Maxed out Man

Episode 59 - From Reactivity to Creativity: Cultivating Presence in a Distracted World - Bodhi Aldridge

April 10, 2024 Kevin Davis Season 1 Episode 59
Episode 59 - From Reactivity to Creativity: Cultivating Presence in a Distracted World - Bodhi Aldridge
Maxed out Man
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Maxed out Man
Episode 59 - From Reactivity to Creativity: Cultivating Presence in a Distracted World - Bodhi Aldridge
Apr 10, 2024 Season 1 Episode 59
Kevin Davis

In this episode, Bodhi Aldridge discusses the importance of commitment, presence, and flow in creating a fulfilling life. He emphasizes the need for a daily practice to cultivate these qualities and find meaning and purpose. Bodhi also explores the paradox of commitment and the role of values in aligning one's behavior with their desired outcomes. He shares practical tips for slowing down the mind, practicing stillness, and bringing joy to everyday tasks. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of presence and the potential for personal growth and transformation through conscious commitment. The conversation explores the journey towards true freedom and self-discovery for men. It emphasizes the shift from a victim mentality to recognizing and embracing personal choice. 

Acceptance and choice in relationships are discussed, highlighting the importance of letting go of control and focusing on one's own choices. Taking responsibility for change and self-forgiveness are key themes, emphasizing the need to release self-judgment and embrace personal growth. The concept of true freedom is defined as freedom from suffering and reconnecting with one's natural state of love and innocence. The conversation also addresses the challenge for men to seek help and the importance of vulnerability and support. The episode concludes with a call to action, encouraging listeners to take steps towards personal growth and self-discovery.


Commitment is the key to experiencing freedom, flow, and fulfillment in life.
Developing a daily practice, such as meditation or exercise, can cultivate presence and create a foundation for personal growth.
The paradox of commitment is that true freedom comes from fully committing to something and embracing the challenges and fears that arise.
Bringing joy to what you do and aligning your behavior with your values can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
Slowing down the mind and practicing stillness can help cultivate presence and create space for clarity and creativity. Shift from victim mentality to recognizing personal choice
Let go of control and focus on personal choices in relationships
Take responsibility for change and practice self-forgiveness
Define true freedom as freedom from suffering and reconnecting with natural state
Overcome the challenge of seeking help and embrace vulnerability


00:00 Introduction and Background
02:22 The Importance of Daily Practice
07:26 The Paradox of Commitment
09:46 Balancing Passion and Responsibility
12:37 Commitment and Discipline
15:56 The Power of Presence
19:14 Finding Meaning and Purpose
22:59 Cultivating Flow in Life
26:50 Practicing Presence and Flow
33:02 Slowing Down the Mind
36:41 Creating Stillness and Sharpening the Mind
43:47 Overcoming Reactivity, Distraction, and Repression
45:58 Bringing Joy to What You Do
47:20 Applying the 80-20 Rule to Life
48:20 The Shift from Victim Mentality to Choice
50:11 Acceptance and Choice in Relationships
52:34 Taking Responsibility for Change
53:28 The Power of Self-Forgiveness
56:48 Defining True Freedom
57:48 Freedom from Suffering
58:17 Reconnecting with Natural State
01:00:10 The Challenge for Men to Seek Help
01:09:03 Inspiration and Taking Action

To learn more about Maxed Out Man and to maximize your potential, visit or connect with us on Social Media:


Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, Bodhi Aldridge discusses the importance of commitment, presence, and flow in creating a fulfilling life. He emphasizes the need for a daily practice to cultivate these qualities and find meaning and purpose. Bodhi also explores the paradox of commitment and the role of values in aligning one's behavior with their desired outcomes. He shares practical tips for slowing down the mind, practicing stillness, and bringing joy to everyday tasks. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of presence and the potential for personal growth and transformation through conscious commitment. The conversation explores the journey towards true freedom and self-discovery for men. It emphasizes the shift from a victim mentality to recognizing and embracing personal choice. 

Acceptance and choice in relationships are discussed, highlighting the importance of letting go of control and focusing on one's own choices. Taking responsibility for change and self-forgiveness are key themes, emphasizing the need to release self-judgment and embrace personal growth. The concept of true freedom is defined as freedom from suffering and reconnecting with one's natural state of love and innocence. The conversation also addresses the challenge for men to seek help and the importance of vulnerability and support. The episode concludes with a call to action, encouraging listeners to take steps towards personal growth and self-discovery.


Commitment is the key to experiencing freedom, flow, and fulfillment in life.
Developing a daily practice, such as meditation or exercise, can cultivate presence and create a foundation for personal growth.
The paradox of commitment is that true freedom comes from fully committing to something and embracing the challenges and fears that arise.
Bringing joy to what you do and aligning your behavior with your values can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
Slowing down the mind and practicing stillness can help cultivate presence and create space for clarity and creativity. Shift from victim mentality to recognizing personal choice
Let go of control and focus on personal choices in relationships
Take responsibility for change and practice self-forgiveness
Define true freedom as freedom from suffering and reconnecting with natural state
Overcome the challenge of seeking help and embrace vulnerability


00:00 Introduction and Background
02:22 The Importance of Daily Practice
07:26 The Paradox of Commitment
09:46 Balancing Passion and Responsibility
12:37 Commitment and Discipline
15:56 The Power of Presence
19:14 Finding Meaning and Purpose
22:59 Cultivating Flow in Life
26:50 Practicing Presence and Flow
33:02 Slowing Down the Mind
36:41 Creating Stillness and Sharpening the Mind
43:47 Overcoming Reactivity, Distraction, and Repression
45:58 Bringing Joy to What You Do
47:20 Applying the 80-20 Rule to Life
48:20 The Shift from Victim Mentality to Choice
50:11 Acceptance and Choice in Relationships
52:34 Taking Responsibility for Change
53:28 The Power of Self-Forgiveness
56:48 Defining True Freedom
57:48 Freedom from Suffering
58:17 Reconnecting with Natural State
01:00:10 The Challenge for Men to Seek Help
01:09:03 Inspiration and Taking Action

To learn more about Maxed Out Man and to maximize your potential, visit or connect with us on Social Media:


Welcome to maxed out man helping you
become the man you were made to be hey guys this is Kevin Davis from the
max out man podcast this is episode number 59 I'm here with bod Aldridge from Australia he'll fill us in on that
uh as well I did want to remind you that if you want information about what we do uh you can find us at maxed out
we offer all kinds of stuff there we're also on pretty much every social media platform so so just search for max out
man on that so hey let me give me a quick intro on Bodie bod teaches male
Business Leaders to connect with their presence purpose and passion to create a life of Freedom flow abundance and joy
having coached Business Leaders around the globe for the last 23 plus years I'm assuming uh bod's developed a simple yet
effective process to help men experience Freedom flow in life and to lead with
presence purpose and passion um I got a full disclosure bod wanted to we we
originally scheduled a little earlier and and I know bod had to go out and get some surf in so I that that's actually
like the perfect reason to to put off any meeting any call any podcast or
whatever I'm not a surfer myself but I had a conversation with a buddy of mine that lives in San Diego last week runs a
very successful business but he goes out to Surf four times a week there in San Diego it just you know that's just his
thing time away getting to know you know all that stuff I usually do walks and
stuff outside it when it's um when it's nice we were 28 we were for uh 68 below
zero wind chill two weeks ago here here and so we don't necessarily go out and
do a lot of activities uh in the in the weather when it's like that but it's it's warming up now and and beautiful
snow today so we can't complain that much so hey so that's like the I really appreciate you being here we were just
we were just talking a little bit and uh I think we already have a great connection I'm super excited about this
conversation I gave kind of the the LinkedIn level uh bio there but I'd love
to hear you just expand on that go as as long as you want as early and late as you want however you want to explain it
but let us know more about what you do and what you've got going on yeah and I love that um link you know
for the listeners around you know on the hero's journey one of the keys is to develop a daily
