the doctor's office have heart checkup stress tests um my wife has seen it uh
you know going through some of these different things uh so there's some Darkness to it there's some loneliness
to it and uh but then there's obviously rewards it's fun you can control your own schedule have freedom make as much
as what you want lead team impact people's lives so there's all that too um so really uh iron deep was kind of
born about a year ago and uh just I was kind of in part of different Mastermind
groups I was part of some church groups we talk about faith so I've had that world I was also part of real estate
Mastermind groups and part of that world and again some of the same stories guys
uh were very publicly successful but privately were struggling uh privately
their families were struggling they were going through relationship issues or divorces or kid issues raise your hand
if the entrepreneurial world the businessman struggles with being a father because it's hard because you're
you're leading all these different things and sometimes your family gets the leftover so they were struggling with that they were struggling with
their health uh addictions alcohol pornography all these different things and uh so and again some of these groups
were great they helped my business and they were great but still I didn't have like a lot of deep relationships coming
out of there we talked about business we talked about money we talked about sales we talked about growth but I still
couldn't call a lot of those guys and be like and I'm struggling with this or let's celebrate you know because I had
this like we were still kind of in for it for ourselves and you know we're still just
sharing or highlight reels just like you do on social media and it just wasn't that so really iron deep was born of
iron sharpening iron but then just going deep with God and deep with each other like hey let's just take off The Masks
let's be honest let's just lay it all out and let's challenge each other but
let also celebrate each other so that's where this this whole group uh kind of was born and how how long is that
process to get someone first of all let me say it's it is interesting that to be
able to find your people right I've made the statement a few times I don't really like people but I really like my
people yes I understand because there you know I live in a place uh I live in
smalltown Montana um and there's not just a huge amount of entrepreneurs
right so like most of my friends live all over the world and so we do Zoom calls we do phone calls and all that and
I can call I've got a couple of them then I can say dude this weekend suck like I'm just down tell me like what do
I need to do to change my mindset about this but that's hard you know I don't really have anybody I could just go sit
down to lunch today and have that conversation and I'm sure that most people do what is it I do want to point
out one thing that you said and that stress and that anxiety someone said to me over the weekend so my wife was a stay-at-home mom she took early
retirement out of PR when we when we basically had our first child and we've been married 28 years um if you listen
to the podcast you know that CU I talk about about this all the time um how awesome it is but someone mentioned like
he said to me he said I don't think most people understand the pressure when you
are 100% responsible for the entire security of a family right and in your
case I don't have I have some part-time employees and that kind of stuff but I'm not responsible for the livelihood of 16
other people right so I can imagine that even so then you're taking on your own family but then you're you know
responsible for all these other families what do you think about that like is that something that you see yeah yeah I
think uh most of my friends business owners
many of their wives stay home um because again you they make they make quite a bit of money and uh their wives you know
want to be a stay home mom my wife Karen she has been a stay home mom for 10 years uh now and by the way it's the
best thing ever and it's the hard it's way harder than anything we do as entreprene let me point that out first
of all it is yeah I was having a conversation with a mentor of mine he's like you know to look and see what my
wife actually does like I I would probably pull my hair out uh that'd be really stressful really anxiety so yeah
I mean I think that the pressure is obviously uh there and and as an entrepreneur right I mean you're kind of starting from nothing I mean yeah you
get your systems you get your processes then you start to get confidence you get traction but really too we're rolling
the dice I mean you know I'm I'm making educated decisions and but but this is our risk uh that you know we're buying
these houses thinking hey we're going to make a profit so we can make a lot of money but we can also lose a lot of
money and those of us that have been doing it for a while we have those years is like hey I made a quar million dollars hey I made minus
$200,000 yeah yeah so I think that's that's some of it uh and and I think
it's just you know I think the healthy marriage right we just kind of understand each other she is a supportive of me CU she sees me a little
bit she sees what I'm kind of going through but I o see and try to support her and see kind of what she's going
