Maxed out Man

Episode 60 - Trust the Process: Chad Zani on the Blueprint for Entrepreneurial Success

April 17, 2024 Kevin Davis Season 1 Episode 60
Episode 60 - Trust the Process: Chad Zani on the Blueprint for Entrepreneurial Success
Maxed out Man
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Maxed out Man
Episode 60 - Trust the Process: Chad Zani on the Blueprint for Entrepreneurial Success
Apr 17, 2024 Season 1 Episode 60
Kevin Davis

Chad Zani shares his entrepreneurial journey and the importance of trust in business. He discusses his passion for helping business people and leaving a positive impact. Chad also talks about starting and growing successful businesses, including his experience with franchising. He emphasizes the need for trust and integrity in the franchising industry. Finally, he addresses the challenges faced in the current economic climate. This part of the conversation focuses on diverse marketing strategies, the importance of multiple marketing strategies, and the concept of business as a game. It also explores the idea of building a supportive team, creating raving fans, and the power of referral programs. The conversation delves into leveraging social media for business growth, the importance of trust in business, and auditing trustworthiness. It also discusses the impact of user-generated content, the value of video content, and the importance of website trust. 

The conversation then shifts to the importance of taking constructive criticism, the value of customer testimonials, and the importance of asking for support. It also emphasizes the power of referrals in relationships, avoiding selfishness, and appreciating your partner. The conversation concludes with discussions on the art of asking questions, getting your PhD in your spouse, avoiding baggage in relationships, expressing love and appreciation, committing to personal growth, and the power of listening and hearing. In this conversation, Chad Zani discusses the importance of addressing and resolving issues in relationships. He shares the concept of 'killing baggage' by openly communicating with your partner about things that bother you. Chad also talks about driving fast responsibly and how it can be a personal challenge. He emphasizes the need to not allow things in a relationship that you don't like and to have open communication. The conversation concludes with Chad discussing his work in helping men be the best version of themselves and providing information on how to connect with him.


  • Trust is essential in business and can be built through personal connections and gut feelings.
  • Helping others and leaving a positive impact should be a priority for entrepreneurs.
  • Starting and growing successful businesses requires passion, hard work, and a focus on customer needs.
  • Franchising can be a successful business model if done with honesty, integrity, and a focus on supporting franchisees.
  • The current economic climate presents challenges, but opportunities can still be found with the right strategies and mindset. Having diverse marketing strategies is crucial for business success, especially in challenging times.
  • Building trust with customers is essential for business growth and success.
  • Creating raving fans and implementing referral programs can significantly impact business growth.
  • In relationships, it is important to appreciate and support your partner, avoid selfishness, and continuously work on personal growth.

To learn more about Maxed Out Man and to maximize your potential, visit or connect with us on Social Media:


Show Notes Transcript

Chad Zani shares his entrepreneurial journey and the importance of trust in business. He discusses his passion for helping business people and leaving a positive impact. Chad also talks about starting and growing successful businesses, including his experience with franchising. He emphasizes the need for trust and integrity in the franchising industry. Finally, he addresses the challenges faced in the current economic climate. This part of the conversation focuses on diverse marketing strategies, the importance of multiple marketing strategies, and the concept of business as a game. It also explores the idea of building a supportive team, creating raving fans, and the power of referral programs. The conversation delves into leveraging social media for business growth, the importance of trust in business, and auditing trustworthiness. It also discusses the impact of user-generated content, the value of video content, and the importance of website trust. 

The conversation then shifts to the importance of taking constructive criticism, the value of customer testimonials, and the importance of asking for support. It also emphasizes the power of referrals in relationships, avoiding selfishness, and appreciating your partner. The conversation concludes with discussions on the art of asking questions, getting your PhD in your spouse, avoiding baggage in relationships, expressing love and appreciation, committing to personal growth, and the power of listening and hearing. In this conversation, Chad Zani discusses the importance of addressing and resolving issues in relationships. He shares the concept of 'killing baggage' by openly communicating with your partner about things that bother you. Chad also talks about driving fast responsibly and how it can be a personal challenge. He emphasizes the need to not allow things in a relationship that you don't like and to have open communication. The conversation concludes with Chad discussing his work in helping men be the best version of themselves and providing information on how to connect with him.


  • Trust is essential in business and can be built through personal connections and gut feelings.
  • Helping others and leaving a positive impact should be a priority for entrepreneurs.
  • Starting and growing successful businesses requires passion, hard work, and a focus on customer needs.
  • Franchising can be a successful business model if done with honesty, integrity, and a focus on supporting franchisees.
  • The current economic climate presents challenges, but opportunities can still be found with the right strategies and mindset. Having diverse marketing strategies is crucial for business success, especially in challenging times.
  • Building trust with customers is essential for business growth and success.
  • Creating raving fans and implementing referral programs can significantly impact business growth.
  • In relationships, it is important to appreciate and support your partner, avoid selfishness, and continuously work on personal growth.

To learn more about Maxed Out Man and to maximize your potential, visit or connect with us on Social Media:


Welcome to maxed out man helping you become the man you were made to
be hey guys it's Kevin Davis from the maxed out man podcast I am here with my good friend Chad zie today Chad's a
Visionary leader founded and led multiple successful Ventures included easy ATM limited and envy uh an ond
demand Car Wash service with unique socioeconomic and environmental focuses
skills Encompass all aspect of sales and marketing from developing innovated social Med social mediad driven
strategies to implementing robust local area marketing initiatives uh he's
particularly drawn to helping entrepreneurs like me uh and organization that stand for something
beyond their product or service delivery his commitment extends to providing ongoing membership sales and marketing
advice to startups and emerging Brands and actively participating in capital
raising uh Chad and I got an opportunity to meet a couple weeks ago a trade show Automotive trade show and uh it was like
an instant connection I thought we had a um he came to the booth that I was working in and um just we just struck up
a great conversation that was that was amazing I do want to say if you uh need information about maxman go to Max
1:17 follow us on all social medias uh at maxman and of course you can find other episodes of this podcast on any of
the podcast platforms we are currently about to launch our uh our uh case study
coaching program doing the first kickoff call tonight which will be a probably a month uh from the time that you listen
to this so go to MaxOut and check out what we've got going on there but hey Chad thank you very much thanks
for letting me pay some bills there but um thanks for joining me man this is this is awesome I'm so excited to have
you have you on you and I have talked every day probably for the last week and a half and um full disclosure Chad's
Chad has volunteered to uh Help Me Grow not only maxed out man which you know it
it's a thing that helps men but it's also a business and I have I've sat on this podcast I have a bunch of other brands that Chad is going to assist me
with and dude it's already making the difference I appreciate that um and yeah appreciate you coming on no listen
thanks manate I think I need to work on my bio kind of put me to sleep a little bit but
um um I just uh you know I I really enjoyed everything that we've done so
far and and um you know attended that event and and spoke to a bunch of people but yeah I think once we kind of like
leaned into each other a little bit we we we sort of found that there's enough there's enough
commonality and um you know it's actually it's actually kind of how we
met and and how we're doing business is actually it kind of leans into a conversation about trust right and and
and and like I met you and and within moments I trusted you I trusted in what
you you were saying you know I think when you shake a man's hand or or shake a person's hand and look them in the eye
your your your gut gives you um you know a Vibe and and I am far more attuned to
that today than I have probably ever been and and there's been numerous studies about the fact that there are so