The Importance of Daily Practice
practice yeah and as you know through your know um Fitness and you know going
for walks you know for me it's surfing yoga and any of the listeners like if you really want to lean into what you're
offering Heaven what I offer that's one of the things and I talk a lot about commitment what commitment really means
um and that's been my journey you know so briefly my first 20 years I was an attorney I um you know went to college
because Mom said go to college and uh been married 40 years you know four
children 10 grandchildren and so you know it's been the life of you know being a
householder and you know in my late 30s I um there were a couple of things
happened yet one of the things was I really realized that I was sitting on the fence with my practice Yeah with my
health practice I was doing okay like I was doing triathlons and I was always healthy surfing yet there was a point
when I really committed to it and that was a key part of kind of what unfolded
you know I got a business coach into to my legal practice and pretty quickly you
know she said you're not that passionate about this you know why don't you come and and train play with me and so over a
period of two years and and I love the way purpose reveals itself like it wasn't you know organized and I didn't
have this is what I'm going to do but I had a deep intention to fully express myself and that was in my early 40s and
since then I've been traveling the globe working with leaders Business Leaders men and really teaching you know the key
components of you know the masculine you know things like what is presence we're so distracted these days what is purpose
really what is a purpose-led life and of course passion you know and as a lot of your um guests and listeners you know
passion for your children passion for your beloved passion leaning into life fully fully expressing life you know so
it's been quite a bride sounds like it congrat congrats on 40 years I'm actually pretty much almost
exactly 10 years behind you on the calendar and and with marriage and and I think that that um you know for us we we
had a chance to grow up together 22 and 21 when we get married and and uh it's been it's been awesome and we've been up
and down but things get better every day yeah it's interesting because your journey I I say often just because you
can doesn't mean you should and so like you you went to obviously law school and and had your
own private practice and all that but you're like I mean I'm sure you look around saying do I really want to do
this not only tomorrow and the next day but for the next 30 years of my life
right like it was there like this and sometimes those things come in a different Continuum right like I'm I'm
absolutely freaking miserable in what I'm doing versus you know I I can do this but like
I don't really enjoy doing it so why don't I look for for other things and
how can I find that passion right yeah and it's interesting you know like
not having a mentor like myself at that time and when I work with clients
particularly in that demographic like 40s to sort of mid-50s the real key
Kevin is it's not changing the external without changing the
internal right so a lot of men you know the essential driver for us as men is freedom we're looking for Freedom it's
the hero's journey the Holy Grail yet when we're young we're looking for it outside ourselves yeah we think it's
somewhere there on the Mountaintop you know going to India you know going on a surve trip and so the Nuance is if you
can do some of the inner work which is just about getting to know yourself getting more present with yourself
loving yourself then absolutely there a lot of the listeners are probably in jobs that
may not light them up yet what I say is don't jump out of it because again a lot
of the demographic are probably have mortgages married kids the jobs providing a level of security and
certainty and in some ways that part of your life y that is your purpose you
know I've committed look look at your journey you made a commitment to your wife and your children you probably resisted it at times like most men but
at the end of the day you also knew part of that commitment was I am here to provide a level of certainty and
security and this job job inverted commas quote unquote seres that purpose
for now yeah so if you do the inner work you realize it's not leaving where you
are now and then you start to lean into a purpose-led life inquiry reflection
opportunity then the form the outer form yet will reveal itself and it could be
six months it could be two years but I think that's the Continuum as you say
yeah that's um with with me in particular and I I joke on this podcast sometimes I feel like these these are
The Paradox of Commitment
you know let's feel free to have a coaching session with me for my own Ed edification and then let let the listeners learn along but for me
personally I have four businesses and I've said this on the podcast before but I have four businesses about nine Brands
I do Consulting I have I have coaching and all that but what I found is my
other businesses I love the creation aspect when of creating new businesses
my wife has tons of hobbies Automotive welding baking cake decorating all of
these things she's like you your hobby is literally creating new businesses and
and that's that's true like I just love the creation process of it but with the you know we started maxd out Mana a
little over a year ago and it it was in part altruistic because I want to help
men be better and it's also as a means to do you know to you know there's a
there's a financial component obviously because we're we're trying to make money while we do while we do our thing
um but I've found that with my other businesses that continue to to grow and do their thing that helps support my
passion for what for what I'm doing with maxed out man without those things and without maintaining those things I
couldn't do what I'm doing right now because I couldn't like you said paying the mortgage you know paying for trips
and paying for the light bill and in our case paying a lot of heating bills uh I
I couldn't make those happen so to your point um even though my passion is with
with and I've you know somebody said to me the other day he's like I can see on your face that this is what you've
you've been waiting to be doing and I was like absolutely this is something
I'm just so psyched to be to be doing this and to see these next Journeys but to your point I didn't aband I didn't
just sell everything and start the new thing right yep that's it and that's the
real setup particularly if we don't understand freedom and commitment you know the Paradox you know true Freedom
only comes from True commitment yeah and you know we have a lot of cultural misinterpretation of
commitment yet you're committed to your wife you're committed to your children most of the listeners in that
demographic it's like you've made that choice and commitment is I choose them chice yeah and with that commitment
Balancing Passion and Responsibility
comes beautiful opportunity some challenges and so yeah it's honoring that commitment by being the provider
and whatever your Dynamic is with your partner you know you can you know co- income you know she may be bringing in
more income yet it doesn't stop exactly what you say the passion projects it doesn't stop you leaning into your
hobbies the The Challenge and I'll be interested on your journey with maxed out man is that the seduction is that
because I love this like I love surfing yeah the truth is I'm never going to be a professional Surfer or a surf coach
right and so that's the seduction is just because I'm passionate doesn't necessarily mean it's going end up being
my income or my business yeah and and there will be areas that will be like
the creativity you bring to building Brands you know yeah and I I I want to explore that more in my case and it's
funny because I've got a lot of friends I I run in this entrepreneurial um Circle you know a lot of my friends are
entrepreneurs and um or small business people but it's interesting that you can you can find people that have have one
side of the entrepreneurial Journey which is like the spirit of entrepreneur but then unfortunately for a lot of them
it's not matched with the skill set the knowledge and the drive to meld those
things together and therefore it's like you know I I have multiple Brands some have been more successful than others I
can run those concurrently I kill off the ones that don't perform well but I'm fairly confident to know that if I
create a new brand I know how to drive that forward you know and and to produce it but I have that are like you're in
your like 15th different business in the last two years and they all lasted two
weeks right so to to your point just because you're passionate about
something doesn't mean that that's something that's actually going to come to fruition and I think a lot of people
kind of miss that along the entrepreneurial journey is that they they have a hard time being Discerning
with with that you know yeah yeah absolutely and there's a few lies to
that one of it is is again it's the outside in model it's like oh this looks interesting I enjoy it yeah if I could
make this yet my business and income I will be happy instead of going what
brings you Joy what brings you happiness now and how do I express that and the
other piece and i' be interested Kevin if you reflected on because entrepreneurs being an entrepreneur and working with entrepreneurs if you look