through and it's just this nice teamwork this this kind of dance uh that we kind of go through but but I think yeah a lot
of my friends men they can get stressed out if things aren't going well you know we're supposed to be these this man this
provider this and you really want to kick a man down is when he can't provide for his
family yeah that's when it gets real and your identity and your all your your all
your stuff comes out is when you start and you can't provide maybe you can't be the weight you want to be or maybe you
can't do some of that stuff but if you can't support your family then that's where it gets uh pretty raw so yeah
because that's almost like that's like the core of of most men I think and I think you know we can talk about this
but I think now in today's society that's becoming less so which I think is causing this identity crisis in men
because it is I believe the Nate and god-given right like we we are the
providers we we're the hunter gather and all that and you know but it's it's that
that fear you know when we have those months where hey it's winter time and in my case I own a bunch of brands on the
internet so and the automotive space so the last few months are a little bit slower and then I start going oh crap
what am I going to do how do I need to bring this up this is you know and it's not just like oh I'm single and I want
to make you know I want to be able to buy my cell phone next right it's just that it's that hey how do I pay the
mortgage how do I pay you know how do I make sure my kids are taken care of and my wife is Tak care of and all that and so yeah that that pressure is definitely
something um that's interesting did your wife what what I'm curious because my
story is is kind of interesting but did your wife grow up in an entrepreneurial situation and how does
that how does that affect that because I want to I'm lead I'm leading the conversation a little bit but no yeah
you know you're good um if you ever taken kind of personality tests uh like an inag um dis disc test like so for me
if you check out some of my tests I am all risk like I don't need much
security um I am a quick starter I fly
by my seat sometimes I love challenges I love new things I don't like routine
sometimes I'm I struggle with that details I struggle with that and my wife is exactly opposite so she loves details
she loves routines that she could eat the same thing every single day every single meal um she wants 100% security
no risk no debt so that's that's how she operates
and that's how her her parents operated so she grew up uh and no debt her dad and mom built
their home in 1981 and they still live in that exact same home never mortgage on it never any debt ever Dave Ramsey
100% all the way and then she marries me and I'm just like let's just roll the dice
yeah um so it hasn't been a challenging uh you know sometimes uh sometimes I
mean I run I run the business I run the financials I pay the bills I do you know
that's just kind of like my role in our home and she takes she glues everything else together uh so you know we talk
about some things uh but when it comes to really the nitty-gritty business she probably is is an unknown because it
might scare or freak her out now we talk about our bills things like that but the business stuff yeah that's more of my
plate so it's it's so it's so crazy and so funny and I'd be I'd love to hear
from other men that you know other married men and maybe you can point to this but my wife is exactly the same my
wife's dad was a la fireman he did 20 years he retired they never did any debt
we used to teach Dave Ramsey at church yeah um and and granted I've made some
poor decisions that have gotten me upside down in debt and trying you know Consumer Debt C like that so there is
there is that but she is very risk averse and like it's something over the
last 30 years that we've struggled constantly with like I had a real job up until like 99 so I've been self-employed
for 27 years or something like that and I've I've just and it's just that's how
that's how I run I run exactly like what you're describing she runs exactly like your wife uh more or less and and so
like I it's I took over the finances she used to be like she literally the joke
was she could tell me how much change I had in my pocket or sitting on my desk like she she knew the budget to that and
she finally decided she's like look this stresses me out to stress out too much yeah I I can't do it when I see you know
a new real estate loan for $200,000 or you know what whatever those things are
right and try to manage business debt and you know all those different loans that we get um and so yeah I think we
joke around too it's like you know I think if if it was up to my wife she would probably have desired maybe a 9
to5 person at least the times of 9 to5 because there's been Seasons where I've
had to work a lot that I didn't think about the business that I woke up early before anyone was up and I'm and I'm up
at 5:00 a.m. trying to do payroll or figure things out during certain Seasons
or I think that she would have maybe thought hey I'm going to I'm GNA marry a N9 to-5 person um and uh but she didn't
and uh and I think that's the I think one of the misconceptions is people uh my uncle told me this like you're so
lucky you're you own your own business you can do whatever you want whenever you want to do it and honestly sometimes