many microorganisms inside of our stomach that the gut feeling that we get
is actually scientifically backed because our microbiomes inside of us
actually understand or can relate to the microbiomes inside of you so you get that gut feeling that you should listen
to it um you know and I had some other manifestations that day with like you know goosebumps and whatever else so you
know I'm I'm um you know I'm all for helping you and and I'm all for really
my my my thing that I love right now is is obviously helping business people right
so yeah um I think it's pretty natural as an entrepreneurs that you have some success some people go down that path of
like ination and taking on the world and other people kind of pivot and start going well you know I'm doing okay who
can I help and then you get to your 60s and 70s and you start thinking about your legacy y um and I think that you
know for me I've always had this passion for helping business people right and
and I I know where it comes from you know my parents were were business people my my dad started his own
business and then they evolved and and and bought a retail business which was a
a passion project for them um sadly it didn't work out and and and when that
went down they they ended up sort of losing their home and and uh you know losing their holiday home which I'd
grown up in and really had the most amazing childhood in and so for me I've
seen the impacts of failing businesses and you know the family never really
recovers or if they recover there's still that kind of uh Bad Blood there or whatever else and and sadly when
businesses fail relationships fail marriages fail families fail and and it has generational impact so you know
there's so much stress that comes around starting a business and and if I can have if I can have a positive impact on
someone's Journey well then that's what I'm all about and and that's what I got from talking to you is that you know you
want to help business but you want to you want to help the the man right yeah
and um you know as sexist as that may sound I don't really care right like I I grew up I grew up with um
very strong um male role models and even
stronger female role models I'm I'm still scared of my mom um you know and
and my nan was a beast right like she served her country you know her husband
was killed on duty she raised her children and and and I love my nan and I
I still I still love my nan and um you know but I was taught bad things happen
when good men do nothing and that has resonated with me my entire life so um so yeah I
think you know the the the success I've had and and you know the ability to be a
little introspective has really created this whole thing around you know why was I
successful and and and you know how have I been success uccessful and you know I
don't know where you want to start this but like I also I also don't want to like talk too much because I hyp when
I'm sort of no I'm I you know at the risk of going through the Litany of your successes I think one of the there's a
lot of entrepreneurs and small business people that that do this and when we had our conversation and you know I love to
learn from other entrepreneurs and you know I'm I'm one of these entrepreneurs that like I just I'm serial entrepreneur
right I've got way too many businesses it diverts my time and I'm always kind of like this close to that major success
right and so I'm always looking for information resources and especially people to take me to that next level and
I'm super excited because each one of those pieces it's not just tied up to one person right but it's it's those
pieces of advice and that guidance that just like hey just do this take this tweak um let's work and and align
together but like I said at the at the risk of going through your accomplishments can you just lay out a little bit of of those kind of business
things that have happened to you look I'll try and do like maybe just a quick I would say like a five minute summary
right so and listen that thing you just said about getting people to help you I've got a I've got a phrase for that
that that's a trust Network right that's a that you've built a network of people that you trust and
they impart like knowledge on you and and you will only get as big as your
trust Network allows you to and in turn I I you know I've been getting these
these testimonials from different people and yeah not to not not to overshadow what you're saying but I got this one
from this probably 25 26 year old kid that I uploaded yesterday yeah completely unexpected and it was based
on a conversation I had with him and his business partner at that trade show right he was you know he's kind of I
couldn't believe we had this conversation it really made an impact and all that I'm like awesome because you and I had a conversation that I'm
able to have a conversation with that next Generation yeah of small business owners and and uh but yeah that trust
Network you know i' yeah I have a lot of people in my network that that are like
that for sure yeah so you know and I think that's that's a key learning is
that you know I always say if you don't have a good trust
Network you'll eventually lose right like someone will come in and they'll they'll steal steal from you or they'll take from you or or or you'll you'll
you'll get advice from the wrong person it'll cost you and in life we only learn lessons when we lose we don't learn
lessons when we win we learn lessons when we lose so um just kind of going back to like how I got started um you
know I finished high school I I I I did very well at school I found it boring um
all I cared about was playing sport um my my grandfather was a was a sports
Sportsman as we would probably call it um my dad was a was a talented Sportsman I I had family members that were playing
professional sport when that wasn't really a thing so me was all about sport um finished high school my dad got sick
and so I just had to get a job so uh started my first full-time job at
18 uh which was straight out of high school and and um I got into sales
because uh I I just kind of fell into it I I had developed a a passion for like
car audio which I think a lot of 17y old 18y olds were into that I I had the
first I had the first commercial CD player in my Jeep when and this would have been in like
1991 so much so it they only came with preamps like they didn't have built-in
amps because you they were only used in the Pro in the professional audio Market listen strangely enough strangely enough
I know exactly what you're talking about so so uh you know I'm I'm 49 I
just turned 49 a couple weeks ago um and and so 1992 graduate high school uh
1993 get a job so I I had already been going to this shop and and and doing out
my my my my grandfather who was killed on duty as a as a police officer uh when they when they kicked my
nan out of the police station 10 days later with two small children they gave her his car which was a 1969 Ford Falcon
wagon and that ended up being given to me which which um was such a blessing
and and so I'd been putting you know I'd put I'd done a a spare you know 6inch
speakers in the front tweeters I had an Alpine 10 stack dis player because I was
a surfer and I was doing these long drives to get to Margaret River it's a three-hour Drive I'd put my 10 CDs in
and just you know and and the drive seemed like nothing I love driving I'm a car guy so so either way I'd been I'd
been buying a lot of stuff from this from this um store and I remember walking up to the guy and I haven't even
thought about this man in 30 years but his name was Chris I'll remember his surname in a minute um anyway I said to
Chris I need a job my Dad's sick and he was like well you know and I had I had
like uh facial hair and I had dreadlocks from surfing like really gross hair and he was like get a hair cut shave your
face and come in tomorrow and I was like all right so I did that cut off all my hair off um look
presentable and he was like you're going to work for free for two weeks MH and he goes and at the end of that I'll I'll
I'll let you know well anyway two weeks later I outsold everyone else on the floor gave me a job the company was
called strathfield car radios and uh they blew up they were massive they were
the biggest brand of their kind where you went and you got cerio stuff and
then they got into mobile phone so you you went there for car stereo stuff and mobile phones and then they
expanded into some other product lines which didn't really work for them but I um I just kicked ass and and it was
because I had a passion for it right and that was one of my first lessons is that sales is a transfer of
passion you know and and and I still believe that so you can't sell me something that you're not passionate
about um which is why when you can actually work in a field you're passionate about it doesn't feel like
work right which explains that right yeah so um I did that uh very quickly
they promoted me to a store manager I moved and and and took over a failing store that store blew up and then they
put me back into the head office store and and um you know I loved it I loved every minute of it but I wasn't making
as much money you know as I could have I was working in retail I was still making enough money to to do what I had to do
with the family and then I got into Finance I I was um I bought a house at
19 nice so I bought a house because I was making good money um I recently sold
that house which was a different story um so bought that house and in in the
process of buying that house I learned about lines of credit right and and like why have a normal mortgage you know put
all your expenses on your credit card pay off your credit card once a month and and put Maximum cash into your