at some of the ingredients and just looking at you know your energy and meeting you and you know what you do
with your physical health what does commitment mean to you commitment and discipline because that's what
entrepreneurs have I mean basic yeah I mean for me
Commitment and Discipline
it's just like it's this we talked about on the last podcast which is it's just do it right like it's I mean it's like
there are just things and for me we live kind of in a more traditional role sense
gender role sense within my marriage and it works great for us for other people it doesn't work this
this wouldn't work for them my wife's a total badass welder car builder boxer
you know Homemaker turned into all those things once the kids left the house and so she just kind of reinvented herself
so other than opening the occasional pickle jar my wife totally can do pretty
much anything she needs to do without me however she allows me and wants me to be
the provider the protector those kind of things things um but from a commitment
standpoint you know let's let's use exercise for example a lot of things a lot of times I tell uh people that hey
it's not if I'm going to work out today it's what time I'm going what time am I gonna work out yeah because that's a
mindset shift that it's it's not optional you know sometimes you just don't feel right your body needs rest or
whatever and that's a that's a different thing but habitually it's that way I made the I was telling someone the story
the other night my wife got home a little bit later than I did we were both at separate events I got home I'm up in
my uh we have a two-story house so I'm up in the bedroom kind of on my phone just doing what you do to kind of
decompress from the day which I don't recommend social media because that's not exactly just decompressing I I think
I was listening to a Jack Reacher book on Audi book or something but I heard her come in and so and I think this a
great example of commitment um my my first tendency is I'm going to lay there on my ass
and wait for her to come upstairs right like I'm I'm sitting on the bed the dogs are up there I'm comfortable but in my
mind and I and then I hear her and I know that she needs to eat dinner she had skipped dinner so I know she's going
to be downstairs for a while so I made the conscious choice just do it get up
off your ass go downstairs greet her tell her you love her you're happy to
see her and sit down and eat dinner with her while you while you talk right like that's a commitment that I that I'm
making and I'm trying you know I don't always get that right none of us do but I'm trying to get to that level of this
serves her in a way that I know and she said later we talked about it we sit out in the hot tub most nights um and she
said later that night that made such a huge impact on my evening and on my
night and it was something so simple it took me 40 seconds and just the effort
of like the giant effort of standing up
right and and walking but I think that that's for me anyway that's kind of what commitment means uh in those different
scenarios yeah and that real being of service to the feminine being of service to your beloved um it's a great example
and so commitment commitment means I choose to
have no more Choice yeah walk through that with me yeah because it's a paradox yeah and as
The Power of Presence
you know the deeper you go on the journey you hit Paradox you hit mystery those sorts of things so the Paradox is
this and if we think about relationship for you know a lot of young men commitment phobia commitment fears you
know all of that cultural conversation the truth is this that when you fully commit to something
you're all in you choose to have no more Choice I'm fully in yeah now that might be you know
committed to your your your push-up challenge or it might be committed to your 12-month goals it might be
committed to your marriage it might be committed to your business but what happens is as soon as you commit to
something Kevin the fears have to come up all of the fears you know again if
you use your you know Fitness yeah I commit to the the push-up challenge yeah
and it's like oh yeah but I had a few drinks last night yeah I don't know if I'm going to do it today um or you know
the kids were sick and I didn't get much sleep what happens for most people is that these fears come come up and after
a while instead of questioning the fear what's the obstacle all about they
question their commitment and it's the same in marriage you know think about you know you've been together a long time yeah think of
all the times that you've question it you've doubted it you've you know had your bags packed wanting to get out yeah
they're all the life lessons that commitment provide you with yeah so the
fear isn't in the way the fear is the way it's the way to learn more about
yourself what do I have to deal with what do I have to overcome and and the Paradox of commitment so when you commit
to your beloved energetically I choose to have no more Choice the Paradox is of
course you have Choice yeah of course you can live yeah it's not that hard to stand up and get
in your car but what energetically you're actually saying is I have choice and I choose to fully be here with you
today this moment I choose to be here I choose to be here and and commitment is micro choices all the time I choose to
be here I choose to be here and the energy of that working with couples you know often work with men and then with
couples is most guys and correct me if I'm wrong Kevin particularly early you know that first sort of 10 years in your
marriage metaphorically most guys have your bag packed at the back door just in
case you got to leave there's a part of you that it's like oh if this gets too hard or this is the wrong one and and
the divorce rates prove it and I encourage anyone yet who's in a committed relationship is to unpack your
bag close the back door and lean in fully lean into your beloved fully lean
into your marriage your children because the energy shift is huge and The Feminine knows it like your wife the
other night the feminine goes wow this man is present and committed to me and
there's nothing more uplifting for the feminine than a man who's energetically fully there present committed and that's
the dance that's the Paradox does does that make sense yeah that's the fun right like that's the and and it's it's
crazy because you you know so much in our culture commitment you know it's the fear of commitment or if I commit to
this then I can't XYZ um when we first got married we were
Finding Meaning and Purpose
young 21 and 22 we didn't know Jack crap you know and and uh and so but we've
grown up together but when we first got married there W there was no you know we're both Evangelical Christians so we
had kind of our faith basis there but not from a a guilt or obligation but we
had made a decision that divorce is not an option it just so there were no you know
we never had bags packed because they would just sit there and GA do and we went early on in our marriage I leaned
into the corporate world and my success there and leaned into that because I was
afraid of my new child that I had and not knowing anything not knowing what to do I was afraid I had so many fears
about failure but then on the other side I had such success on the corporate world so I
leaned I leaned the wrong direction and I and I basically fell on my face that way and my my wife Michelle she
basically packed her bags and said hey um I'm here with my stuff packed if
you'd like to come home now we can work this out and and she you know she wasn't like I'm going to go file for divorce
papers but she want you know it made the point and and I completely turned my life around I I switched the commitment
and it's a long story but I essentially had to to tell my boss I was I was in the beginning of a startup company
during the darkom days and I was very successful and I had to go to my boss and say look I can't do any of this crap
anymore I need to be home with my family and here's what it needs to look like and uh side note in case you're
wondering whether your purpose is you know how these adjust I ended up getting a huge raise didn't have to travel
anymore more and I was traveling six days a week and actually got to I Got a
Blessing by being able to to make that commitment and get my you know kind of that have your cake and eat it too kind
of thing but all that to say if you're committing to the wrong side of to the
wrong things it has such an impact on your life and I cannot imagine what my life would be like my kids lives would
be like my wife's life would be like now um and it's allowed us to serve
throughout our marriage to help Mentor coach and teach them how to not do those
things and how to do them better yeah again beautiful beautiful story you know to illustrate and and you
know for any of the listeners if you want to know what you committed to yeah what's your
behavior and it's the same commitment can be very aligned with values yeah and going back to your
entrepreneurs you know a lot of those entrepreneurs aren't committed they're not fully in it's a nice idea but they're not
fully in because you know what it takes I know what it takes it's like you got to deal with all those fear Flags you're going to get knockback you're going to
get rejection you're going to have cash flow issues um and the thing with values is you know as you know and with your