that during certain Seasons the truth is we've traded a 9 to-5 for 247 right and and and we got that pressure I mean
there's certain times where I make payroll and I got 400 bucks in the bank and I just paid out $70,000 in payroll
like it's just kind of crazy so uh well they say I I'm glad I love having a 120
hour a week job so I don't have to have a 40 hour a week job yeah no definitely so there's been
some uh definitely some um conversations with her but we uh we work at out we
balance each other out I mean I pull her into into more adventurous uh things and
she grounds me uh with things as well so that's that's exactly our story my wife
you know and having the freedom is is always great I my one of my first businesses was web development so which
I back in the day I mean this is like in the early 2000s so um so we really could do it from anywhere that I could that I
had an internet connection um and they're not as prevalent now as they that you know they're not they were not
as prevalent then as they are now yeah but I I think that's great way to look
at it in terms of like how do you deal with that what are those conversations that you have because I think women um
by and large want the SEC security because security tends to be much more important to most of them but they also
desire that Adventure at least in my in my case so my wife was like a stay-at-home mom turned you know
off-roader rally car builder car builder welder like all these crazy things once
the kids left home but it was my entrepreneurial spirit that kind of
drove her to this adventure and she's like yeah it's it's scary as hell a lot of times but I wouldn't trade the
Venture part of it I think she she trayed the stress on in a lot of cases but not the not the adventure what kind
of conversations do you recommend having with with like how do you how do you
navigate that to have that kind of like hey honey it's all going to be okay or just like you just ignore it I'll make
sure it happens I think yeah just my wife's the the same way I think that she maybe
would like some of that 9 to5 but she also loves the Freedom she loves the adventur she loves that I don't have to
call in to call off of work or if we want to go on vacation we don't have to
count our pennies I guess right be like oh well we gota you know we can't go out to eat uh stff like that so it's it's
it's been nice um with that I think it's just um I think just being aware right
and then just celebrating with who each other is uh that sometimes we can have
friction and you know I'm this risk-taking adventure guy and I want to just travel the world and do all these crazy things
and you want to you know you're home body and want to stay home when you're good you just want to be home by yourself that's where you find peace at
um and that can cause some friction but I think it's just you know having those being aware and celebrating each other in that and you know I have these
strengths she has these Str these strengths and uh maybe just trying to do
something we saw some marriage coaches uh about a year ago and and that really
help so a lot of times you know we're focused on our marriage is focus in on their problems some of their issues but
like you know can you focus in on your purpose like what are your strengths what is your purpose and you have these
overlapping things like honestly really if you look down at it you want the same thing you want these same things so what
are those overlapping things and then can you look at your life and be like okay how can we design some of these
things that we overlap on some of these things that Brett wants to do some of these things that car wants to do what
the things that we want to do together so for example like we love doing events we love Hospitality we love all that so
like iron I was doing this iron deep right with these Men's Ministry and men and I said well some of these guys man I
love to be my wife I'm like well how about we do a couple's thing so we're doing that this year so I can do it with
my wife so these are something like we're overlapping on that we can do together so just finding some commonality there uh that we can do
things together so uh I think just focusing on the purpose and the alignment versus versus the problem and
the friction so I don't that helps at all bit yeah that's 100% we've gone to counseling probably seven or eight times
in our marriage and and counseling or coaching sometimes there's some crisis things that we need to do with and but
most of the time I call it changing your it's like changing your oil right in your marriage right we went to a weeklong retreat in Colorado called
Crossroads which is an a absolutely great Christian retreat kind of Center
thing and they do some deep work there which was which was crazy stuff but super breakthrough we went there because
we weren't really sure post kids right first of all empty nesting is awesome right but we weren't really sure like
what the next 40 Years of our marriage looks like right we're hoping we're hoping to live a long happy life and so
we went there to try to do what you're talking about it's like right season changed right I'm not really a winter
guy we live in Montana but if you get if you let me travel and you let me go someplace warm then I'm then I'm a
little bit you know I can kind of get that balance and and maintain those things and me too and actually it's it's