mortgage and I started telling people about this and I realized there was a business in that so I started doing this
I would literally sit down with people twice my age and restructure their finances and and then in the process of
doing that I found out how expensive it was for a business to accept a credit card merchant fees yeah and I was like I
I I audited a a large tire shop that was doing a million dollars a year on credit
cards and he was paying 4% and I just audited a little Chinese restaurant that
was paying 1% and I was like what's going on here I got my hands on the paperwork and the manager had just
written in the different rates I was like well this is a scam yeah this is a scam I'm gonna fix
this and that's when I launched um you know easy POS it was in Australia
swiping a credit card was kind of called fpos electronic funds transferred at
point of sale and we shortened it to FP so I lost a business uh it was called
easy POS fpos Made Easy that was the brand I should have trademarked the Made
Easy phrase I'd be a millionaire um so you know and and that that business
existed before Google before meta and I I developed a way of selling it door too
I literally would walk into people's businesses asked them a very simple question and um and that was are you
happy with your bank fees over 80 % said no and that be and then like I learned
over time to say well are you going to do something about that because people want to piss and moan about stuff but
not take action so um I'm happy to give away this I I learned about the preemptive sale at
like 2122 so I would walk into your store Kevin I'd say good day my name's Chad
I'm here to reduce your bank fees are you happy with your bank fees and you would give me one of three answers and depending on those answers on knew
whether we were going to do business or not and then at the point where you said yes you were willing to take action I
would ask you how much money do you need to save Kev for you to actually sign up with me and get rid of the bank that's
been ripping you off and you would give me a number and I'd be like Shake on
it if you didn't shake my hand I knew you weren't serious if you didn't shake my hand I
left the building that's the commitment that's the commitment preemptive sale I didn't
even know how much you were doing I didn't know what your fees were but if we couldn't have a a conversation about
how much the banks suck right and I hate Banks like I hate Banks so how much the
banks suck how much would I have to save you for you to get rid of that stupid machine that's costing you too much then
I just left and um I learned that there's that through that process I learned there's three types of people
there's the never Evers that'll never ever do business with you mhm so just learn to identify them and move on right
steal your soul there's the wishy-washy people who literally may you may close
them you may not you know they've probably been with their Bank 5 10 years and then there was the desperates who
literally had just got a bill in the mail and like were pissed off and and
they signed there and then on the spot right and I was making about $1,000 a
sale so it mattered it mattered right um so yeah and that was that was my first
business and and like it it took off right I I taught my friends how to sell this way and and you know when you think
about it it was trust based selling walk in trust Shake hand
trust it works right and so ATMs was the
next business and and an automatic tell machine is just a big credit card machine except you put the the cash
inside it and it dispenses money and that that two three4 that you pay is is
my Revenue as the owner of the ATM and I used to share that Revenue with the location and and like I did really well
I started putting ATMs on mine sites I started putting them into little little supermarkets and shopping centers and
before you know it um was making a lot of money and then we took that company public in
2011 and uh you know we had about 2,000 ATMs at the end of the day doing almost
$20 million in revenue and and ATMs are great employees they don't get pregnant they don't do drugs so they're they're
great employees um and uh yeah and look and and both doing doing the credit card
stuff or the the uh Merchant facilities and doing ATMs no one else was doing it
and I've always love doing stuff that no one else does right it's kind of it's fun yeah so you know blue o Theory kind
of stuff so those two businesses is kind of what I did in Australia um during that time I'm a car guy so I was I was
looking for the best car products that I could find and I came across the chemical guys that were made in Los
Angeles and I reached out to them at some point and said hey I want to bring your products to Australia and David who
was Czech one of the founders was like Austria I'm like no dude
Australia so I started bringing their chemicals down to Australia and I a friendship with them and and then you
know some some not so great stuff happened in my life and and I I found myself wanting
to evolve and and and move on and start a start a new life and I made the decision to start that new life in
America so in 2015 I moved to the US um
and and began working with the chemical guys on this concept that you shared in the intro about Envy which was literally
like you know Uber for detailing grab your phone press a button and uh someone will come and clean the
vehicle using their chemicals and um you can decal you can
clean a vehicle without using water it's what we do in Australia there are places in Australia where you can't even wash a
car with water because water's so scarce um so I'd already been doing that for a
while I'd helped them develop a product that was better than what they had I should have uh I should have put a
copyright on that I didn't um you know whatever so moved to the US did that
project for two years and and the pivot in that project was like you know what what's a part of society that that I
could impact and then that's how I found the de Community right so de unemployment in America is over
90% um you know if you have a deaf child they pretty much say you're going to be supporting that child for the rest of
your life blah blah blah and I was like well if you're deaf you know just means
you can't hear but you know de people do this so they have good hands
and they need their eyes to see so they have good eyesight now if I was to ask
you Kevin what are the two traits of a good car detailer what would you want them to have detail oriented eyes and
good hands you just described every deaf person in America by the way side note
my daughter is single-sided deaf it's ironic it means that she's deaf in one ear oh so so she's big into the deaf
Community which is ironic because you and I haven't had this conversation yet but that's that's super cool so keep going yeah so I um made the decision
that you know the app allowed the the detailer and the client to communicate
which facilitated the deaf people we put the death the ASL symbol on our shirts
of our employees and um even to this day I still communicate with some of those
kids that worked with me um they've all now had children and and and love seeing their Journey on on social media but
yeah so we had we had this cool app where you press a button the guy comes in details your ride we got you know an
article on ABC you know news story on ABC7 but we just couldn't raise money no
one gave a about employing de people no one gave a about saving
water right and and in the time that we couldn't raise money like a a ond demand
dry cleaning service raised $26 million tipped it all down the
toilet and lost everybody's money like I think we raised like 700 Grand and I
made that last two years so you know but the um the the seed investor took
control of the business and and uh sadly it all kind of ped pitted away in in 20
2017 but that's when I'd already started doing the detail garage thing so uh The
Chemical Guys you know were giving us the chemicals for the detailing thing and during that time they had one store
then they opened another store and another store and they'd started franchising and I needed a
Visa so I was like they were like well we'll sponsor you for two more years but we don't want you to do Envy we want you
to we want you to help us blow up this franchise and and that that's how detail
garage happened so um you know it was it was an amazing experience for me they
literally threw me the keys and I I I did everything the only way I know to help anyone is to put a hat on and and
God gave me the ability to put a hat on and I can think like a business owner whether it's a restaurant or a day bar
or a hotel or a a franchise that had never existed before so in in May 2017
after I was deported um I'll tell you Story another time um should have just
jumped the fence would have been easier um so you know I came back into the
country on my second uh visa and and uh got to work on on growing detail garage
so cut a long story short you know in less than 30 months I took this brand
from one failing franchise and and one good store and two
not so good stores doing less than two million uh within 30 months we hit $42
million nice and that was a combination of choosing the right software for the
point of sale choosing the right Marketing System completely re-engineering how we
greeted people and I brought in the Australian handshake so when you walked into a detail garage you got a high
energy greeting like good day welcome to detail garage that's obviously what I said Americans will be like hi right but
anyway hi welcome to detail garage my name's Chad walk over put your hand out and and get a handshake that's the
welcome MH and and that resulted in a net promoter score of over 70 which is
just unheard of right so I developed all of that and and I did all the marketing