belief system values are very important and most of them are subconscious for most people but if you want to know what
your values are again you know if I want to know what your values are just show me your calendar show me your diary for
the last month yeah that will you know like I a lot people I I I work with it's like I
really want to get fit I just don't go to the gym right it turns out that's kind of
important yeah exactly you know or I really want deeper relationships with my children I just don't have time and
again it's not right or wrong it's just not aligned you know as you know Integrity alignment with your commitment
and values it's like your behavior is telling you and the world what you value
most yeah and if you value corporate life yeah and you value that world
Cultivating Flow in Life
because in some ways it is a little bit easier because it's structured yeah then just be honest with
yourself instead of saying no I really value family I really value my health you know I value all these things yep
and and again it's just you know commitment values it's just a reflection point for the listeners to go and be you
know gently lovingly honest with yourself and just go yeah what's what is my behavior
demonstrating and true change Kevin as you know comes from inspiration or
desperation you know and unfortunately a lot of men you know we know what's going on with mental health we know what's
going on with physical health all of those issues a lot of men have isolated themselves haven't had mentors haven't
had fathers and it can get to the point of desperation when you would see it
with your clients where suddenly they realize they've got to make a radical shift particularly around their physical
health and their mental health my invitation to the listeners is be inspired be inspired by who you are you
know in the world be inspired by the work that's happening there and and just make small shifts you know in flow
States I work a lot with presence and flow you can cultivate flow in your life and it literally can be three or 4%
shift each day you you teach your clients this as well you know just those small shifts it doesn't have to be
radical can be but it doesn't have to be yeah just slowly moving the dial moving
the dial developing developing and you know eventually as you know getting it's
like people go to the gym three times and go it doesn't work for me good luck with that
yeah well and for me like even for people that work out all the time it's you know I work out quite often and uh I
have now henceforth decided to call the time between Amer you know we're in America American Thanksgiving and
American New Year um that I'm going to refer to that as bulking season from now
on um but not car loing right not but my
but my wife but my wife is a baker so I had actually reached one of the lowest body fat I was super lean super fit kind
of last summer and then I just I just kind of I'm a sugar aholic I love sugar
and so by having all this baking stuff around I gained probably 10 pounds it's not that big a deal I can take it back
off I'm already halfway there um you know just just making changes but it's
that it's that commitment like I know better but I wasn't fully committed over
the holidays to not take the steps that I knew were going to bite me in the ass later and it's a hell of a lot more
enjoyable to eat your way to 10 pounds up than to to than to cut your cut your
carbs and cut your you know protein and all that stuff in order to get th get those 10 backs but that's that's a
really interesting can can you so explain to me what this flow thing what
what flow and presence and all those I'm trying to uh because it's again it's not something that I really understand that
well I understand like these we would call them like baby steps like if you're not exercising now go take a walk if you
are exercising Now set a different goal like for yourself doing triathlons and Iron Man's and surfing every day and
those kind of things uh we've done a couple of marathons and a bunch of halves um and if you're like one of
those people and you've already done a marathon and your body can handle it you know do an Iron Man or a super marathon
or Ultra or whatever right like always take that next step to do something more as long as it fits within your goals but
I'm interested in like purpose and flow and how all that works together for your average
person yeah I mean you know presence is a foundational piece and you know one of
the one of the 12we programs I run is called from distraction to
presence you know because again in the Western World you know we have so much
Practicing Presence and Flow
stimulus our thinking mind 880,000 thoughts today most of them are negative so we've got this incredible
overload of stimulus and as you know when you're with with Michelle yeah you
know the difference when you're present and when you're not when you think thinking about it just happened to me I
actually I I'm thinking that I need to go apologize to her after this because she so I have my office and my my so
over to the right where I'm to my right is actually my workstation and it sits in the corner so when she comes in I can
either typically I choose to turn around and and I made the choice earlier to not
turn around and I actually said hey I just I'm right in the middle of this stuff but I could have taken 30 seconds
so to that point go go ahead I I I'm interrupted your thought but that's
that's like my True Confession moment right so and great demonstration again for the
listeners because this is what's going on all the time and the studies now are incredible you know there's a book by a
gentleman called Johan h r called stolen um stolen Focus yeah and what he what
he's done through the Neuroscience he says if you're in the middle of a task and you get an interruption a text
message or you know check an email or whatever it can take the brain up to the 23 minutes to
refocus yeah that's a long time it's it's a long time it's like we live with all these tabs open you think about your
laptop your computer with all these tabs that are open all the time and it's the least efficient way you to be productive
it's the way we're conditioned because there's so much going on and we've got to be busy and all of that so once we
start closing a few tabs and all I teach is some really simple practices 10 minutes five minutes a day can start to
close the tabs yeah start to really get your present yeah embodied presence yeah
like when you know the difference when you're doing a workout and you're not present and you are present yeah and
what a difference that makes to the workout to the to the value offered to your mindset and so that's all we're
doing we're bringing people into presence and interestingly you know the most attractive thing for the
feminine yeah is to be presenc by the masculine to be seen to be noticed to
because the feminine driver is connection yeah the masculine driver is freedom so the feminine is looking for
connection and they know when you're not present yeah they know it energetically emotionally yeah cognitively and when
you are and it's not present 24 hours a day it's like just that 30 minutes like you in the hot tub with your beloved
yeah it's like I'm fully present I'm here I'm listening I'm connected I'm in my body I'm not thinking about the
business I'm not thinking about the you know dogs or whatever it might be now what happens once you cultivate presence
so flow is presence in action okay yep and what we've what we've noticed in a
lot of the studies and you'd appreciate this as an athlete Is That Flow States
yeah in athletes in sport have been studied quite a lot because we know you
know when you're running a marathon when you're running a triathlon there's a place when you just get in the zone yeah that's flow you're not
thinking you're not you're resisting yep you're present it's almost effortless
it's like you know you've done the prep so you you don't have to concern yourself what's fascinating at working
with Elite a athletes is a lot of them can reach it in their sport but big part
what I teach them is how do I bring that into my life how do I cultivate that experience
in my life with my children with my beloved and that's what happens is the
more present you get the more you realize that you you know you can create flow in your
life and any entrepreneurs out there this is the way the fastest way to build your business yep every day when you
wake up Kevin there are two trains that leave your house yeah one is the resistance train one is the flow
train you know you can wake up kick your toe at the end of the bed and just have a bad day and start resisting you know
you resist I got to walk the dogs you resist I got to take the kids to school you resist that the cash flow isn't working in the business or you can wake
up in the day do your morning practice you know do your workout or whatever and get yourself present and in the Flow
State get your heart open and go I'm just going to meet today from this place of presence in flow I'm not going to
resist it doesn't mean I don't have challenges problem solving those sorts of things and you know as you know the
the speed of opportunity manifestation when you're in flow people show up opportunities show up clients show up
and so it really is and it's not difficult it's just we haven't been taught this does that make sense yeah can you
walk through that logistically I'm like a I'm like a very practical kind of thing so I understand I understand the