kind of crazy because I used to be pissed off when I whenever I used to have to go move snow and I you know
because I'm like what a waste of time this is I just spent three hours moving
snow it's going to snow overnight and I get to do it all over again tomorrow so I had this just like bitter heart right
and and just every time it snowed I would kind of go down this road my kids stopped following me on social media
from from like October to to March because they knew I was going to post crabby things on on Facebook
which which is kind of funny but we went to this Counseling Center and I completely changed my ideology about the
blessings that we have and so now I go out I put you know I I put my headphones
on I put some worship music on and like I'm just thankful to be able to have the home we do be have a long driveway that
we have to shovel and and plow with the tractor and having the track being you know the trctor itself is a blessing
yeah but it's that it's that mental shift but like being able to go and do that deep work is something that really
helped us because then cuz she had this fear right it was we're always based on fear she had this fear that because of
this I was going to make her move to some place stupid like California which I I thankfully I would I have never done
um so you probably complained every winter I'm sure you complain you're like why do we live here I'm sure you asked
that question yeah yeah there's AAL there's a Calvin and Hobbs that Calvin and Hobs thing that gets posted why do I
live some where the wind where the air hurts my face but we do the same we do the same
thing and we as that and typically it's it's after a a big ice storm or like zero degree weather and then that's when
we're like why do we live here when it's that might happen a few days a year um
and but we asked that and uh but but I think it's like you the renewing the mind of of of changing that perspective
being thankful for the for the blessings that you have and your season changed it brought me back um to um a few years ago
I was able to step out of the business into what they call the owner's box so if you think of sports teams you know
typically the CEO the owner he's coaching the team right well I was able to actually hire a CEO and I Ste into
the owner's box this happened three or four years ago and I went from literally all in to not having anything to do and
that was a that was a difficult season because 16 or you know 14 years I'm running this business and then I'm
struggling with my own identity I'm like I don't know what to do and then we went through some counseling
with that because I was like what do I do I don't know who I am I don't know who I am anymore right no one calls me
no one asks me to do anything and we realize how much your identity gets wrapped into We complain about people
needing us and then when they don't need us we're like no one needs me you know and did that cause you to be more needy
with your family like you kind of expected her to take over you know take
over that role I think so and I kind of took all the leadership in my business
and I poured it into my family like we're going to do this and our family's going to be perfect and we're going to do this and homeschool and we're going
to travel the world it's going to be great and then she's like no we're not and I was like oh
crap can you go get a parttime job at l or something you be a
greeter get out of the house and so how did you transition into that like how did you um cuz yeah I mean it and we can
take it down to the very Basics which is if your identity is completely tied into what you do for a living you know
whether you're a whether you're the CEO owner or if you're an employee manager whatever I think men T tend to do that I
mean I know I do that 100% I think uh yeah I think it's it's this Balancing
Act of yeah wrapping your identity completely in it but it's like it's it's what we do but you know really just
shifting it to like I love number one I love to create I love to lead I love to
impact people's lives and that really kind of led me into you know more of this Men's Ministry of of iron deep so
like you know that's why retired people die because they don't have anything to do like you know that's Idle Hands are
not good um right so finding meaning finding purpose is is is very very
important so kind of led me into this into this uh into iron deep into the ministry and that's kind of you know
where we landed um but it's funny how then I started that and then my CEO took
another job so I'm back in the real estate too so now I'm balancing both things yeah kind of goes that way right
yeah and are you actively you're going to replace that place that you know it's
I think everything's a learning everything's a learning season um I took my hands completely off for about three
years and uh I think that was not maybe the best move I need to be involved I
think I need to be sharp you know goes back to iron sharpening iron if you don't if you're not engaged you lose
your sharpness and so it took me about 6 months to even get my SE legs back
because I was I was kind of not sharp anymore I was out of shape right it's like if you don't work out for six
months or three years you're going to struggle right um so it's kind of like
that so I would say yes I'm putting pieces in place right now to delegate more because that's my personality but I