to to find the franchisees I I I I signed up every single franchisee myself I really was um
across everything and I loved every minute of it because I'm a car guy right so and then I was also creating an
amazing business opportunity which I'm passionate about right so I'm passionate about cars I'm passionate
about small business so detail garage was just you know I talk about you know in business if you like what you're
doing you you know you have one spine right if you're really passionate about it you kind of have like I have my I
have my spine that I got from God and then I have my passion spine and then if you can link a charity to it you get a
third spine right so but either way I was just really operating in my in my
passion place and and I traveled 200 days a year I didn't care I loved it I loved every second of it um and and the
brand exploded right like it just I don't want to say it was easy
because it wasn't easy but um but systems right systems make it easy right
yeah yeah we didn't have the right like everybody we sold franchises to the wrong people at the beginning you know
like hey you got money write us a check right yeah at the end of the program we had
personality PR profile aptitude test right Financial you know you had to
prove you had the finances and then you could come to Los Angeles and hang out with me okay yeah and during and during
that Discovery day if you started saying dumb I would pull over and say would you like to hop out right
now right I'd be like people be like yeah we want to put in a lounge chair and sell coffee and I'd be
like um no no we have a franchise that works
right and and I think a lot of people misunderstand franchising right I'd love
for you I I don't know any you know I know very little just cursory information if I'm a guy that's
listening to this or woman that's listening to this how ju can you just do the quick oneone on franchising I mean
we know like I know like Chick-fil-A's model which is very which is obviously very successful you know what I stole I
stole as much from Chick-fil-A as I could MH so but first of all franchising
is a license to operate a business that has proven to be successful that is my definition of a
franchise now if you're buying a franchise and they can't show you someone who's doing that successfully
run the other way right um and and you know most times
the franchise saw might have had one store well they might have had some kind of background in this and and so they've
chosen to franchise but yeah I mean franchising is the right to operate a business and then the idea
is is that you supply human capital you supply effort and passion and and and
and you become successful because you're following a a a preset formulaic process
that is meant to work sadly in America there's a lot of franchisors who are full of and and they franchise
because they're broke and they're broke because their model doesn't work and then they do these fancy fancy contracts
with fancy agreements and then they pay Brokers drug money to sell their franchise concept to unsuspecting
victims and then we get these Concepts that should never have made it past past go yeah and then and then they unravel
right so you know but franchising is still the most successful way of
operating a business in this country um you know franchises fail less than a
normal business and again why because there there's meant to be a system in place and whatever else so cuz your
licensing success really is is more or less what you're that's what it's meant to be Kev that's what it's meant to be
right but you know not everybody operates with honesty and integrity and and whatever else so yeah um but yeah
anybody who is looking at at buying into a franchise my best advice is speak to
existing franchisees right and don't speak to the franchisees that head office gives you
right yeah okay I I I promise you this the franchise th is only going to give
you franchisees that speak positively and are you you know do you trust them enough so my advice is you
ring as many franchises as you can and you ask them how is it right and you
tell them I'm about to put my entire life savings into this please just let me know if I'm doing the right thing or
wrong thing yeah and there are a few franchise on this in this country right now that would fail if people did that
yeah right so you know at the end of the day um do your own homework right yeah
yeah a full and their money are easily parted yeah make sure you know what you're getting into but then again
that's back to your trust you know your trust Network right like you you're literally reaching out to people who you
don't know but you you are trusting them because they already have the knowledge
and experience of the thing that you're trying to learn about yeah and they're already one year two years five years
into the journey you're about to take yeah so you'd be you'd be mad you'd be mad not to do this right yeah um and
look I'm helping uh one two three four people right now launch franchise
models and and you know some of them are launching stuff that they haven't done
but but like they have like a wholesaling business and they want to retail because they're selling wholesale products produ to retailers who are
succeeding so sometimes you know you might buy a franchise that doesn't have a real
world working example but then those franchise SS should also make that franchise opportunity very cheap yeah is
there is is there like a um is there a process in which I say okay so I've got
a bunch of Brands I think one of those Brands could possibly be a franchise
model how how do how does that work right cuz like you and working together I actually have nine different brands
which you know there's probably three or four of them that that can that are successful and always can be way more
successful I don't know I don't think any of them really maybe franchise franchise or model but how how would you
walk through that well I I think for me it's a matter of um understanding that
people have a misconception of what is business what is a business right you
you either for me you either have an e-commerce business where you are selling to the world or you have a local
business right and I call that I actually kind of coined a phrase around this like Village marketing yeah right
so if you own a restaurant you are selling to your village if you get really good at it
people will come from outside of your village to eat at your restaurant but you should really focus on that 1 2 3
four five mile radius around your business right so you know I
think I think people like mess up and they jump on Facebook and they run ads to a 50 mile radius and 80% of their
budget is spent on people who are never going to come to them anyway because they're too far away I love I comment on
those businesses like I'll get you know I'm in Boseman Montana I'll get something that's from Billings which is
a 100 miles from here and there's there's six inches of snow on the ground right now so I'll comment I'm like dude
look at your targeting I'm in Boseman I'm not coming to your place of business
in 2024 and in the next 10 years I mean I think the stuff that you
and I are talking about to the maxed out man community and whatever else I mean I
I would love to help 100 200 500 a thousand people franchise their idea
right and you know as long as it's being done with the right intention and and
the right the right process it'll it'll be successful because
ultimately um ultimately nothing feels as good as
teaching a man of fish yeah right right so if we can create
something that that a person can can use to provide for their
family in an ongoing sustainable basis well that's God's work yeah the problem
is too many people abuse that system so you know my my uh intention is to is to
do this a lot that's why right now I'm working on like four or five different franchise Concepts where they've either
got a store open or are in The evolutionary phase of it and um you know
my rules are keep the franchise fees low we're not we're not here to make money
off the franchise fee if that's your model like I want nothing to do with you right right keep the ongoing fees low
right as long as it's sustainable and you can get enough money in to provide the support then you
shouldn't have a 15% franchise fee if you can get by with a 3% franchise fee
yeah because if you the more money you take off the top the less opportunity that business has to grow and succeed
right yeah and finally if the franchise s doesn't know how to grow the local
store they have no business franchise right and and and that's where a lot of them fall down right is that um
they they don't have robust or diverse marketing strategies and their franchisees end up you know look at the
economy we're in now right in the last decade it hasn't been as hard to be in
business as it is today right right like America like I came to America in 2015
and it was on fire right and then and then Trump got in and it was really on
fire and then we had a plandemic and and and then it all kind of fell apart right and then the reason we're in
hyperinflation right now is that Global governments printed ridiculous amounts of money to deal with a disease that
wasn't real anyway and and so when you print money and don't improve
infrastructure like new Bridges new airports you know new this new that you
get inflation MH and and I don't want to turn this into an economics lesson but the only thing
that causes inflation is government's printing money you can research that right so you
know like it's a tough time right now right everything's everything's gone up so consumer behavior is is being
suppressed and buying is being suppressed and for a lot of people they've never dealt with this but if you