mindset of that right and you know and even in in my own businesses in my own life I I I'm I'm a weird guy my brain is
one of those brains that just literally never shuts off um which makes it a
challenge but my kids have always and my wife they're pretty sure I'm a robot I
just I was just I just I was born with an innate ability to do kind of you know
more processing per unit of time than some other people that doesn't make me better it just makes me different and
quite honestly I wouldn't recommend it you know spending much time inside this Noggin for for anybody else but how does
that kind of and so I I understand the mindset and the and all that but logistically because everything you just
described I'm like B you're talking about me you know this is you're you're pointing out my pointing out my internal
flaws and and all the things I struggle with but um walk us through that yeah so
again if you distill it and I'm sure with with your clients that you know who want to lean into their exercise you
know traditional cultures mostly the Neuroscience the physical science shows that a morning
Slowing Down the Mind
practice Yeah amplifies yeah your day yeah and obviously people who are busy
you can do your exercise at different times but if you imagine each day and this is one of the things I support my
clients with you know and this you know win the morning win the day all of that great work that's out there so if you
start the day with some time yep for contemplation for reflection for prayer
for Stillness yeah and and move into your exercise whatever it might be you
know your workout your your run your walk what happens is you're already
starting to settle and get more in your body yeah because this busy mind and as
you say you've been able to use yours as a tool yeah so that my wife my wife says
I'm the tool but I'm not sure if that's the same thing um I've heard
that um so the thinking mind is a fantastic servant it's a terrible Master
right and that's what we're wanting we wanted to master you know as well as much as you master your physical
wellness it's mastering this beautiful tool we have called The Thinking mind and the way to do that is you just got
to just got to slow it down a little bit get a bit present that's why one of the first things I say to clients is if you
can get to Nature get to the park you know like you know in Montana when on a nice day when you're out in the
mountains you know that feeling is that's present it's like I'm fully present
there's energetically yeah when we connect with nature that's our Natural State and so then what happens is and
there's plenty of um literature about how to organize your day but from the inside
out a lot of people it's it's a the example I use it's a bit like there's two Wood Choppers yeah and they're going
into the forest in the morning yeah and there's a lot of trees you know Plantation recycled you know all
environmentally healthy [Laughter] trees and and they they got a busy day
think about your day yeah and they both go there they've got their Axe and one of the guys goes okay I gotta go I got a
lot of chopping to do chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop the other guy yeah he goes absolutely and every hour
he stops yep and he has a drink of water does a few stretches sharpens his axe
and then goes again so who do you think Kevin actually cuts down more trees yeah
the guy the second guy the one that has a sharper axe exactly exactly and our mind and our emotional state is our
axe y if you're just doing doing doing doing busy busy busy doing here's my to-do list Tabs are open interruptions
you may feel like you're super productive yeah but if you look at the other wood Chopper it's counter
conditioning because it's like hang on he's having a break every hour and doing closing his eyes for five minutes or you
know walking instead of sitting on his stool all day and and so that's all we're talking about is sharpening your
ax yeah your mental ax your physical ax your emotional ax and you will be more productive and it's not that difficult
it's just a paradigm shift does that kind of give you territory yeah yeah for sure I'm I'm
kind of a nap guy but I let my body tell me if I if I need a nap like I literally I'll sit in my chair and working on
Creating Stillness and Sharpening the Mind
something and my brain just says hey it's time to it's time to recharge and so and I'm one of those if I'm not
asleep in 60 to 90 seconds I'm not going to sleep so it's just like I I joke and there's a little guy that has an onoff
switch that you know turns it on and turn turns it off so when I lay down I know but then I'm up in 15 to 18 minutes
I'm ready to go and and you know fin finish up the day but I imagine so when
as you're describing this morning practice I kind of had this this vision of you um you know that that scene where
the sun's coming up I don't know where you surf is the sun is the are you Facing East all right so you're you're
in the East that sun's coming up you know you're sitting out on the board both feet over the board and the Still
Water and just really reflecting on what you're doing and in my vision you're super ripped just just so you know
but I'm not doing too bad but I I wouldn't say super ripped but that that kind of that kind
of imagery is something that came to mind for me because that is to me it's that you know it's that Stillness and
listening to the Stillness and listening to you know there's a biblical term that that calls listening to the that still
Small Voice and and in that it's you know you mentioned prayer and in that instance that biblical that Bible verse
is talking about listening to the voice of God and and really getting that connection with God but if that's not
your your slant and you know you're getting in touch with nature or the universe or whatever you happen to call it um when I try I love the I love the
ocean I'm jealous that you get to go to the ocean every day but I also love the
mountains so in the summertime like you described we we go on really hard hikes that are super steep but then
when we get to the top of the of you know we do switchbacks and we'll get to different sections and we just stop and
look over the valley you know we're we're eight n th000 feet high you know
we're out of breath but then just to take in that Majesty of what it what we're looking at especially is just that
that Stillness but there's some really practical stuff you can do right like if you can't you know if you can't go out
to the ocean and Surf and do all that stuff I do treadmill I actually sit in a little uh infrared sauna that I have
I'll I'll do cold plunge which is not you know can be reflected but it's also painful um but all all of these things
and taking walks in the summertime and so it's it's just figuring out I Journal a little bit and set kind of my task for
the day but it's all those little things right that so you have to figure out how to what's the best way to figure out
what works for you just fake it till you make it kind of thing yeah it's a good
point and you know that again the the saying of know thyself you know what what you're really
wanting to do is cultivate that relationship with yourself and so yeah the fake it till
you make it the the thing is one is if you're
committed to this yeah then it is a little bit of trying different things
you know what works for you the gym or home gym or sauna or yoga
yet the commitment is the key you're not shopping around you you see guys who do you know two weeks at the gym and go
that's not for me and then they do two week cycling and but they're not actually committed right yeah to really
you know having a closer relationship with themselves through their physical body their emotional body their mental
body and one of the simplest things and I think it was um I think it's Joe despenza who talks about it y um you
know the one way to slow the mind and train the mind is to train the body to just sit
still now for a lot of the listeners they're going to be like w that's super hard like that's exactly exactly yeah
and if you think about it it's actually physically so simple like if you get up in the morning
and you basically find a chair somewhere in your apartment or your house with no
phone no distractions and see if you can just sit
for five minutes and your monkey mind your ego
mind will kick and scream and I've got to do this and I've got to check my phone and what about this and what about that but it will start to slow down yeah
these 80,000 thoughts today it's like slowing a fast train down you don't jump in front of it and go stop right you
just got to lovingly gently start to slow it down so it's a really simple and
challenging process yet if you think about it I would say most listeners would have five
minutes where they could find somewhere to sit um and it's it's a GameChanger
because suddenly you start to go oh all of these thoughts are running my life
yeah and I say I want to get fit but I don't go to the gym and I say I love my wife but I'm doing you know 12 hours a
day so you start to notice and get connected with the deeper part of yourself yeah I I would guess that first
day of five minutes is could be torturous for some of us I've actually
been practicing I was listening to a podcast the other day and they talked about not getting on any kind of social
media for the first 90 minutes of your day yeah and it's a great practice I've