don't see myself getting completely out in the owner's box anymore yeah I like that I think that that's
because I I think those of us that are entrepreneurs you just I love the creating process Michelle jokes and says
your hobby is literally creating new businesses yeah which is it's just you just create chaos and problems yeah
create chaos yeah that's that's like I was about to say I don't really recommend that because it's not it's not
necessarily um you know something that leads to great success but um let's talk more about the ministry I want to talk
more about like that transition and like how that got laid on your heart um kind
of how you went through that process of transitioning more into that like what
how what's your heart for Leading Men and how do you lead men in a from a Christian perspective like we you know
we we do the same thing you know events and Retreats and you know all that stuff we're working more towards that in
2024 but we don't do it from like hey this is a you know you're a you're the son of the Living God this is your
purpose this is how you lean into that but I'm trying to weave that spirituality
um from a Christian perspective into into that right and so there's this kind of this difference between you know this
is a definitive Men's Ministry where we can approach it like this and this is more of a you know my own Ministry
someone actually said hey look max out man is your ministry whether you want want it to want it to say it is or not
it's just not more formal right but I'm interested in that kind of how that transition happened because you're it's not like you're a lay Pastor that went
to Seminary and and all of those things so you're leading men as as what
probably is a lay Pastor type role um just talk about that there's a long that
wasn't really a question there but I'm just interested in kind of that whole process and how you view it and how it works and yeah yeah there's a lot of
great programs out there yours is a is an amazing program there's a lot of uh men's types of Ministries that that are
great great programs a lot of churches that are great um uh I think for me like I was I think
I was just kind of looking for something different
uh churches are great I go to church I don't always agree with how we do Church
in today's world um by being shoulder-to-shoulder and listening to content by one
person so you know we have small groups in church that's great then we got these
business groups that's good we learn about business um really I think for me it was just I was just searching for uh
just a depth to it all I was searching for um you know a deeper Brotherhood uh guys
that I could uh that I could really uh you know do life with that I could
celebrate with that I could just tell anything to with absolutely no judgment
nothing at all and they would they would be there and and that's really that's
the desire for iron deep uh just building that Brotherhood um that's uh
it's tough right because it takes takes time um you know you asked about how do we how do we get there we kind of start
off with the men's Awakening and this is a three-day intensive Retreat uh we've had a couple of those in the mountains
so we typically sleep Under One Roof uh so you're you know you think
about your old youth days maybe Church camp Retreats things like that this is this is some but this is you know 30 40
50 year old 60 year old guys we're we're sleeping Under One Roof we're doing life
together breaking bread together we're going through some programs we're doing small groups we're doing some alone time in the mountains and it is a it is a
Christian uh Retreat to find your identity a lot of it's just wrapped into that identity of what who the father
says you are who do you think he is um who do you think each other are and um a
lot of it is is is wrapped into that and uh and then with this iron core we go deeper into three areas the number one
is our faith number two is our family and how do we lead that well and then number three is our businesses because
God designed us to be business I'm not a pastor I didn't go to Seminary school um
but I think right if you from a Biblical perspective none of the disciples did either and I think we just need more
people just to do it out of the passion of their hearts not to get paid for it nothing against that but I just think uh
I just think that's where we're going and I think maybe iron Deep's offering something maybe the church isn't right
now uh that that a lot of churches aren't and uh the response has been overwhelmingly um good and I think and
I'm trying to put my finger on and I think maybe it's just because you know we're all looking for that community of
like-minded guys that know what each other's going through and and that's just what it is
and so again it's business guys so they have a different perspective on on their life versus maybe someone else that that
doesn't run a business um and we're all looking for that that Brotherhood that group and uh if you
don't have that that's what I'm looking for and I was like and I was trying to like find it and I couldn't quite find
it so I'm go create it I guess so yeah I was like I'm going to I'm going to create this and and and it's no better
or worse than anything else out there it's just it's just it's almost this
environment of raw honesty come as you are let's love each other as we are let's Challenge and celebrate each other