have a diverse marketing strategy it's not as tough as other people if you
had one strategy that was working and that strategy has being impacted by this R inward Biden
economy like you're in trouble and you're not having a fun time and so you
know when I start mentoring people or Consulting to people I look at their
strategy and and I think about you know like I'm sitting on my dining table right if it had one leg it's not a table
right right if it has two legs it's a lean to
right so a table exists with four legs and a six-leg table is more stable than
a four-leg table and and I say to people how many legs are under your business
each each marketing strategy is a leg yes right so you know if if today you
have at least eight strategies to grow your business you're probably doing fine if you have one or two you're in trouble
you're hurting yeah so you know and and so does that help yeah and that's what
you beat me up on right the first time you're like this is this is this is terrible you need to fix this right and
which is for me that works really well yeah um you know but but it's so it's so
easy as a business owner to get hyperfocused and to believe that what
you're doing would just would work better if you just tried harder at that
thing yeah look I wrote a book I wrote a book um a decade ago and I I'll send it
to you so you can send it to your listeners because it's not something I sell and and it it talks about um
business is a game like to me it's a game right yeah and and part of a game
is that it's a team so if if you're the if you're a soul Trader right then that means you're
you're the owner of the team and let's think about it in terms of a sporting team right you're the Robert Craft
you're the bill bich you're the Tom Brady it's why you're so goddamn tired
right you're also the right you're the support team okay water
boy you're everything right but I love this mindset for myself and it's what I
wrote about in the book is that business is a game get in the game that's the name of the book Chad zany business get
in the game I'll email it to you you can share it right right great um and so
inside of that you are the captain the coach or the coach the captain and the whole team and and then they're not
customers they're supporters right think of them as
supporters right because they're supporting you and might be your family at first it might be your friends and
then it's your community but if you think of them as customers I think you're missing the point right and so
the book used to talk about the book talks about you're the captain you know you're the coach the captain the team
and they're your supporters but you need to make them raving fans now like example do like who's your
team who do you Barrack for uh you mean like sports teams yeah
who do you support I mean I'm not I'm not huge into sports but let's say Oklahoma State Cowboys all right so a
lot of Americans really support their college team more so than their professional team yeah because I have a
deep connection right like I I when I was in college Barry Sanders was in
playing for that team Thurman Thomas and all these other you know Barry Sanders is the main guy but like so I have I
have an emotional connection to that yeah you Noti I didn't say who do you support in the NFL NBA or whatever else
because in America college sport has greater support than National support
sport sorry so and I would Define a supporter
as someone who like you know follows the team now a fan buys the merch right has
the Hat has the shirt buys a new shirt every year right a raing fan puts the
stickers on their cars has the flags like their child is born and the first
photo is in the team's colors so so take that concept and think
about how we can apply it to business yeah and the thing that has struck me in this country is the lack of referral
programs MH we talk about this on my other podcast all the time and in business meetings it's like are you
asking for that right no no one does I I'm still yet I'm still yet I can tell
you whether people understand it or not the greatest referral program in the
history of recent Corporate America is Uber
right you downloaded The Uber app and if a friend told you to you got a $20
credit MH and if I send it to you I got a $20 credit it's called a referral
program yeah so Uber exploded with little to no marketing spend but a viral
sharing referral affiliate whatever you want to call it but they blew up from
that so you know and here's the crazy thing right like you know I've shared my
thoughts around social media as a human I hate it as a parent I hate it as a
business guide is the greatest gift to us right right so I open up my phone
right now and I just go into my Facebook and I
have 1,300 followers so if you do business with me
and I like you I might post something about you
might that's now if you tell me or or ask me to
support you in a more proactive way the the best thing I can I can get
or the best thing you could get would be to get for me to go live on my social
media and talk about you yeah now let's analyze why because when I go live my
friends get a live notification that I'm live they also get a notification that I
was live right and and like that content is
me telling my friends you're trustworthy super
powerful yet in the entire time I've been in America no one's asked me to do
it I've asked plenty of people to do it for me yeah I've asked franchises to do
it for me I've asked my clients to do it for me I asked you to do it for
me right so you know I actually I asked you to do a video for me which I'm using
on my website but you know the extension of that is having that video posted on your social media so you know if you
want to blow up a business understand that your customer is standing in front of you but they've got 500 friends on
social media or a thousand friends standing behind them which up until this moment in human history you couldn't
really touch them right but now we can and this has created obviously the
world of influencers micro influencers macro influencers whatever else so you
know it always one of the first things I do when I consult to a business is I i'
say what tell me the referral program and I get what right and so that honestly it's
almost like it's like stealing stealing candy from a baby right like if I can come into a
business and they don't have a referral program that's the first thing I do yeah because they've already got clients and
we can leverage the clients right the second thing I do is I embrace social media right like I start
using social media but I don't do any of that until I do my trust audit and I I
audit them through the lens of can I trust them can I trust their content is their content trustworthy are they
trustworthy right right and that's really that's really been like kind of
my life's work which is I've found a way of building trust with people by looking them in the eye right like I know I'm
looking at you on camera but like looking them in the eye and connecting with them and shaking their hand elicits
trust and and so but like our websites don't do that
right I have not audited a website in the last
five years that scores above 10 out of a 100 on trust because all we do is talk
about ourselves and this is our widget and this is who we are and like I don't as a visitor to your website I don't
know who you are true I don't know if you're trustworthy or some scumbag selling some
garbage product and the only way I can evolve out of that is by hearing from people who have walked ahead of me
walked a mile in my shoes right and the way we do that in this digital age is
through client content which is now called The Catch F you know the catch word is
ugc user generated content and what it means is like what are the users of our
products saying about us and so I do my trust audit which
takes me between like you know one day and 10 days depending on how big the business is um I look at their online
offline content I'll leave listen to their messages on hold and I'll be like
all right everything you're saying is your words and none of it is your customer so your trust score is zero
congratulations and and this is why that was my trust score by the way I'll I'll admit that this is why your conversion
rate is low is because you can't bring someone into your world and have them go
oh I trust this company I'll make a purchase but when you can do that right
when you can land someone on a website or a landing page or a or a clickfunnel
and build trust they'll make a purchase and and so trust is everything right and
and without it we're lost yeah so you know um and and that's and that's what
I'm really passionate about right now is like just helping business people understand that yeah you might be a great guy right and you might be you
might be a great chef and you might be a great this or a great that but unless you can have people who are saying that
about you then it's all for nothing yet our websites are full of and the other
thing is like most of the websites I order they're all words it's like do you really think I'm
looking at the camera now do you really think people are reading what's on your website no like are you that delusional
yeah right people consume now if your website doesn't contain
video and and interaction where someone can sit there and consume it then go to
your web team and ask them what the average viewing time is on your website
and you're going to get the world's biggest wakeup call because the average viewing time is probably under a minute
and if all your content is words how much can they read about you in a minute
right and I'm I'm so beyond frustrated when I talk to business owners and I ask
them right what's your bounce rate what's the average viewing time and they don't
know like oh we get we get a million visitors a month I'm like all right and what's the average time they spend on