been working on it and also change my nighttime routine from a sleep standpoint you know lowering the lights
red lights blue blocking lights and all that stuff um but that that influx of
all that BS that the world is trying to serve us and trying to put into our
brain like just keep that out because at first thing in the morning literally that sets the tone for your brain for
the entire day um exact I think that's great just to just I love the idea of just sitting that's my my my friend does
that every morning for about a half an hour and just kind of sits he can he can see the sun come up in his in his house
and you know it's just I I need to practice more of that because my tendency is to get in the sauna and I'm
thinking about things and I'm thinking about what I have to do and all that stuff and so I need to again it's a mindset shift to really slow my brain
down which is it is a little bit like slowing down a runaway train um you know
so that that's a that's a good practice to do for sure yeah and any of the listeners if you've got a a park nearby
you know some some green space you know obviously don't all live in the mountains um you know sitting still in
your in your apartment or your house is a good start if you can you know get to the park and just taking a few breaths
you know these are just simple things and it's interesting because if you think about particularly as men like
when we meet the world when we get triggered by the world or when we get challenged by the world normally there
are three responses that um come up for us as men
Overcoming Reactivity, Distraction, and Repression
so one will be we'll we'll react y we'll react we'll want to blame
we get angry we want to you know the someone cut us off in the traffic or you know the kids aren't listening yeah the
second is we distract yeah and that's all we're doing with social media we want to distract
ourselves from the moment we react we distract or we repress yeah and a lot of the listeners
out there you know what it's like when you're repressing you kind of you collapse it's like I can't meet this
challenge I'm just going to go within yeah but you're not actually dealing with it you're repressing it and so for
me particularly this distraction which is so you know one of the big things when I work with couples the wives say
to me can you just get him off the phone just you know like come home from
work and they just you know it's a generalization it's like just go scrolling for 40 minutes on the phone
that's distraction from the moment and so for any of the listeners if you really want to live life fully
which is what purpose is all about yeah then it's about noticing yet
what your patterns are particularly distraction and when I talk about purpose you asked the question earlier
so purpose the reason particularly for men we're so interested in purpose is
we're trying to find meaning in our life yeah and you have your faith which
obviously provides you with a lot of meaning yeah and a lot of purpose the reason we want to find
meaning is our deepest desire is to fully experience
life yeah we want to we want to fully live this life yeah all of it the
feelings the messiness The Joy yeah and that again comes from the inside out a
lot of people say do what brings your joy what I say is bring joy to what you do you know bring joy because it you can
cultivate it from the inside out again if you get to know yourself you can bring joy as entrepreneurs I often talk
about the 8020 rule so the the 8020 rule in business is the most successful
Bringing Joy to What You Do
entrepreneurs spend 80% of their time with their superpowers their gifts where they add
the most value to their business and there's 20% of the time where there's stuff you got to do right but most
business owners it's the other way around they're spending 80% of their time in the staff chasing their tail
chopping chopping with a blunt axe yep and only 20% where they add the most
value whatever your superpowers are whatever your gifts are and so if you can start to notice that
and realize even for yourself correct me if I'm wrong there's you know there's 20% of the time where you've got to do
the invoicing or you've got to do the followup you can resist that and push it
off and avoid it and procrastinate or just go it's part of
business bring bring joy to the invoicing bring joy to the followup
cultivate it from the inside you'll be amazed those simple again those little moves like notice where you're resisting
as an entrepreneur or business owner and go this is just part of building a business you can't build a business without doing invoices right and if
you're if you're early on in your business you probably don't have the resources to have a
team does that make sense can you see how you can bring your energy to it instead of resisting it right and I
think that that's important because that same that same philosophy or ideology Works in marriage and relationships and
Applying the 80-20 Rule to Life
how you serve your community and how you serve yourself that 8020 rule is not you know it's not just for business right
it's it's those things that have to be I I I've used this term many times but it's the halfto versus the get toos and
so our Our Lives can be so filled with hat half toos and like by our own design
right like I you know I look around the yard and I'm like oh I got to do this this and this and this and my project hasn't been done or whatever versus I'd
love to go take a hike with my wife this morning instead of doing yard work right like those are that's a get to versus a
half to and really practicing in in that relationship and just in my own
enjoyment of force almost forcing myself to do the things that I actually want to
do which sounds really stupid and counterintuitive but it's almost like you have to force yourself to do the
things that you want to do yeah and it really is again it's you have that awareness you know you've got
a relationship with your choices one of the biggest shifts early on in the journey is a lot of people feel they
The Shift from Victim Mentality to Choice
don't have choice you know that victim mentality yeah it's that you know that
blame and that judgment I can't because I've got to do this for the wife I can't because I got to do this for the boss
and if you're in that victim yet mentality again it's not right or wrong
it's just exhausting it's not sustainable you know and one of the first places when you
start to notice the thinking mind as you realize I always have
Choice yeah you do have choice you have to you know you know whatever whatever
is in front of you and one of the things to know for all the listeners is when you look at the world there's only two
things you're ever going to see the way you want it to be or the way you think it should be and as soon as you go into
the shoulds yeah as soon as you go into trying to control the external World good
luck yeah you it's about accepting you know accepting this is the
way it is and I have Choice what do I choose now do I choose to you know keep leaning into my business do I choose to have a
conversation with my wife do I choose and so you know that subtle shift
because so many people try and control the external world if only the Mother-in-law would change yeah this
Christ This Christmas she's gonna change yeah I've just got to you know I just got to get her show up differently it's
like to change her entire personality for a one day right like exactly exactly
you know and we put so much energy into that that and so much self judgment and Judgment of other and blame and
resistance instead of going okay my mother-in-law is my mother-in-law yeah I have Choice here I
have Choice how much time I want to spend with her I have Choice how I respond to her you know Jud feedback how
Acceptance and Choice in Relationships
exactly exactly it's it's it's Common Sense yet it's a big shift for people just to know you actually always have
Choice it doesn't feel that way sometimes well and I've been using this phrase a lot um and telling the story so
if you've heard the podcast very many times you probably hear it again but there's this song in Christian music
that he says Dear younger me it's not your fault and I hate that song I hate that line the the song's good that line
is really stupid because I think to myself it probably is your fault almost 99% of the things that are
happening in your life right now are as a result of the decisions the actions
and the thoughts that you've had and things that you've done right and so but I say that and then I and then I
contrast it with the good news is is if it's your fault you're in control of
changing it and to and to facilitate change in the situation if it's not your fault and you're a victim which don't
get me wrong I do know that there I'm not an idiot there are situations when things happen to people that are beyond
their control ultimately um you know and but if it's your fault you can actually
change it my kids joke with me so when they call Mom they want encouragement
they want to be built up and all that and and both of the both them I have girls that are 26 and 24 and um and they
both call me for what we call Dad I need these stop being a little [ __ ]
talk and all that and what that means is hey you just need to do the things that
you already know that you're supposed to be doing because you you know school is not piling up on you because it just
that you have too much work school is piling up on you because you're not doing your homework and you're watching Netflix or playing on your phone you