and let's just do it together and it's just guys loving on Mission together so um the three areas we really focus on
are are again faith family and business and uh so that's that's just what it is yeah I found I found it really difficult
like I said earlier is you know to try to find my people and so that's what you need to be with your with your people
and your you know the buzzword right now is tribe um which is whatever but you
know you want you want to be with other men that share similar backgrounds and
demographics and day-to- day and all those because then that Faith aspect of it gets wrapped into that part of your
identity mhm um someone made the comment to me which I I wanted to punch them you know in
Jesus name we'll say um but they made they made a statement
that like look we're all in church together we all we all love Jesus and so we should all be really connected and
I'm like no that's not true like I I because I I just can't connect there are
certain people that I'm not going to be able to connect with on on a very deep level right like I can connect over
being a Christian and you know all of those things that wrapped up into that but if I want to talk about what it's
like on a daily basis to be an entrepreneur and try to wrap my faith into that and try to lead a a you know a
god L life it it's very very difficult because I don't I can't look around our church we have a pretty small church and
say hey that guy I know is going through the same crap I am because there aren't any guys like that in my in my area um
or in my church anyway there are definitely those in my area so you're able to create this environment to where
men are literally just surrounded by other men like them right which which probably opens up that that Gateway in
order to deeper Converse yeah we can just have different conversations and you can have different conversations in
in business groups but let's just say hey what's your goal for this month um I
want to cut down 500,000 in debt that topic probably didn't go well
in the small group they're like what huh what are you doing right y or the or the faith right uh you
know um man I'm just I'm I'm struggling I'm you know uh I'm uh I want to really
just dig into intim intimacy with the father and uh that might not go over well with the business group so really just kind of like um like-minded
Brothers uh you know getting together and I think I was trying to identify again just so it's part of getting
together but it's also part of raising up the intensity and I think that you know I know you're a big Fitness guy I'm
sure you know you do TR maybe there's tribes that you work out with uh the CrossFit Community obviously is blown up
there's other groups and community of Fitness groups um blowing up I go to my church I just got from this morning we
got 20 guys that show up we work out together nice and there's something about that it raises up the intensity
when you're doing things together or doing something on Mission type of together and I always related it back to
maybe like the military or guys that um are going into battle
together uh there's this unspeakable bond that most of them would die for
yeah the other one right um so you look at that and you're like what is it about
that and uh and that's what I've been thinking even with with iron deep in our iron Core group is the you you think
about all the guys movies typically it's because there's men on Mission together men want meaning they want purpose they
want Mission they want to do something as impactful that has meaning and that's really uh what we're
what we're all about what we're trying to do together for for in a faith perspective for the Kingdom so um yeah
def that's a great I mean that's a great mission to be on and having that and having those parallel paths between business Mission and you know family
marriage all those things because all that fits together you know we talk about man marriage and Mission and those
are you know we all have different pillars right that we work through and but part of the mission part of it is
you know what your faith looks like your you know what's your purpose what's your legacy all of those things yeah and you
know we as Christian men have a have a little bit of a a not a different one but we have that we have that side of us
that we can wrap into that and the good news is is we have a pretty good book that tells us how to do that and we have
we have support you know in order to do that from from you know from God and all
that and it's like you it really just blows down to just the intentionality and uh
if we never drift towards better we never drift towards a good marriage we always drift towards
selfishness which relates into division of you and your wife you never drift
towards just this amazing dad you never drift towards this entrepreneur you never drift towards um God honestly
because you got the Flesh and the spirit because you got your own desires your own selfishness I want what I want I want it now and Brett gets the glory
that's really my flesh and there constant Battle of that so uh but to
have that group that that kind of knows that and and to support each other with that and and just to be really
intentional again it's not just we're not we're not going just to hang out just to be a social club like there's