your website yeah bounce rate of 97% right yeah and it's and they're like oh
we get so many unique visitors I'm like cool and how long do they spend on the website and they don't know and they I
tell them why the meeting's over go find out and they come back in 13 seconds
ah so what can I learn in 13 seconds on your website nothing right nothing nothing
meaningful nothing relevant but anytime I've audited somebody and they have a
video that plays when you hit their website guess what their Landing time is
whatever the probably half of whatever the length of that video is oh yeah 300 to 500% more than the websites which are
all words right so you know because people can consum now they don't read
they consume so you know I hope this is helping people and I I I you know and I
don't mean to make people uncomfortable or upset but like if you are still stuck in the we sell the best widget I'm here
to tell you you are delusional yeah if you're someone that believes in your business so much that you are unwilling
to examine what's wrong with it like I'm I'm a I'm a great acceptor of critical
you know of criticism right like like you came in we looked at the website
while we were on a call and you're like this sucks you know this is this and to my to your credit you were right um and
so if you had gone to max out two weeks ago three weeks ago none of
this would be in place you scroll down you see a picture of me whenever I did my last 12-week cut yeah from when I was
fat to when I'm not fat and you said hey no one cares first of all and you also
said that could be photoshoop so no one trusts that anyway and so like I'm like
dude that's that's totally right so and and I will say another thing about what you're talking about that I you said hey
we need to have videos of people that have been impacted by you and maxed out man right so we're a relatively young
brand so I don't have like hundreds of customers that can say I did maxed out
man dot you know XYZ however I have been
in business for 25 years I have great influence in all the industries that I'm involved in and so and I have tons of
friends yeah I reached out and I sent you the text of what I texted and messaged and all that and I said look
I'm trying to build my trust and credibility with maxed out man would you
be willing what I said was if I have had an impact on your life business family Etc
would you be willing to to take and do a selfie Style video for me yeah 60
seconds is to minute whatever it needs to be and send that to me I sent out
probably I probably not including the post on Facebook I probably asked 50 men because it's you know predominantly to
men no one said no everyone has said yes and I'm already and I just did this like
Friday today is yeah third you know within about five or six days I've already got like 10 posted my website
right like by the time you listen to of this yeah hopefully I'll have 30 right
and and all that to say if you don't ask people they will not tell you and and
two things happened to me first of all I was like this is awesome that I have friends willing to do this three things
this is awesome that um they will take the time to do this and this is awesome
what they're saying because it really proved to me that I am having an impact
through the through the conversations the knowledge and the experience that I share so all that to encourage go do
that yeah so a you're welcome right thank you thank you very much B it's the
ultimate feedback yeah right now and this is where this can evolve into like
the conversation around man and marriage right yeah like how often do we ask our
partner how are we yeah like am I am am I am I
being am I being the best version of myself for you am I giving you what you need in this relationship and if if more
men did this there'd be way less divorces right yeah and and taking it back to the
business if you think you are really I want to swear but I won't if
you think you're all that in a hat then you should have an abundance of people
that are willing to say good things about you mhm so if you don't get that there's your wakeup call if you don't
get a flood of people sending you videos that you are the best at this and the
best at that well then guess what you're welcome you suck get better right right
but but I would assume that you're doing a good job at whatever it is that you do and your friends are going to support
you and it's gonna it's going to help you with your trust score and then that content should be what you use don't
don't get that content and then keep using whatever else you use on social media use that content on your social
media because then you'll build trust immediately yeah and you're you're in the beginnings of that Journey so um but
yeah you know like it's the best feedback if you're if you're a serious business person and you you want to dominate whatever it is that you're
doing then then this is the greatest feedback because people are G to be like well listen you know what Kevin
mate you just haven't had that much of an impact on me I'm not willing to do the video
yeah and then you'd have to be like holy I thought I thought we were mates and I thought we were good and I thought I had impacted you so but having met you
I know that you're going to in a year from now you're going to have 300 500 videos and maxed out man is going to be
a strong brand you know well to your to your point about the communication side of that both in marriage and with
friendships if that's said to me I'm not going to get my feelings hurt maybe a little but I'm going to say what can I
do you know what what did I do or not do that makes you feel that way and how can
I have a bigger impact because you know all of what we do should be to have an impact on other people I've said about
maxed out man there's an ALU there's an altruistic you know yeah kind of backbone to this where I do want to help
men be better uh be more than be you know grow into their full potential be who they were made to be but you know
obviously we're trying to run a business as well but that that that side of things is is super important well I
think you know I it's how to say things sometimes but like I've I've always been
a very independent human and that has often translated to being selfish in
terms of like when everybody was going through peer pressure at school I was like no I
don't want to run around and I don't want to run around and draw on other people's property so like you guys are
dicks like go do your graffiti like I think if and if you come down my street I'll beat the out of you so you
know um but like I think sometimes as entrepreneurs we're a little selfish in
that we thought we knew better than our boss so we become our own boss and I
think sometimes entrepreneurs struggle in their relationships either with their friends
or with their partners because you know we're we're very obsessed with our with our idea and obsessed with our business
and you know like I'm I'm you know on my my second second time around with trying
to be a a a good husband and and a a good partner and and all the rest of it
and you know at 49 I'd like to think I'm doing a better
job than I was at 3929 and and met my first you know I met
my first wife at 19 so like what kind of human was I at 19 not not a great one
right like I was very committed to my my sales job and then I was very committed to my
business and I can still remember where I was the moment I was told I was going
to be a father and I was in a business meeting on the other side of the of the
country and like I I'm good friends with the person that was in that meeting because it was
like one of those life moments where I'm like I'm in a meeting and I'm like I just found out I'm going to be a dad and
like it kind of like was just you know this guy was already a dad and he was you know like we kind of bonded over
this and we had a friendship for the longest time um so you know
like kind of got a bit lost there but I I guess the point being is that you know
like I'm in this phase of my life where you know I really just want to be the best version of myself you know for
myself for my wife for my friends you know for the
companies I'm involved with um and and you know like you need
people around you that are not nice yeah right and and like I think I shared this
with you right I number one my mom said if you don't ask you don't get right you
want to have a second serve of dinner you got to ask or else I'm going to scrape it in the bin or I'm gonna your
your old your brothers are going to eat it all up right so if you don't ask don't get so you know all my life I've
asked I've asked for referrals I've asked my clients to give me five friends that I can go and talk to so i' done
this inherently um and I've always not been
afraid of asking right so I think people are afraid to ask for referrals in case
the person says no well all right well that's fine they said no move on um and
then you know like as men we sometimes like I don't understand women
I don't but I don't want to understand them I I don't I don't want to know what
my wife's thinking I don't want to know everything because then that's no fun there's no mystery and and yeah I get
frustrated sometimes when she's upset at something or or says something that I don't want her to say but I also love
the fact that I don't know the bit of Adventure right yeah and
like you I just I never want to understand women that much that they bore me like I find them fascinating
right and I find humans fascinating and I always wonder what people's motivations are and and like I'm a
student of psychology and if you want to be a great salesperson read some damn psychology books one of my favorite ones
is questions are the answers by Barbara and Ellen pce was actually a relationship book but it's actually the