know you have bad finances because you buy stuff you can't afford you know your car looks like crap because you won't go
clean it you know all these different things and so it comes down to that you know stop being a little [ __ ] and I
actually I actually talk about that with my own in my ownself to say hey this is you just need to do this and guess what
what's happening to you right now is as a result of the decision you made last week yeah yeah and again back to that
commitment um the other piece you know it it's not my fault or it is my fault
Taking Responsibility for Change
you know and it's it you know if you think about your journey of you know really loving
yourself and getting to know yourself one of the fundamental teachings of Christ is forgiveness yeah and self forgiveness so
forgiveness is to give up the judgment yeah to forgive Y and love is
forgiving and so any of the listeners who you know we've made mistakes yeah we've been inappropriate there's guilt
there's shame yet the the the way to move through that is to
fundamentally give up the self- Judgment acknowledge it recognize it yeah but if
you keep beating yourself up keep whacking yourself with it yeah then you're just going to stay in that place
that look of self-judgment self-critic victim and so it just reminded me of the
The Power of Self-Forgiveness
power of forgiving ourselves for the mistakes we've made acknowledging those feelings of guilt and shame and fear and
realizing we have choice we are the author of our life as men yeah what life
do you want to lead so just just reminding me I think that's a a nice little hook for people yeah I really
like that because you know with your example with with the Forgiveness of Christ there was was no judgment
attached to that and I think what's what's hard for us as people is that we always you know there's this whole
phrase right forgive but don't forget it's like no it's actually okay to forget you know you know it's okay to
forgive someone completely and that's the teaching of you know every forgiveness if you look from a Biblical
standpoint you know the woman at the well who had been married five times and was with a guy that wasn't her current
husband the prostitute in the square and all of these people that he that forgave
and this isn't you know we're not prizing or anything like this it's just a great example whether you believe in
in this or not but like that idea of forgiving with no judgment for other
people and for yourself I think is great someone explained the difference between guilt and shame to me shame is guilt is
something where you look at something that you've done and you want to change it shame actually says this is something
that's wrong for about me the the shame is an internal this is actually something is wrong with me and so that's
the difference so you can use guilt to say okay well I did that thing that was
wrong and I can fix that versus somehow shame is one of those things where you actually believe that this is something
wrong with yourself but I love the idea of of the Forgiveness without without the Judgment for sure yeah and it's see
again it's for giving giving up the judgment and yeah the shame guilt stuff guilt shame is you know it's like all
the things we've we've hidden in the cupboard Under the Stairs the parts of us that we've repressed and suppressed
and and as you say from that and I love that distinction is fundamentally I'm
wrong yeah yeah I'm I'm bad Y and yeah
guilt guilt the the reason we set up guilt is somewhere between our ears think about it for yourself Kevin is
there's the perfect Kevin you know the way you'd show up as a husband as a father as a as a business signer and
then sometimes you look in the mirror and go Ah that's not the perfect who the
hell is that g exactly and as soon as you as soon as you judge yourself
between the illusion of the perfect Kevin and the current reality that's where the guilt kicks
in yeah because the perfect Kevin wouldn't have said that the perfect Kevin wouldn't you know would have done
a workout the perfect Kevin wouldn't have said that to the Mother-in-law whatever it might be and so yeah it's
that again it's that Judgment of self as opposed to just acceptance and
going okay I'm at a mistake what do I choose now yeah I um I wrote down a note
here because this is something that's Central in all of your messaging and it's the name of your podcast and all that can you kind of Define what true
Freedom what this idea of true Freedom actually means and you kind of alluded it alluded to it early but I want to
Defining True Freedom
just revisit that and and so we can and I think this is a good place to kind of circle back and and bring this this all
all into one place yeah beautiful yeah the podcast is called true freedom for any of the listeners it's on all the
usual podcast Outlets so the two parts to Freedom yeah so again remember most
of us men it's essential driver the holy grow for us is freedom yeah that's what we're looking
for but most of us look outside ourselves particularly as young men in our 20s yeah we're searching you know we
go looking for it you know we again we go to India we go on a surf troop we you know we're looking for this elusive Holy
Grail until one day we wake up and go ah it was on the bedside table all along
right and that's when we start to do a bit of the inner inquiry bit of the self-reflection so the two key parts to
freedom and Christ taught this well is the first is freedom from
Freedom from Suffering
suffering so there's a difference between pain and suffering yeah so life is full of
painful experiences MH yeah but suffering is when we hang on to them
when we attach to them yeah we or we push away from them so the first um key
part of true freedom is how do I let go of the suffering yeah the second is that true
freedom is our natural state so if you think about your daughters when they were born what did you see Kevin what
Reconnecting with Natural State
did you experience when they were born yeah just that true love and intimacy and and just that like oh I can't
believe first of all I'm scared because I can't believe I'm responsible for this thing but just that like there there was
no there's almost like no thought process involved in in the love aspect
that you have for that child right like it's so natural and innate that it's not
like oh I now have to make a decision to love this child it's I just I just was
and I just did yeah exactly and did you see the innocence and love in that being yeah
100% yeah and that's in all of us I can see that in you Christ saw it
in everyone yeah that's what he taught our inate natural state is love and
innocence and it's been conditioned yeah it's been you know through our journey through our life through our childhood
but true freedom is remembering and reconnecting with that so if you can let go of the suffering and the resistance
to life and reconnect with your natural state of love and innocence as Christ
taught it's liberating freedom is Liberation yeah that's the journey that's the hero's journey and then we
can serve truly serve as Christ taught yeah bring out gifts bring our superpowers but not from the ego from
our Essence yeah and to be able to make those connections and you know altruism
or whatever and why do you think that so many men especi men especially why do
you think so many men can't do that right like it it's just it's it's it's
just like they don't they either don't know how they don't have the motivation their victim mentality is like maybe
that's all of those things but like it just seems like that most men are just
The Challenge for Men to Seek Help
lost I was talking to a person on an earlier podcast and I said hey I I look at my life and I'm content like I love
my life there are things about my life that I could do better or challenges I meet and all that kind of stuff but I
don't I don't have this deep longing to change everything or to change just a
majority of like I'm I'm a happy person I talk about I talked about my bucket
list and how I keep having to add new things to my bucket list because I keep doing all the things on my list and but
and I you know I truly want and that's one of the reasons and the motivations we started maxed out man was that I want
to teach other men how to feel that right why do you think so many men just
are are having such a difficult time you know I kind of have my own opinion but I'm I'm interested in yours absolutely
and the question I'd ask you Kevin then is who was the significant person in your life that saw you that encouraged
you that called you a part obviously your wife Michelle but was there anyone else like because often that's part of
the thread for men like yourself who found this place was there you know the only this is this is going to sound
really religious but in in my case like I grew up I started raising myself at seven my mom was drug addict she's a
alcoholic she would disappear for days at a time I was I had no adult supervision for like a week to two weeks
at a time um my dad my dad is not a strong Father Figure um and so I really
didn't have anybody to teach me those things I and and if I look back on my
life I actually think that you know God kind of looked down and thumped me on the forehead and said hey here's I'm
gonna I'm gonna give you these gifts and this mind and this heart and you continue to pursue these things you're
going to screw it up all over the place but here's some of the you know and and so like that's that again it sounds kind