some of that but you can get that at your country club but we're going there for a purpose we're going to be intentional we're going to help each
other grow we're going to be on Mission that's who's here and if you don't want that then that's the country club
so yeah which you know honestly it's much more fulfilling and and to have to have all of those things and just go and
hitting golf balls and you know whatever so yeah and I would guess that that's something that makes it easier for the
men to open up and to really kind of delve into some of those things that they don't share anywhere else and I and
I and I realize that that's kind of a process for sure there's other thing too there's there's there's the organic guys
hang out called and that's obviously part of that too but in my experience that just doesn't
happen very well in my experience maybe because I'm not as intentional but I get busy I'm task oriented I'm running this
thing I'm running my business and I forget to call so it's nice to have a scheduled rhythm of getting together of
a structure for me that's what I have desired um because if I don't it just
doesn't happen like for working out for example if you don't have a plan and you just wake up like I don't know what I'm going to do it just don't happen right
yeah yeah that intentionality thing is really important because you know as men I think especially as entrepreneurs will
always find something else to do yeah um and then it's this balance between legalistic approach to those you know
and the buzzword is or the big word is spiritual disciplines right is versus being legalistic about it versus like
having a genuine heart to do it and I I tend to rebel against legalism side of
things like if you tell me oh well you have to be doing your Bible time every day for 30 minutes or whatever like I'm going to rebel against that but if you
say Hey you know be in the presence of God all day be thankful practice
gratitude those things that I do then I feel much more connected yeah than that
and you know to your point again there's nothing like you know western church is an interesting place uh these days and
and there are times that go on Sunday and I'm like I feel worse after church than I did before I went to church right
and that's not a great place to be obviously but I think that that all that to say we need groups like what you're
discussing and what you're running and have have led with in order to be able to have that connection um yeah I'm
curious about something that we've talked about in the past you know in my own groups and family and all that is
this sort of like being a wealthy business owner as it relates to our
faith and and Christianity because I think sometimes it's easy and I know my wife has this way we're not we're not
rich right we're not at all we're moderately successful upper middle class
but there have been times when she has been like I feel sometimes I feel trep trepidation in inviting people over to
our home um because because she feels almost guilty about having success and I I you
know this is this kind of an off the off thebeat question but I'm kind of curious about your thoughts about that cuz
you're I would venture to say you're much more financially you're more financially successful which is fine
like I love that cuz we I can learn from you on this but but that seems to be like this judgmental thing with
Christian with Christians to say well you know must be nice right like that's that's the great phrase and how that
kind of gets wrapped up I will say that I General my own house I built this
house I didn't frame it but I did you know 6% of the work and no no one knows
that is your is your wife telling that during her tour no she doesn't she doesn't say by the way my husband built
this and we saved half the money yeah well she did it too like we put in all the wood floors together we put the tile
in we actually right now we're building a 3,400 foot shop by ourselves the two
of us did all that and so this this sh this shed that's 3,400 foot that could
have cost half a million maybe cost 150 Grand you know so but you know that this
whole like you know the popper and being being poor and the Widow's might and all
these things that we kind of wrap that up and then you have Solomon who was you know the richest man on Earth by a
hundred times of any wealth that we have now I'm just you know as a successful business guy and a Believer how are you
what do you think about all that stuff yeah yeah yeah I think everything just kind of flows to the heart so I think
it's just a it's just a heart posture and uh I I think that uh I think it's
whatever the purpose is behind it uh if if your purpose is to have have a a nice
home that you can have a the spiritual gift of hospitality and to bring people in and and to have them feel at home uh
and to serve them uh I think that's that's an amazing thing um and if you live in a beautiful area and you're
around God's creation because you love the nature and and and everything that that provides and you have land with it
I think that's that's awesome um and uh um so I think uh I I think it's just you
know for me the perspective is it's just all all his his anyways I think it's just what's the heart posture behind it
what's the purpose behind it and uh um because we can all we can all go down
that that particular road so so yeah when you invest into something or buy