one of the best sales books ever which is basically shut up ask a great
question let the person answer explore their answer whereas as men like most of
the time men are talking to men we're just waiting for our mate to shut up so we can say what we want to say perfect
example right like you've had an awesome weekend right you've had an awesome weekend you bump into your mate what do
you say you say what' you get up to why do you ask that question because
you want to tell them what you got up to you want to tell them what you did right now when you when two guys
play golf for 6 hours right I can come home from that and be like my wife will
be like what' you talk about I'm like golf right like you know whereas two
women will sit in a cafe for three hours and talk about the most deep
meaningful real and that's why women have friendships like this yeah
because they Exchange information they're great listeners where most men
literally the only time men are good listeners is when they first meet their
spouse and I would challenge you to think back to the night you met your significant other whether it was male
female whatever I don't care but the night you met or the day you met your
current spouse partner you were fascinated and you were a wonderful
listener because you wanted to know every syllable that came out of their mouth you were
listening and and I would challenge you to like try and be like that more yeah
right and don't be that wanting to say something right like sit back and like
ask someone a question and I I learned the art of doing this um some time ago where where if
someone fascinates me it it sometimes it can almost backfire I've had people go look man are you a
detective you know like like enough yeah I would say to you well that that's not
bad because I'd Rather somebody come away from meeting me and being like wow that guy asked me a lot of questions and
be like wow that guy just didn't shut up about himself what an egomaniac yeah and having that Fascination is super is
super important especially with your your wife I I had an experience yesterday so we have we have a work we
have workout equipment down stairs and it's actually divided into kind of two rooms but I you can see each room and
what person's what what the other's doing and so I had this experience yesterday where I was doing legs my wife
is doing shoulders or something we're working out together and I look and I'm
watching her workout and I'm just like holy crap my wife is amazing like she's
she's hot she's working really hard she's pushing herself she's had an injury in her shoulder she's working
through that but it's this Fascination that after 30 years together I still
have these moments to where I'm like this is amazing this is an amazing person knowing everything I know about
her and I think a lot of men miss that right like you know just having that we take it for granted right we take it for
granted right and you know I used to talk about um in business the tyranny of
sameness right so like there's very few times in life where your business is
that unique that no one else is doing what you do right right and in the tyranny of sess price is normally the
ultimate determinator between doing business with someone or not and and you know the way you
differentiate yourself from that is you have an an amazing trust system score and and you can
dominate regardless of how many people are in your industry um but when it comes to
relationships I think guys can take you know men can
take the most amazing woman for granted and and vice versa right like
women can take amazing men for granted and I think you know I think part of um
obviously you know the the skin care line that we spoke about that we're bringing out part of that is like taking
the the the time each day to just be with each other and and like you know
take a close look at your partner while you're exfoliating them or putting a cream on their face and
appreciate how they look and like if you've been together 30 years like you grew those wrinkles together right 100%
like you you guys are in this moment in time together and every wrinkle every
scar every blemish it's happened together and and I can tell you you know
I can't wait to send you um our our our first batch right um over the last
almost 30 days now of testing and measuring different products I mean I'm
looking at my wife and we've been together eight years right I'm looking at Angelina in in a whole new way
because like I'm up close right I'm putting my glasses on I'm making sure I can exfoliator and whatever else and and
like last night it was you know Valentine's Day um you know she she did
her yoga in the morning she's at yoga now um and then we we had a quick little
lunch together and then we went to dinner and I remember sitting there last night and
I was just like God you're beautiful you know like you're really beautiful and
and like I must have said it in such a way that I hadn't said it before because she got
emotional and and like I guarantee you that wouldn't have happened if I hadn't
just been you know exfoliating her every day for a month right well not every day
because you don't need to do that every day but anyway the point being you know like I'm excited for this brand and like
I'm excited to create what I've just experienced for couples everywhere which
is the mission and vision behind that whole you know 30 forever be the best version of yourself and like you know
I'm I'm literally I'm 49 I've spent 0.00 on
skincare right like I'm not the skincare guy but you know having now 30 days in
I've had people say you're looking really good and you look you look fresh and you look like a year ago people are
saying you look tired you know you look whatever so you know who doesn't like a compliment here and there and and um you
know I think I think as modern couples where most households now they both have
to work to pay the bills if you can just take that 10 15 minutes at the beginning
of the day or the end of the day to connect as a couple I think it's really important and and I'm excited about that
and we're talking about putting like gratitude journals in every box so couples can can like just start
recording what I love about my wife or what I love about my husband or what I appreciate about them and and like that
moment you had watching your wife work out like it's a moment right and and I felt that you know I felt your your
appreciation for her and like the fact that she's working through an injury and that she's a badass right like
and and like one of the reasons we're hanging out is I I envy the fact that
you are 30 years into a relationship and still feel the way you do right like now
you know my parents are still married so I've got that example but pretty much everywhere else in my life I'm
surrounded by people second time round third time round whatever so you know um
my n never remarried after my grandfather was killed she was done one and done that's that I mean you know not
morbidly but Michelle and I talk about that like I'm not and I think I told you like I'm gonna move to the Caribbean and
take my two little wiener dogs and just go hang out right like I'm not I've had I've had the one right like I've had
there's no way she could and you know and no dis disrespect to people that are the second time around and trying to
make it work and and hopefully learning from some of the things that you know being went arai but like for me like
just one one and done is is such a blessing to me right yeah and look I
think you know but you've clearly like made that commitment and and you know you're an introspective type of person I
think that helps you know like I know through my life I've I've been you know there's been times in my life where I
haven't been introspective enough and that hasn't that hasn't served me and hasn't benefited me and and you know
especially when I'm in business creation mode like I'm a lunatic I mean I I I
only need to sleep for 2 to three hours a night and I I can have phases in my life where I will work on something 20
hours a day for a month because I can't yeah and and during that phase I don't
like any distractions I can be pretty horrible um you know and I I used to be
called grumpy which I don't I don't I don't enjoy that tag right um and I try
not to be that guy but but knowing that about yourself that's where you have to say okay I'm going to take a I'm I'm not
going to do 20 I'm going to do 14 or whatever it is to make sure that I still
allow that time and I think what you were describing earlier is really learning and
studying you're getting and we call it you know getting your PhD you know pursuing her desires that's our that's
our thing that I've never heard that but I love yeah so that we kind of came up with that during our last Challenge and
it's this have you tried Mark that not yet but I probably should before this episod
H yeah you want to go to Legal Zoom right but it is it's it's getting your
PhD in in your wife in your spouse like really learning I should know more about
my spouse than anything else I know in my life is is my you know whether it's
business or marketing or cars or whatever like that should be that knowledge base should be secondary to
the amount of knowledge that I have well yeah my spouse right I have to say something right now because like four or
five days ago my wife shared a story because she grew up with a with a hippie
mom that didn't let her eat anything you know processed and and you know no no
sweets no candy no nothing she would come home from school and they would move to New Mexico they they would move
to Kawaii or Northern California or Central California so she has real issues around being um
moving but she shared her love of cadby cream eggs and she' never shared that before