of religious but I really feel like that that was my and I'm not talking about like oh I read my Bible for 60 minutes a
day and therefore I learned all these things about Christ and I made these decisions it's it's trial and error and
it's I always talk about taking the you know an entrepreneurial approach to life to where you try things you fail you try
those things again you make adjustments and and so that in my case and I you
know I don't wish that on anybody but in my case there actually wasn't one of those people so I hate to ruin your
answer but that was like in my case there really yeah what I'm hearing though is
that and it's similar journey to myself um what I'm hearing though is there was a willingness in you to inquire to
explore to ask for help to be to be vulnerable was that was that how you
cultivated in develop yeah and that's the point that to answer your question that's the point what I noticed with
most men even had it with a client recently somehow particularly in our
conditioning and culture and there are many threads to answer your question but one of the biggest things is we've been
conditioned that I don't feel like okay to ask for help I don't feel safe to ask
for help I've got to figure this out myself I'm supposed to have my [ __ ] sorted Y and you know this client who
was aware had done you know a lot of work on himself and he was in a bit of financial challenge with his business
and he said I just found it so hard to just ask for help and so of all the layers to answer
your question I think there's a there's a fundamental piece in a lot of men
we think we've got to have our stuff sorted we think we've got to have this mask of you know having it together we
think we've got to have all the answers for our wife for our kids you know and like your journey from a little boy
there was a part of you that knew you didn't have it all sorted you had to ask for help you had to learn you had to
inquire and and I think for any of the listeners that's one of the key
shifts yeah it's just to notice where you resist just asking for help who are
the men in your life you know who are the friends who are the mentors you know who's the the faith-based organization
that you're with or that you know but and I think so why so that that I would
say is a key thread why are we afraid to ask for help if you think about in in a
generalization the story we were told as little boys yep you know and all of the studies
now around that you know we were just taught that you know the the the expression of man up you know that we
were just taught that you got to have rub some dirt in it yeah you know like and that conditioning and that sort of
cultural um inability to ask for help yeah and you know the vulnerability
that comes with that and think about all of your the sporting analogies particularly in the US you think about
all that you know you got to man up you got to step up you got to you know deal with it the truth is we we all need help
at times we need a teacher we need a a friend we need a you know a guide you
know those sorts of things so I really think that's one of the fundamental shifts you is that ability to you know
just find you know particularly other men see if there's other men that you can just just talk to me what I want to
learn more about being a father I want to learn more about my business I want to learn more about my physical health
you know and we do it in some areas like physical health is a great area you'll see a lot of men who go yeah I want to
learn about getting fit I want to learn how to lift weights yeah I'll hire a personal trainer right yeah so yeah yeah
yeah if we could apply that to some of the other areas of our life and not think we got to have it all sorted that's a game changer yeah and it's you
know it's it's good because I've seen and you've seen this over the last 10 to 20 years right this idea of coaching and
group coaching and mentoring and all that especially in the men's space I think is becoming a safer space for that
we had a we had a three-day Workshop a couple of weeks ago that were 90 minutes each day and I frankly was amazed at the
stuff that these guys would share with perfect strangers that they literally
have not even said hello to on a webinar you know they're talking about their sex
addictions and the the stuff that's going on with their their marriage and how they're on the verge of divorcing
their wives even though they love them and you know things that they're dealing with with their emotional state and all
that like you know it if you don't have someone in your life to do that look for
coaching mentor touring and all that and sometimes it's paid and sometimes it's free and you know however that works
look look for that exposure um but I think that's a I think that's yeah I
think being open and honest and vulnerable and asking for help and the irony is always like if you know and
you've probably seen a cartoon or a meme or something where the guy's standing in quicksand and sinking and you know hey
it's you know I I don't need any help and you're down to your knees and I still don't need any help I can take
care of this myself and all of a sudden they're you know they're they're they're dead right they're they're completely
under the crck sand we would never allow that Mo most people would never allow
that to happen yet you can figuratively spiritually and emotionally allow that to happen to yourself as a as a man
especially all of us do it but it's like why we why we can't make that connection
between those two actions is um is something we all need to work on I
think and the point you mentioned is I don't think men aren't willing to be
vulnerable I think men need to feel safe to be vulnerable correct right 100% And
that's and that's the challenge and often that comes by being held and witnessed by other strong men yes yeah
like like your webinar like when we get together as men and I run you know group programs around the world when men are
witnessed and held Yeah by other men this is how we learn in traditional cultures around the campfire with men
right yeah then I feel safe I feel safe to share I feel safe to be vulnerable yeah and we
all did it as a tribe you know the Lone Wolf you know the heroes the hero in the movies The Lone Hero yeah it's actually
not the way it occurred it was always in tribe it was always in support the hero always had a mentor always had his
support team you know so yeah it's that that vulnerabil there find a place where
you feel safe I love it I love it well any other last parting advice for these men that
we're having an opportunity to reach into right now well remember inspiration or
desperation love that and part of part of you know your work my work is to inspire the listeners yeah and just to
Inspiration and Taking Action
make a move just make a move whether it's sitting silently for five minutes whether it's reaching out to a friend or
a mentor getting a coach yeah getting to know yourself going into nature and you
know we've got the the free course that I've that I've got here um
1:09:26 minicourse decom and it's all about freedom and flow so if anyone's
called to this yeah you can get the course it teaches you some practices it gives you some of the distinctions and
at the end of the course there's an opportunity if anyone wants to reach out and just book a call if this is calling you if you you want an alignment call to
see where you're at who could I get support from you know reach out to myself reach out to you I'm sure because
you know our mission you talk a lot about Mission you know my mission is to support men to remember their
magnificence I love it I love first of all good domain name I love that I also love the fact that you refer to your
wife as your beloved that's amazing I call mine mine has two names either um
either my smoke show hot wife which is how she's in my phone um or my bride
I've Al I've I typically even in you know I do it on these podcast refer to as my wife but I almost always refer to
as my bride because that's the way that's that cherished moment when she's
walking down the aisle and I tried to remember that she was my bride and she she willingly gave herself to me for the
rest of my life and so that's the that language and I I I just I love the way that you say beloved I'll put those show
notes those those in the show notes um I really appreciate you coming on board if you want to if you want to find out more
about um max outman go to max out like I said before we're on all the social medias just search for max
out man make sure you pick up uh and check out some of these other episode as well and I know the freedom uh true
Freedom podcast we'll put some links to that as well bod has that and just check out what he's got going on I love I love
the idea of getting a free little mini course you can look at that learn about flow um and everything that we talked
about here today so bod I really appreciate you man I'll have to um I'm not a surfer I've tried a couple of
times but I'll have to I'll have to come down under and uh let you teach out of surf and we can sit out there like we're
on Point Break the movie and you know and look in look into the sunrise so I
appreciate you man yeah I appreciate you thank you and all the listeners yeah um
yeah it's been lovely to connect Kevin if you're looking to really maximize your life and become the man you were
made to be head over to maxed out and get your journey started
[Music] today