something yeah what's just what's the purpose behind it so I I can't remember and I can barely see it but I think it
oh it's like Joshua what does that say Joshua wait maybe it says John 12 and there's
there's I have this over my desk that's why I'm looking over there but it says basically what if I start thinking that
I did all this I'm missing the point yeah right and and that's like the that's the thing I try to to remind
myself because yeah God's given me certain skills knowledge intelligence Network whatever those blessings are but
if I see that as if hey this is something I've done and I forget the fact that it's really all his anyway then that that gets pretty that gets a
little bit derailing for sure yeah yeah but I but I get it I mean I uh you know
I've been down that I think I've been down that road I probably lean more towards um your wife's heart probably right I
mean I I drive probably I drive a beater truck I our house is nice but it's
definitely not uh it's it could probably we could afford more right and uh but I
probably ins something inside of me says oh but I you know I shouldn't because I don't want to be a show off
right yeah well neither NE neither do I because I'm a DIY guy so like if you look around this house I didn't hire
anybody to do 90% of what you see when you look when you look around it and so which I can take I can take pride in
that to say yeah we have nice things but we also did it right like you know I probably would have lean more towards
doing and not doing any of it and hiring it all yeah it's it's a good balance
Welly I want to be respectful of your time I'm curious what kind of advice that you would give to Men Christian or
not that are kind of struggling in these are is that you're that you're working on concentrating on um kind of a couple
pieces of advice for them before we wrap up yeah I would say uh I I don't think that
we as men reflect uh and our still and reflect that much we don't really we
just go we just do we go we get in the weeds and we wake up 5 years 10 years 20
years later and we just started ask why do I why did I do that what what what was the what was the point what I really
even want I don't know what I wanted um so I think it's just take some time and just start writing out uh you know your
desires Christian not Christian what are what are some of your desires uh what are some of your dreams um you know what
do you want the next five years to look like look at the five years so one of the one of the things that we might do
is hey five years my daughter's going to be 22 my son's going to be getting his driver's license he's he's you know 11 now he's what do I want these what do I
want this to really to look like and I'm more of a relational guy so it's like I want to make sure I connect my
family I want to make sure that we're connecting so what do I have to do to to to do that so just taking some time to
reflect and and just be honest with yourself like you know where really are you uh what's the reality and maybe you
need some help with that maybe you need some guys to help you to with your reality probably a couple things you can
do is look at your bank statements that's probably going to give you a little bit of a reality of what you're spending your money on M uh the three
you know to know priorities you know you need to ask yourself how do you spend your time so check your calendar how do
you spend your money and then what do you think about mostly those are that's the most important things in your life whatever whatever that looks like so
that's how you can get radically gon with yourself um so be radical for yourself and then where do you want to go yeah yeah where do you want to go so
I love it well the book uh is the secret War within which I I said upfront that I'd listen to maybe a third of it and so
I'm gonna and what's funny is that I was listening to it at at kind of faster speed because I got the audio version you sent me that nice book um but I at
at at some point I'm like look I feel like I'm prepared enough to be able to have this conversation but I want to go back and listen to this book again at at
normal speed so I can Garner more from it I think it's it's very well written I
love the allegory um storyline of it because it's not like you know preachy
it's very reminded me a little bit like and this is more of a woowoo book but there was some weird stuff The Shack
right the shack had kind of this storyline aspect of it and uh anyway
it's a great book so the secret War within you can go to iron you can I'm it's available on Amazon and
Audi book and all these things it's great it's a great read um you are formally invited to come to a men's
retreat in Montana in the summertime uh if you want we can we can collab we can collab on that a little bit Yeah but uh
yeah so how else anything else you want to share how we find you no I don't think so like I said if you're
interested in uh you know what we're doing check out iron uh you can contact us just through the website or
my email is Brett brir our events are on there uh
books on there so so check that out we also have the podcast uh you can you can check that out the iron D podcast as
well and uh yeah look forward to chatting if you're interested awesome thanks Brad have a good day all right
thanks Kevin if you're looking to really maximize your life and become the man
you were made to be head over to maxed out and get your journey started