so yesterday Valentine's Day I I I bought her cabri Cream X you know and it was we had a moment where it was like
and she was like you listened and I was like I did I didn't just listen I heard you you know I heard
you and and like again I don't think I would have even in the last three years
of you know you know part of my story is that the detail garage brand has has really kind of been torn apart and and
every store closure put me into a funky feeling and and you know I I I really haven't been
the person on this podcast I really haven't been the person on this podcast from August 2021 until
November 2023 you know and and I just was so in
my head I'm I'm really I'm upset at myself for um for being like that but
I'm also like well it's just part of my journey right yeah and and um don't beat
myself up too much right um and and yeah I mean like just give
yourself forgiveness for like how you've been and then just commit to being the best version of yourself and just take
it a day at a time and and like that's the same with business right we can't fix everything that we need to fix but
if we commit to being a better business person today and having a better business today and having another
testimonial today and looking at our marketing and analyzing it
today and you know what do they say a great facelift is like 1% 1% 1% 1% right
yeah they don't go like 50% right unless you're in Hollywood and you've had like
50 procedures and then you look like turn into Kenny Rogers in his in his KN
the guy puts his knee on the back of your head and pulls it right right so you know like I think if you just
constantly commit to just you know being the best version of yourself and and like I I think that's what we need and
like you 100% need to go and grab that PhD thing that is that is gold I'm
telling you right now that's gold yeah um and you can do it on Legal Zoom for like 400 bucks it's on hard yeah um so
you know and I I love I love when you speak about
your wife like I I love the way you are
you know like when you talk about her and and like I mean I get choke I get choked up still like if if you don't
have that emotion for your spouse you need to there there's a reason why right like it could be and mostly it's it's
you know it's a behavioral thing or it's a distance thing but there's ways to fix that and there there's ways to work on
that and we've done the work I've done you know we've been to counseling like six or seven times not usually crisis
counseling but things that we've done you know that are just as I call it changing the oil in your marriage right
one thing that has worked for us and we're both second time round right um
baggage you know I made the commitment that if she did anything I didn't like
and I gave her the same permission mhm um tell meh because over eight years that will
drive you insane right and you'll end up hating them because they're doing something but then you know I I also say
to guys that are complaining about their Partners I'm like well listen man you
chose them like you proposed to them you married them if you're upset with how
she spend your money you gave her the credit card like come on come on like look in the mirror Rockstar um
and it's tough to say that you know but for me baggage kills
love right and and um have you ever heard of the landmark forum all right so it's it's a it's an
interesting thing but they talk about they talk about life in terms of glasses
right so something happens to you for example you know like in terms of like
race maybe you were six years old and and a you know African-American guy like yelled at you and scared the out of
you right or something like you put the glasses on and you see all African-American people through that
lens and then you know one Cuts you off in traffic another set of
glasses and and before you're no longer living in reality you you live through your lens right right so I think with
our partners you know it's important to like if they're doing something that you don't like don't don't allow it to
happen because it will eat you up and and so we had we came up with this thing of killing baggage and we literally just
say Hey listen I've got some baggage right like you just did something and I didn't like it I didn't
enjoy it can we talk about it right and I think I shared with you like um when
we hop in the car my wife used to just grab her phone and look at her phone the whole time and I'm like I'm not your Uber driver yeah like put it
down and then she goes well you drive like a lunatic so how I distract myself I dist
myself and I was like well if I have to slow down to have you put your phone
down deal and when I want to drive like a lunatic I now tell her get your phone
out I like it right she like I have times
where you know like I've driven us you know like I'll jump for me ways is a
daily personal challenge if it's meant to be a 2hour drive I'm like well it's 120 miles I can
do 80 miles an hour I should be there in 90 minutes game on ways game on yeah challenge
accepted so you know like yeah there are times where I want to drive fast and I will always drive fast and I don't care
like it's my thing um I do it responsibly I check my tire pressures I know what my tires are capable of doing
as a maximum speed and you do this when you've raced cars before so you know like I do it as responsibly as I can um
and at the end of the day you know like this this killing baggage is really
important because ultimately it'll drive you insane and I know in my first relationship like there were things that
that I allowed her to do that I hated and I just wasn't willing to have that fight and so just eventually you know
there there was just too many glasses in that relationship there was just too much baggage right and it and it killed
it yeah and and um you know I think that's the one thing I would say is like if if your partner's doing something
you're not enjoying like be a man and tell them and like you know maybe you've got to have some counseling around it to
unpack it but like don't keep allowing your partner to do something you don't
love right or you don't like and and you know I think that's about all the
relationship advice should probably give because I'm I'm still I'm still a work in progress right yeah I mean I like I
like that though and I like giving them permission to to tell you the same thing I mean even after this many years
together Michelle and I will you know she will tell me something and I'll be like well I can fix that and she was
like well I just thought this was how it was and I'm like it doesn't have to be that way let me fix that and we'll
improve on that particular area you know and it's and it's super easy like
especially if you're someone and I think entrepreneurs are like this it's like I'm just going to Pivot and not do that
anymore yeah you know or at least work towards not doing it clearly it takes you know a lot of times it's not just a
switch but um yeah I think that's great marriage advice I think that's a actually a really good place to as Mike
Rose says land the plane yeah uh you know for part one we'll definitely you know we're gonna we're gonna have you
involved a lot so we'll we'll definitely do definitely do more parts of this but um hey if people want to learn more
about Chad zani uh you you told me just search for my name there's only one so that's good but yeah yeah tell tell us
how we learn more about what you've got going on in terms of um trust marketing and those kind of yeah so look um you
know it's a brand new thing in terms of I've I've kind of given up on Corporate America at this stage and I just want to
do my own thing and help people I meet and care about so trust marketing. us
play on words love it trust us to do your marketing trust marketing. us
us um yeah and and so that's where they can connect with me to help them with their brand help them with where they're
at I'll do an audit and and give them some some feedback um you know beyond
that it it's really just um you know being open and and being being just
see where the world takes me I have enough contracts I told you you know looking at at at um setting up a base
down in Costa Rica and and I'm excited about that and you know I'm really excited about the stuff we're discussing
really which is yeah which is leaning into helping helping men be the best version of themselves and and you know
um I'm excited by that and and yeah I just I just ask people to like you know
hit me up you know I I I um I'll send you the link to access to book in a meeting with me uh I'll remind me to
send you the ebook I'll send you my my ebook you know business get in the game that's designed to be a very short read
like between one and five hours depending on how fast you read and how slow you read
but it just helps you kind of like get that mindset right they're not your customers they're your supporters and you want them to be
fans um and yeah beyond that I just 30 forever right 30 Forever by the time
this I think we're probably a few weeks out for this launch so um uh you that
brand will be on his way well that's my wife's baby and I am just going to be
her I jokingly say I now get to be her secretary nice I love it but uh yeah I'm
just going to be her her Corner man I'm G to be standing behind her but I really
am excited to see her blossom into the uh the kickass CEO that I know
is inside her and um I'm really excited about that so that's awesome yeah so 30
1:21:47 trust marketing. us and um other than that you know I'm the only
Chad zani on Earth you'll find me nice Chad I really appreciate it and I
appreciate everything you're doing and I appreciate our new friendship too yeah me too Kevin thanks mate
y if you're looking to really maximize your life and become the man you were made to be head over to maxed out
1:22:12 and get your journey started